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Question: User Ranks, You Decide


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HeLLL, I really don't think that 13 votes is enough to generate a full opinion of the full board. Even then, it's debatable whether or not to change the forum that drastically. Plus, it would require an butt load of work to rewrite the code on Dark0ne's half to do that.
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Well its not the votes but the general opinion of the board at that time. If you RTA you will come to see that the majority of users at THAT time liked the idea. IMHO publicly showing the post count increases SPAM. Im afraid that it is a tried and true fact. As for the amount of code to re-write it. Very little if I read correct. Turn off option here. And "poof" no more publicly displayed post count.
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IM(notH)O there are several people posting to these forums clearly with the idea of climbing in rank. I could even name them. Dialogues best conducted through PM system should in my view count as spamming. Ditto posts that simply say thanks etc. Taking the number of posts off might well stop this kind of nonsense.


As for the individual titles - I rather like the idea of people using a unique identifier. I assume that the Moderators have the right to delete them if offensive, though?

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I was unaware there were any women registered on these boards!  :rolleyes:

Woman right here big guy! hehe. I'm also in favor of not removing the personalized rank. It's a cool feature to work towards.

LOL, I think we probably count as an endangered, if not alien, species :lol:





Malchik - Admins can change titles, sigs, offensive user names etc.


We minions are not entrusted with such power, lest we seek to rise above our lowly status :lol:



But I agree with you on the post count boosting...it's really annoying. and IMO having lots of ranks close together will encourage this kind of SPAM.... <_<

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Well, I suppose if you are really insane enough to think the ranking matters, you would keep a record of how many posts you've made. The showing of the number by your name does that bit of work for you. Then, if you've reached 48 for example, there is a temptation to post several references to happy birthday and the like. I note that one poster actually says s/he is deliberately posting to boost rank and this is quite clear from the nature of the posts.


Removing the count will not stop this 'weary banker' (Spoonerism) continuing. But it might discourage others.


I am very new to all this kind of thing and others out there have far more experience of other fora (if that's the plural of forum) but when I joined in September there seemed to be less deliberate manoeuvering for position than over the last week or so. Reading so many of such posts is irritating. The flame finger itches.


But I'll be good!


Keep up the good work Dark0ne.

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