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Fallout 4 announced with teaser trailer


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In response to post #26140824.

donta1979 wrote: I do have to add sorry but you didn't notice every clue? Location, armor, weapons, land marks, skills, armor, possible crafting of armor, story, that video said a ton... then last night at around 7pm it just confirmed it all and some... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0E4wviq9Jc Fallout 4 is going to be amazing.

Where did you saw Skills?
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Voiced character and bioware-like-dump-dialogue-wheel *shoot himself* . Besides that and silly looking tower defence where bandits use their advanced ai and run just into flame-trap, sounds pretty good. Edited by Qamyk
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In response to post #26140824. #26140944 is also a reply to the same post.

donta1979 wrote: I do have to add sorry but you didn't notice every clue? Location, armor, weapons, land marks, skills, armor, possible crafting of armor, story, that video said a ton... then last night at around 7pm it just confirmed it all and some... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0E4wviq9Jc Fallout 4 is going to be amazing.
KiCHo666 wrote: Where did you saw Skills?

Very blurry poster in the garage by the power armor in the teaser.
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Or it's likely that the skills are a new system similar to how Skyrim made a big change from Oblivion with TES skills and they aren't ready to show them off yet. Wait a few weeks and they will probably release a preview video of them.

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I am rather expecting skills to go the same way they did with Skyrim, but that would beg the question: what are they going to do with Perks? Have to wait and see, I guess.

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The (collectors) pipboy edition comes with a "Physical Vault-Tec Perk Poster. Keep track of your perks with your very own physical Vault-Tec perk poster, fully colorized retro fun for the quintessential Wasteland survivor." so we know that there are perks similar to the previous games (you can see in the poster past perk images such as "bloody mess" and "mysterious stranger") which stems to reason there will also be skills involved.

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In response to post #25904771. #25911555, #25926789, #25929359, #26036104, #26140789 are all replies on the same post.

digitaltrucker wrote:

For all of you who are putting any stock whatsoever in that stupid reddit post, yet more proof it's a load of BS. This is in addition to this.


Hey guys! I used to work for Bethesda too! Until I got fired for doing obscene things to Todd Howard's Twinkie stash, that is! I played TES VI: Atmora! It's full of flying monkeys and magical talking sweetrolls! It's also designed exclusively for Android smartphones and the Super Nintendo console! The player character is going to be a giant were-mudcrab!



Get a grip.

TheCourier13 wrote: Indeed.
SMB92 wrote: Well I'm relieved if this is true. The uncertainty is killing me.

But I can't help but think this is gonna be another x86 (32-bit), buggy-ass Gamebyro driven game, those graphics sure look like it maybe in DX10 or 11 (I think it's safe to say it won't be DX12 lol) but that might not mean much if it is on the same buggy crap we've been getting for years now.

And I sincerely hope that it will be 3 times bigger than Skyrim mapwise :)
Camonna Tong wrote: From what I saw it was impossible for the engine they are using to be 32-bit. There is no way they would have that big of a city if it was 32-bit. Also, if they're only using a 32-bit engine, that would be dumb, as there would be 1.3 GB of RAM they won't be able to use for the consoles. (4.5 gb is for the games, 3.5 gb is for the OS) For Bethesda games, that's huge. That's several times what the 360 and PS3 had for their games. There was 512 MB for the PS3 and 360, but some of that is also the OS, (they never specify how much) so it's probably at least 100 MB less. Finally, DX11 and Parallax is in Fallout 4. That's another reason of many it wouldn't be 32-bit only. They will run out of RAM fast and just have so many CTDs and problems if it's not 64-bit. Skyrim itself had several problems without mods that 64-bit would have solved.
zanity wrote: My, my- the lady must have been psychic, as the Sunday reveal matched the PR campaign and release details in the leak 100%.

Her information, at the time of the leak, was up-to-date with respect to the game's marketing plans, and clearly at least 12 months out-of-date with respect to the game design plans. As someone who understands the business, this is to be expected. Game plan documents may be re-written every SIX MONTHS or so, so someone in the company but not involved directly with the core programmers/artists may have only read a game plan document from some time earlier in the projects history.

I'm amused at the people who clutch at straws trying to FUD her leak- and for why? Bethesda PR people get a salary. THEY have a financial incentive. What incentive do foolish fans have in denying the truth?

The reviews of Fallout 4 will hit before the game can be played, so the ANDROID theme will be common knowledge long before the first of us steps foot in the new world. I'm not sure it even counts as a SPOILER given the clarity of Boston's significance in Fallout 3.

The hate thrown at the Reddit revelation reminds me of the hate thrown by complete idiots at the information provided by Snowden. Authority in general wishes to TRAIN lesser people to ONLY pay attention to information emanating from sources approved by the authority. Smarter people treat official outlets with the contempt they deserve - not wishing to be dupes manipulated by the tactics of PR.

At the end of the day, the TRUTH is the TRUTH, no matter what you may wish. The Reddit post may have been motivated by inappropriate concerns, but it was still an attempt to inform us about the truth of a subject we all have an interest in. Shoot the messenger if you wish (fools always do) but doing so won't change the reality of the message.

...except for the fact that the very first statement she made about leaking info to Kotaku AND being a former Bethesda employee have been thoroughly debunked.

Oh and look, the entirety of the posting has been removed.

Nearly everything said in that post was garbage. Zanity must've read a different post than I did.
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In response to post #26150204.

Zinthros wrote:

Mods are supported on consoles eh?


Mine are going to "conveniently" require the script extender to function, I think :cool:


It's time Microsoft paid for the delays on PC DLC in Beth games.

but why do fans have to pay, they didn't do it, but they'll be the one's to suffer

please don't punish gamers because of you hate for microsft, they deserve to play these mods to
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