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The ability to block those **** was a good step.

But my list already has like 40 of those **** and one day one of those might do something useful for a change and then I miss this mod.


It's so utterly annoying. I will have to block hundreds of people in the next years.


What most people do, when they visit Nexus:

1. Quick look at "Last files"

Nowadays there are 4 translations WHICH I f*#@ING HATE and 2 useless mods. Don't let this ruin nexus.



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I have read this three times and I have no idea at all what the OP is talking about.


If this were my forum, which it is not, but if it were I would conclude "Unproductive Troll Post Rant", delete it and issue a warning.

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You can actually block at least most translations. If you go to the file site and under your name, go to blocked content. They you can click anything but the English option. You can request a language to be added to the list.


This would prevent you from having to block tons of authors.


I'm not sure you checked this before you posted?

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Go to the gym and let off some steam and come back to posting in this forum when you're less enraged.


"Most people do X". Bovine feces. What most people do is at least check what bloody options nexus offers to the user before they come complaining.


Translations have a place here. Not everyone in this world has had the ability to learn English, or they simply don't want things in their game in another language than their native.


And of course, the people who keep updating this site with more and more features that make finding the mods you want and not finding those you don't want as easy as possible have already addressed your problem and provided a tag which you can block.

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The problem is not the lack of a "translation" tag, but the amount of people who don't know about it.

I've personally tagged about 280 files that weren't tagged by their authors, most of them translations.


The blocklist keeps growing, though. All those sexy-follower-mod authors really add up.

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The problem is not the lack of a "translation" tag, but the amount of people who don't know about it.

I've personally tagged about 280 files that weren't tagged by their authors, most of them translations.


The blocklist keeps growing, though. All those sexy-follower-mod authors really add up.

Yep. Tag mods when you look at them. Bonus.

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