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Left-Wing, Right-wing, or Central?


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It's a simple fact this is all just another political witch hunt for Hilary. If it wasn't the emails the hard right would still be talking about Benghazi or be make up something else...


It must be hard to see the the truth after drinking the uber liberal "Kool Aid'..too bad that over 53% of the electorate see her as not trustworthy, over 50% don't believe her excuses. In Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio ( all critical must have states) her numbers are slipping away....just like her dreams of of the WH.

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It must be hard to see the the truth after drinking the uber liberal "Kool Aid'..


If that is what you are calling it then the "Kool Aid" taste a lot better then the Conservative Crap they force down the throats on the right.




In Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio ( all critical must have states) her numbers are slipping away....


Well like Trump says "I only go by the polls!" even though poll numbers are meaningless at this point in the cycle, last time i checked according to the polls Clinton's numbers still beats everyone else running in the Republican party.

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If that is what you are calling it then the "Kool Aid" taste a lot better then the Conservative Crap they force down the throats on the right.


First sign of desperation....(chuckles). I know you would prefer some 'vast right wing conspiracy'..but it's federal judges and the IG that are bringing daylight into the murk of the Clinton's actions. It wasn't her prerogative to destroy public records. It's never the initial crime, it's the cover up that sinks politicians. FYI..I never mentioned whom I prefer for the GOP nomination ( since I'm currently still making up my mind) so picking on Trump is a waste of troll bait.

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First sign of desperation....(chuckles). I know you would prefer some 'vast right wing conspiracy'..but it's federal judges and the IG that are bringing daylight into the murk of the Clinton's actions.


Clinton's actions? What is unclear about Clinton not under federal investigation that you don't understand? Seriously You talk about desperation yet you haven't given one good argument in rebuttal to any of my comments in reply. Upholding any of your accusation by pivot off the actual argument that you even start. Derogatory commentating on someones reply is a fail when you don't leave any substance.




It wasn't her prerogative to destroy public records. It's never the initial crime, it's the cover up that sinks politicians.


Destroy public records? You are trying hard to insert she deliberately did something wrong when there is no evidence that she has done so. It was her private emails. It's totally her prerogative to delete personal emails... talk about vast right wing conspiracy... Not like FBI can't reconstruct deleted data anyways. She willingly handed over her server. There is no evidence of any ill intent on her behalf. it's pretty obvious you just want to see her burn no matter what........




FYI..I never mentioned whom I prefer for the GOP nomination ( since I'm currently still making up my mind) so picking on Trump is a waste of troll bait.


Wasn't trying to troll bait you Aurielius, relax. I just feel sorry for the GOP. Trump is just a complete clown in my opinion.

Edited by colourwheel
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Truh-trump-trump-TRUUUUMP! :woot:

Speaking of The Donald, his rally in Alabama is the top record holder for rally attendence so far. He just topped Sanders 28,000 with 33,000. Clinton is lucky to get 300. That's why the cameras never show the crowd during her rallies, no one is there. It's just her and a microphone, and roaring silence interspersed with crickets chirping and a smattering of applause once she shuts the hell up.


As far as Hillary and her email scandal goes, nothing she had on her servers was State sensitive. The emails didn't get rated because she didn't let anyone classify them. To do that someone in the State Department would have to read them and make the determination for classified, top secret, etc. Something else to consider is the Government Service number required to read her emails. When she surrendered them to people outside of Government Service parameters she violated the law. Her attorney has two thumb drives (not one, like she lied about) and the "mom and pop" server providers aren't GS rated. And there is already PROOF Hillary emailed Sidney Blumenthal sensitive information. If being arrogantly incompetent was a crime, Hillary would get lethal injection.

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Truh-trump-trump-TRUUUUMP! :woot:

Speaking of The Donald, his rally in Alabama is the top record holder for rally attendence so far. He just topped Sanders 28,000 with 33,000. Clinton is lucky to get 300. That's why the cameras never show the crowd during her rallies, no one is there. It's just her and a microphone, and roaring silence interspersed with crickets chirping and a smattering of applause once she shuts the hell up.


For the record it was 30,000 not 33,000 and still I question how accurate that number really was although I could really care less. Still a big crowd I will give Trump credit for that. But the huge difference between Sanders and Trump is Sanders Support is totally organic... Sanders doesn't do some publicity stunt to see how many people can show up. :laugh: Trump had to ask people to RSVP and he still didn't fill half the stadium. Sorry if you hold a rally in a stadium that is suppose to fill over 40,000 people especially when you request an RSVP, and only half of the stadium gets filled, it will always look empty from far away. :laugh:






As far as Hillary and her email scandal goes, nothing she had on her servers was State sensitive. The emails didn't get rated because she didn't let anyone classify them. To do that someone in the State Department would have to read them and make the determination for classified, top secret, etc. Something else to consider is the Government Service number required to read her emails. When she surrendered them to people outside of Government Service parameters she violated the law. Her attorney has two thumb drives (not one, like she lied about) and the "mom and pop" server providers aren't GS rated. And there is already PROOF Hillary emailed Sidney Blumenthal sensitive information. If being arrogantly incompetent was a crime, Hillary would get lethal injection.


OMG how could anyone be so blind!!! WursWaldo seems to have all the answers right here... If this is the case the scandal is over and done thanks to WursWaldo. Charge her with a freak-en crime and be done with it, if it's that simple... :laugh:Ya also have the hard right start chanting death penalty to Hilary Clinton and see how that works out too... :laugh:

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Well, it's already apparent that Hilary hasn't been as honest about the whole deal as she claims. (and has sworn to....) At this point, no, no charges have been filed, because the investigation is still ongoing. "Missing" emails from the record Hilary turned over, are still coming to light, so, the committee still doesn't have a complete picture of what all went down. Are the republicans simply dragging out the investigation, in hopes of a nice bomb to drop further into the election cycle? Entirely possible. Are the republicans in trouble due to the fact that The Donald is the most viable candidate they currently have? Undoubtedly. Is either party going to do a damn thing to help america? Highly doubtful. Is whoever gets elected going to do their damndest to make sure they leave some variety of 'legacy', be it good or bad? Yep. Do I expect the next adminsistration to be any more effective than the last four? Nope. Not at all. American government has become a beast with many heads, all of which are hungry, and all of which want dollars to eat. They don't care where they come from, or whom they hurt to get them. NONE of them have the best interests of the country at heart, only their own best interests.


It is government of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. And that's the end of it. The rest of us don't matter. No, neither do our votes. Why do you think voter turnout was the lowest it has ever been since the 30's? The american people are fed up with politics, realized they have no power, so, pretty much just ignore it, and hope it goes away without causing too much damage to their lives. A rather forlorn hope.

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It is government of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. And that's the end of it. The rest of us don't matter. No, neither do our votes. Why do you think voter turnout was the lowest it has ever been since the 30's? The american people are fed up with politics, realized they have no power, so, pretty much just ignore it, and hope it goes away without causing too much damage to their lives. A rather forlorn hope.

pornocracy-governed by harlots.

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? I was talking to Aurielius. I will start adding @ when I post to avoid any further confusion; such as @ MotoSxorpio. :sleep: I have no idea what some people post here since they add nothing tangilble to the conversation. They're in the way like spoilt children so they've been blocked. I do not talk to ignorant unpleasant people in RL and I see no reason to do so here. :armscrossed: They can vent their neutrotic attention-seeking frustrations on someone else. I am not interested.

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