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Nexus wiki


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Recently I've been working in the background on getting an acceptable Wiki in place for use on the sites. As much as the article database integrates in to the sites they're limited in their functionality, especially when it comes to articles that are relevant to more than one site (such as help with the Nexus sites, or certain modding techniques applicable to the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series).


The Nexus Wiki is a simple Wiki set up to replace the article database on the sites and provide a more central area for helpful articles and tutorials to do with the Nexus sites, the games and modding in general. The mission statement is in no way to attempt to replace any popular community wiki's (such as the UESP or the official SDK wiki's for the various games). It's designed to share information on making modding easier and provide tutorials and help for people struggling to install modifications or use the sites. MediaWiki as a platform is far more versatile than the article database ever would have been so it makes sense to do this switch.


The Wiki login system uses your Nexus username and password so you won't need to sign up again. Once logged in you can create new pages and edit current ones as you would any other wiki. Normal wiki etiquette applies and remember; everything is logged and vandalism will be handled and moderated as it would on any other section of the site (with a swift strike of the ban hammer).


The articles and tutorials in the Wiki are sparse right now and each article and tutorial of worth needs to be manually added to the Wiki from the old article database and rearranged to fit the Wiki template. It's a time consuming process that I've been working on when I can but I could definitely use some help.


As an added incentive for any budding wiki users I will be running a lottery on the Wiki from now until the end of the (soon to be announced) 2.5 millionth member competition. For every new helpful article or tutorial added to the Wiki your account will be entered in to a lottery draw to win a $100 Amazon gift voucher (or an amount of same worth in your own currency). If you write 10 helpful articles or tutorials you get 10 tickets. The draw will take place once the 2.5 million member mark is reached, so hop to it!


I will keep the article database on the sites in their current location (e.g. http://www.tesnexus.com/articles/ for the TESNexus article database) until I am satisfied all the articles currently in the database have been transferred over to the new Wiki.

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This is a great step forward, and will be an immense improvement on the 'articles' section. Thank you, Dark0ne, and well done.
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A very good idea for tutorials to be found in one place where you could send folk to who wish to know more about a certain aspect of gaming...in my case screen shooting.. I usually send folk to Lhammonds profile but this would be easier assuming they all get put there :)
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Cheers for the color scheme. Wikipedia hurts my eyes.


So this is for the subject of modding, not for mods, correct? We shouldn't be seeing pages for individual mod information here, unless maybe it's a useful utility.

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FYI - I won't be participating in the Amazon lottery since it wouldn't be very fair. ;)


Examples of things that don't belong on the wiki:

  • RELz notifications for mods...use the forums for that.
  • "Help me" topics where you are asking HOW to do something. Please use the forums to get help on subjects not covered in the wiki.
  • hmmm...mind has gone blank...rebooting.



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