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Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


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Morrowind and Oblivion also had some redundant lines. I've always considered that to be the tradeoff between a Bioware and a Bethesda(or in this case, Obsidian) game. New Vegas is less cinematic, and much larger than most Bioware games. However, Bioware has more variety in NPCs and character development(Think Fallout 3 Vs. Dragon Age Origins, or NWN vs. Morrowind).
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"This guy right here, this is the GUY!"


"I heard some people were attacked last night."


"Profligates like you belong on a CROSS!"


"Find yourself a girl, or a guy, and have some fun."


"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a Nuclear winter."


"We won't go quietly, the Legion can count on that."


"This guy right here, heard that patrolling the Mojave almost made some profligates wish for a girl, or a guy last night, the Legion can count on that. "


Ultimately, it all become one large bled-together amalgam of in-jokes. Ring-a-ding-ding, baby!

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