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Will you be buying a new rig for skyrim


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My rig I'm thinking should be fine. My current specs are:


-CPU: IntelCore 2 Quad Q6600 2.4Ghz Kentfield

-Motherboard: NVIDIA NFORCE 680 LT SLi

-Graphics Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 460 768MB

-Memory: 4GB DDR2 RAM (only about 2.5-3GB is currently seen since I have a 32-bit OS)

-Sound Card: Sound Blaster Audigy 2

-Hard Drive: Maxtor Diamondmax 250GB SATA Hard drive (has about 111GB free at the moment)

-Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 3 32-bit


I can run most games in very high/ultra high quality. The only upgrade I'm currently considering is a larger SATA hard drive (at least 1TB in size) and Windows 7 64-bit sometime this year.

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It was Oblivion that got me upgrading my old rig left, right and centre and I found that I enjoy tinkering and building em nearly as much as I enjoy playing on them.


I just built another rig yesterday (saw a coolermaster case I liked the look of), which takes me up to 5 in total, so if Skyrim proves to be demanding I won't be worried, much.


Can't see Skyrim being much of a problem really though, it should be much better optimised than Oblivion ever was.


Just wish November wasn't so far off.

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I'm guessing my rig isn't cut out for it then?


Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 925 Processor (4 CPUs), ~2.8GHz

Memory: 8190MB RAM

Card name: ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

Display Memory: 4081 MB

Dedicated Memory: 1014 MB


I just bought my comp for around 2000$ last year. I can't believe that it won't even barely cut it for this game....


I would imagine that will be fine, if that doesn't run it then they won't be selling many copies for the PC.


Please accept my Kudos. I'm not worrying about it anymore due to this post. Judging from what you said, I'm guessing my computer is pretty good...




Buddha has a windows score of 5.9 (Most of his stats are above 7.0....)


I can't even get mine past 5.5 despite tweaking, and I will NOT overclock my graphic under any circumstance. So.....


What do you mean by 'Squeeze bye' Buddha?

Edited by Trandoshan
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I'm guessing my rig isn't cut out for it then?


Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 925 Processor (4 CPUs), ~2.8GHz

Memory: 8190MB RAM

Card name: ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

Display Memory: 4081 MB

Dedicated Memory: 1014 MB


I just bought my comp for around 2000$ last year. I can't believe that it won't even barely cut it for this game....


I would imagine that will be fine, if that doesn't run it then they won't be selling many copies for the PC.


Please accept my Kudos. I'm not worrying about it anymore due to this post. Judging from what you said, I'm guessing my computer is pretty good...




Buddha has a windows score of 5.9 (Most of his stats are above 7.0....)


I can't even get mine past 5.5 despite tweaking, and I will NOT overclock my graphic under any circumstance. So.....


What do you mean by 'Squeeze bye' Buddha?

What's your exact graphics card model? Judging by that you really got ripped off, my last build form September was only $700 and outperforms yours.

Oh, and you really should be overclocking. There's really no risks whatsoever.

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What program is that you're using to rate the system?


If I find that my computer won't run Skyrim, I'll probably just take my usual route and upgrade it bit by bit until it does work.


It is part of windows 7, comes up on system properties. It gives the over all score as the lowest asset. But it is a little flawed, to get above the 5.9 on hdd it must be solid state.....I needed a little more storage so I am using a pair of 1.5tb wd caviar black in a raid 0, for faster speed of data retrieval in game.


Have a pair of 5870's in xfire, and 12 gigs of ram coupled with a 920 quad core. This rig is under a year old and was maxed out pretty much from Alienware when I had it built, stayed within my budget for a tower of 3500.00 and am quite pleased with how it does run games.


May upgrade it later this year, but I don't see a great need as it should meet my needs for a few years yet. May by a new case and psu from alienware just for additional drive space ;and transfer everything over to an area 51 alx case when I retire next year or may just order a new one as I have not decided yet.



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While my computer isn't a powerful machine, I believe all I would need to upgrade is my graphics card. My computer is labeled a "entertainment PC," but my graphics card is hardly entertaining.
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What program is that you're using to rate the system?


If I find that my computer won't run Skyrim, I'll probably just take my usual route and upgrade it bit by bit until it does work.


It is part of windows 7, comes up on system properties. It gives the over all score as the lowest asset. But it is a little flawed, to get above the 5.9 on hdd it must be solid state.....I needed a little more storage so I am using a pair of 1.5tb wd caviar black in a raid 0, for faster speed of data retrieval in game.


Have a pair of 5870's in xfire, and 12 gigs of ram coupled with a 920 quad core. This rig is under a year old and was maxed out pretty much from Alienware when I had it built, stayed within my budget for a tower of 3500.00 and am quite pleased with how it does run games.


May upgrade it later this year, but I don't see a great need as it should meet my needs for a few years yet. May by a new case and psu from alienware just for additional drive space ;and transfer everything over to an area 51 alx case when I retire next year or may just order a new one as I have not decided yet.



Alienware? Why oh why...

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