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Can not access a files comment section


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I admit to not knowing where to post this exactly, but its been going on for a while now and I can not seem to figure out how to fix it (I am also not the only one having this issue) and with the removal of the file forum section I can now no longer gain any access to this file's comment section, which I need to since I help maintain it.


When I click to go to the comment section it sits there loading and after a while comes back with just a E, no comments or even the ability to post. This seems to be the ONLY mod I am having this issue with, I hope someone can help me here. I do have access to the mod and can edit things if I must do that to get it back working.


This is the file:


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Nivea...you have over 2786 sticky posts on that file. No wonder it won't freaking load. I don't know if you were doing it intentionally to circumvent our posting limits per page or doing it for a joke or whatever, but those posting limits are there for a reason; to prevent the server's getting overloaded. I'm really, really ticked off by this as it seems like a real kick in the teeth for something so silly to be done. I see it as abuse, plain and simple. There is no need to have 2786 sticky posts at all. It's things like this that keep us working over weekends and in to the early hours of the morning wondering where all our server resources are being spent.


We're removing all your sticky posts on the file and now having to code in a hard-limit (of 6 sticky posts) for all authors to prevent them doing stupid stuff like this. Stupid things like this are why we can't have nice things and ruin it for everyone else.


Honestly...really pissed off right now about this.

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WHAT 2786 sticky posts?!


I swear I made one and only one, I would never do that on purpose. I also make a sticky and then if its not needed I either delete the whole post or unsticky it. I know Mishaxhi (the maker) made some stickies as well over time as it is his mod, but I do not think its possible he made that many at all either.


To make them you have to hit the sticky button right, I never use that button unless its a absolute emergency need...


I promise you something has gone MAJORLY wrong with that comment section, it was NOT like that before it went down. I would never do that, I dont even like posting posts in other peoples mods but I worked on Niner a lot and feel the need to answer his questions.


Again I would NEVER do that. :\


It was NOT like that before it crashed, all my posts where NOT stickies before it went down.

Edited by nivea
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There were user posts there stickied, as far as I know authors can't sticky users posts, the option isn't there, something has gone very wrong and you have to wonder how many other mod threads have a similar problem.

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I just dont want to be the one getting the blame for causing everyone to get their stickie privileges limited, the mod isnt even my own mod I maintain the comment section to help out a fellow modder and because I really love the mod which I made items for. I will lay off posting in the mod thread for a good while, but I really didnt go about making random user's posts into stickies or all my own posts.

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I was gonna say that, too - the posts stickied are pretty random (in my opinion) so actually going through and sticky'ing them wouldn't make much sense anyway. With the sheer amount of stickies I would have assumed right away it had to be some kind of bug. Not cool to assume Nivea did it on purpose, really. Not at all.

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