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Day Dreams of a Spaced out Old Man


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I listened to two different songsters singing the same song.


Jerry Lee Lewis when Black & White film was still the media and Johnny Rivers 1972.


It was clear that Jerry Lee Lewis said the word, Old, where Johnny Rivers said the word, Young.


Jerry Lee Lewis sang the same song long before Johnny Rivers did.


Can you detect when they said the different words in their own version of, Rocking Pneumonia?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dreamed of the days when 6 cylinder engines were the rave,

I dreamed of the days when an AM radio came with every new car,

I dreamed of the days when a race was a drag,

and a drag queen was a gal the guys all wanted to undress.


Drag strips were wherever my elders could race their cars,

not a hangout where women or men dance

around and take their clothes off

with or without a pole;


Those drag racing events were almost before my time.


I managed to catch wind of the car clubs

with their club name on a plague

you could see in the back window

of their cars.


I had no car as the days dazed me,

and the nights grazed my youthful mind,

watching as the engines pipes roared

while passing each other on the main drag.


Central Avenue was the name of it in the city

where I grew up.


The Fuzz were busied trying,

to figure out how they had been duped

sent on a wild goose chase

to catch the rising stars,

in their dragster style cars.


While the clubs watched,


Ready to see the two top clubs

cars race,


The Fuzz racing around somewhere else,

trying to find the strip of asphalt,

the two top dragsters

were about to race on that night,

a mile long straight road,

on the other side of town,

where the Fuzz wouldn't be around.


Pink slips were the papers for a car,

not your mothers slip under her dress,

the loser gave up the pink slip

to their car more often

before I was rising engine

wanting to shoot flames out of my mufflers,

in the dark of the night sky.


The people who were a partnered with groups had a club,

their hangout was called a garage,


Not a man cave,

Not a bar,

Nor a tavern,


The Garage.

And they had cool names for their Garage Bunch Club.


During midday some of them could be found,

parked in a stall,

at the Fast Food Drive-in Burger places,

all over town.



I awakened when one of the cylinders,

in my engine,

coughed up too much fuel,


because the oxygen setting screw wiggled loose

while I was watching from the clouds above

looking down on the clouds of smoke

billowing out of the mufflers below

sending roars rumbling into the heavens

keeping the angels awake

as they watched to see

which guy won the trophy buxom beauty for his bride.


The lightning that struck,


did so after the winner crossed the finish line,


grabbed the gal who was his bride to be,


then disappeared into the pitch black sky


among the stars,


As the lightning rumbles faded


the Fuzzes sirens and horns did little more


then add to all the AM Radios blasting


the winners favorite music on all the AM radios,


from all the watchers cars,


as they drove by the Fuzz


on their way back to town.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I heard a song after I had experienced backpacking in the Bob Marshall Wilderness when I was 12 I got to go on because I managed to sell enough 5 lb bags of juicy oranges from a truck load of them. When I was 14 I also earned the money for another backpacking trip that began at West Glacier National Park that took us all the way to the Ptarmigan Tunnel. It became my favorite. They weren't like camps for youths, and yet, they probably were just as much fun and trying at times.


To give you an idea of how trying it got and how troubled some of us got, just a little concerned, because of it I am sharing the song I heard many years later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The days of my daydreaming about the future were often interrupted by elder siblings who told me the exciting news about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Albeit I wasn't old enough to understand all that excitement they had. I was still playing with tiny toys that I got from inside cereal boxes.


What amazes me now?! I recall those days among the family members because as I slipped into what I thought was the beginning of the end of adult life. I thought I was about to get really old and die.


Something changed in me. Instead of getting older and forgetting I started forging new friendships.


Instead of losing my charm I found darkness was lifted by the sights I began to take in.


I remembered more stuff that is important instead of forgetting my name, address, and phone number, not being able to find my way home, or worse; while drifting through the recall of my youth. Which began to seem to have happened just yesterday; which is a sign of senility, mania, and dementia. Of course; I awakened because of series of ending unsettled events.


I was being mentally swamped by events which had no meaningful relationship to me. The events were like advertisements which did not fit my age group. More stuff I recalled reminded me who the adverts were aimed at. Older siblings, older children, and older people I was acquainted with had impressed me with their way of life. Because they did not educate me to be better at living as I grew older I had to watch and learn from television shows, radio shows, and religious shows. After all these years I finally recalled what I wanted to do to earn a living.


And then, as though a magic spell or a curse was lifted, I began to recall what it was I wanted to be when I grew up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

From the wealth of knowledge I gained from viewing many people who were accepted as wise and wonderful people I stopped to see what became of me.


The sight I saw was a shock, even to me.


Old and shrunken I was not. Tired and feeble I had not got. Bored; simply being bored was in need of a shot of Day Dream energy.


As my mind sank deeper into dark, the forests of the mind, among dreary shadows, sights and sounds did make me aware. Dangers may be further down there.


In the gloom of doom I had a thought. Scary that I might be caught, by numbers two too many for any play, game, or fight that was fair.


The last step was ahead was to the bottom of the stairs.


Did I dare?


I did it! I did! And Day dreaming began, because I found all sorts of items, all scattered about, and I discovered that no one else was there.


Still; it can be such a lonely life, being so far from the people whom with I share.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My first teacher used to hold me close and talk. Talk to other people while I snuggled there warm and cozy. Then one day I began to understand that my teacher moved around talking to others while I felt close and safe. Then one day I began to feel some space I very seldom noticed because the time between warm and cozy associations and the cool space was never very long times. Now the times became longer, so much longer, the cool air, all my feelings and senses distanced between my teacher and I started something I was suddenly aware I wanted to get back to where I was snuggled and warm. That sense of, what is called, Conscious awareness began.
















Mom started putting me down. I learned about space.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My day dreams may be confounded,

because I am bound to bring Autumn color around,

put to bed the forests dreamers,

Stifle scavenging schemers,

and make what was full of life seem unfounded.

October born sometimes leaves me feeling torn

causing mourning while seeking Springs joyous expectations.

And yet,

I will not spurn a turn,

filling the needs of the hibernating creeds.

All is looking well,

in Autumn's spell,

a few months away,

I say,

from being blanketed,

with Winter's cold shell.

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What?! I can't believe my mind is all a bundle of Fallout: New Vegas jumble. My creative imagination ruled! So often I found myself daydreaming up stories to make Fallout 3 life change for the better. Fallout: New Vegas began to seem like it is siphoning off any thought I might get, like a casino taking my caps and leaving me with just some ragged clothes they gave me so I could take the bus back to where I made all those caps and someday come back and try to win BIG.


Ooo! I feel such despair when my imagination sees the desert stretched between me and New Primm, on my way back to Goodsprings.

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