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KOTN New content .BSA


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I should think that it'd be OK so long as you don't include them in the mod.


EDIT: If you use a resource that was unpacked from a .BSA, and don't include the file, will it check existing .BSAs?


That's exactly what I wanted to know. If you extract the relevant parts you want and use them in your mod would the game then know to look for those files in the .BSA on someone else's machine. I know extracting and including the files in your mod is illegal.

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Wait... Using stuff from the regular game BSAS in mods is okay, but stuff from Knights of the Nine is off limits? That makes no sense. None at all. Especially when people like Slof have modded the horse armor plugin.


You'd think people could mod it and then make it dependent, as they have with the horse armor.


That's okay, though. I prefer original modder content anyway. In fact, I'm making my own new content as we speak. ;)

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Wait... Using stuff from the regular game BSAS in mods is okay, but stuff from Knights of the Nine is off limits? That makes no sense. None at all. Especially when people like Slof have modded the horse armor plugin.

You can use those from the regular game BSAS because people already paid for those.


You still need the horse armor plugin for Slof's modification. Just as with the horse armor, there should be no legal issues with making retextures of the KOTN armors as long as you don't include the original meshes, so the downloader will still need the official plugin for the modification to work.

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You should be able to load up the oblivion.esm in the CS, then load up the KOTN with it so all content from both is available to you. Then do whatever you like and save your mod as a new file. It should now be dependent on both oblivion.esm and the KOTN .esm or .esp (dunno which is is as I don't use it). That way no one can use it unless they have both Oblivion and KOTN.
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You should be able to load up the oblivion.esm in the CS, then load up the KOTN with it so all content from both is available to you. Then do whatever you like and save your mod as a new file. It should now be dependent on both oblivion.esm and the KOTN .esm or .esp (dunno which is is as I don't use it). That way no one can use it unless they have both Oblivion and KOTN.


Wasn't KotN hard coded so you cant open its .esp? The recent DLC are.

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