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Day Dreams of a Spaced out Old Man


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www.nexusmods.com has many video games. The stories I write are in conjunction with those games I play/ed. Not a medley of wild ramblings about every television show I've watched. I only posted intuitive moments about the videogames I play/ed.


Artist are known to be among the population who suffer a lot and it shows in their work. Good ones make me want to share the food on my plate with them.


For example; When writing poems the bleeding heart I had, it was wounded by a bunch of failed attempts at engaging with women, poured my blood out in a stream to one of the first people I befriended who thought them self a poet.


I found out she had, had a previous encounter with someone who was a faun who scared the daylights out of her. It appeared that my own flagging male tendencies were just as rambunctious and frightened her again.


I see no reason to believe that posting writing about what is televised, made for the movie theaters, is useful unless; unless it pleases someone who will feed me and give me drink. I started writing my intuitive spirited moment when I got them from mods here at www.TESNexus now known to all as www.nexusmods.com and I felt a sense it was a way to repay the kind modding people with a kind of supportive dialog.


I thought my stories would give their mods to the games a cheer and inspire their jobbery for even better modding in the future. I did not see that happen as well.


I decided my writings must be sparks of desire to write fiction novelettes or short stories. On many websites I experimented with writing with the idea for finding an Inn where a story teller, not a writer, a story teller could earn their food and lodging.


I know what I am good at and am going to return to that spot of jobbery and leave all the people trailing me on the footpath to think they have seen the last of me.

I'll just set up a vendor stand out front of my property, put up a 10% off sale sign, and sell my hand crafted items and stuff I have collected from the Wasteland and commonwealth. I know all of you will pass by once in awhile, so I can whittle on some driftwood, build a model, write a book on my latest discoveries and see if any of you will buy something when I open the vending box outside my laser cannon guarded house and garage. The kind that turn people like us to dust.


If you would like a lazier life than mine, stay at your campsite, don't pick things up from other peoples gardens just because you are hungry, and obsolutely DON'T have the nerve to see if you can earn some of that food by asking the owner if they will trade some work for food! :tongue:

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Speaking of video games! Fallout 4 Far Harbour has two intriguingly new quests.


The Red Death, which caused the screen to go blank and a voice saying the place where the quest begins is just ahead faded out. My power armor HUD was all that was visible. I waited, and waited, and waited. Since the day when Deacon just stood in a spot after my characters clean up job was done I learned that if I restarted the game machine, it might free up the frozen video.


It work with Deacon on the Railroad Quest to get a device from their old secret headquarters so I tried it on Fallout 4 The Red Death with the Mariner. It didn't help. I loaded a previous save and started it over. That didn't help either.


I reloaded at the last save again and did not talk to Capt Avery or The Mariner. A concierge Mr. Handy appeared to tell me that the case from Brain Dead was not solved. I decided to go find out what a bad mistake I had made when playing detective.


Maxwell would not talk to me, other then to say, the artist I accused in the previous quest was not the murderer.


I hope that no one else is suffering from these glitches. I had to go all the way back to a save where I had just completed the quest which the captains dance is performed. I was so happy to find that as long as I didn't do the Mariners quest or go to the hotel, every and all other quests work just fine.


:devil: Happiness is when I am relieved. All stress due to hard work and no play makes Pagafyr a grumpy chemist and scientist.


These portal to all my other game worlds were a good idea. When I need some recreation and some time to relax, I can get back to my Telvanni mansion and relax with all my cured patients on our remote island. :happy:

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This morning when I awakened I spent the usual 20 minutes going through my calendar to check list. I learned to do that from Toastmasters classes. This morning I had a few minutes to spare.


:whistling: What to do? Hmm?

Just for entertainment I compared the daily chores I do compared to the number of quests I fulfill in Fallout 4.


I made a wonderful discovery. :woot:


I do more chores when I get respect for my work, get help when the work is a bit too much, and I am getting paid to do. These past few months I've noted the decline in social working behavior response. I also discovered I get more of the kind of respect for working for a living while playing Fallout 4, i.e., outside of the occasional person saying, "Thanks for Serving our Country".


Since I got my retirement notice: today I realized I seldom get any respect, help, or payment that makes me feel good. I am able to see how not working for a living is affecting me. It is clearly visible when I look around the house, at the yard, and outbuilding that when I was working I did a lot of work on the property too.


I really realized what has changed with my life now, When I think about the present condition of the landscape, the house's exterior and interior, and the outbuilding's condition.


That outbuilding; an old Ice House that was converted into a garage or storage building, is showing signs of, and get this, being a Scavengers Dream. I will be able to build items from all the good used scrap.


I am beginning to feel pleased :woot: that I have so much stuff I can make out of all those items I have collected all these years.


Oh! Another thing. When I was almost 4 years old I discovered there was actually people who had a bomb shelter in their backyard only a few blocks east of my parents house. They had a daughter who was a couple of years older than me that gave me a tour inside it. I remember that day real well because after we got down inside I couldn't reach the floor from the last rung on the climbing rungs. She helped me get down. After the tour was over she and I discovered we had a problem.


I was a bit too big and heavy for her. She and I had to pile some boxes on top of each other so I could reach the bottom rung of the ladder to climb back out.


Ooo! I must be getting senile, because I am remembering stuff like it was yesterday.


Fallout 4 appears to be the perfect game for weaning me from all that working years I enjoyed during all the years I worked. :wink:


:geek: It appears to have weaned me of downloading Mods until they are well tested and bug free too.

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Pagafyr, would you please consider replacing your conversation posts in my topic, with ZippyDSMlee, with some interesting pictures, commentaries, quotes, what ever you want that is interesting, etc. Thanks!

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I just received notice that STEAM is provide Patch 1. 6 Beta for Fallout 4.


It supposedly has a good deal of good cures for all that ails PC Fallout 4 gamers. If you're not a veteran mod user and get upset easily about what happens in these case, I'll remind you to note, "It is a Beta!".

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  On 7/1/2016 at 10:55 AM, Maharg67 said:

Pagafyr, would you please consider replacing your conversation posts in my topic, with ZippyDSMlee, with some interesting pictures, commentaries, quotes, what ever you want that is interesting, etc. Thanks!




I would be :happy: to help you with your problem.


Have you any pictures :rolleyes: that would enhance the likeness of your writing style posted in one of your own threads you would recommend.


You should pick one from your post so it enhances your storyline.


Point me to the link of one of your pictures, give me permission to copy and paste the one you would like to be a filler, and point me to the post I posted you want changed.


Be advised; "I will only copy and paste the one you decide upon and am not asking permission to copy any other of your pictures or posts".





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While out scouring the CommonWealth in Fallout 4 I found a nuclear powered submarine. It's captain is a ghoul. It still has a bunch of live atomic tipped rockets. I thought that it was amusing.


I went to Far Harbor and found a bunch of people calling themselves, "Children of Atom" who live in a bigger submarine with more missiles than the submarine I found. They are trying to turn on the launch controls. Fortunately I found a filtering device for their showering sprayer that washes them when they return from quests and made it so it was a fresh water shower instead of putting the radiation junky water connections in it like I was asked.


The showers are removing the radioactive dust and dirt from them while they think they are getting a bath in a radioactive waste water spray.


The cleaner they get the less they like the idea of praying to Atom. :laugh:

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