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My Apology


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Hello, all.


Well, the purpose of this thread is to apologise, and apologise deeply and truly to all the people, especially Theta, whom I have upset in any way. Theta, I understand that the damage is done on my part for you - I just ask you most humbly to accept my apology. I understand fully that this is textbook troll behaviour - Troll and then Apologise, shortly before banning - but I wanted to get my two cents across, and maybe try and salvage some of the damage I have done. With that thread, that foolish, foolish thread, I have tarnished whatever reputation I had. But I would like also to address some issues:


First of all, I am NOT this Thomas guy. I have never met him, and nor do I want to.

Secondly, the Hitler issue: Namely, me accusing Theta of being like him. Of course, it was badly worded, but I did say that I "Would not go nearly as far as say her behaviour was anywhere near as bad as them".


And, finally, an apology to the members who I have slighted. It was not intended.


What began as a suggestion turned into too much of a flame, and that in itself degenerted into an argument among the members. I just want you all to know that I am more sorry than you can imagine.





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Duskreaver, I accept your apology in the spirit it was meant and no further - and if you read the 'Arena' thread you will undoubtedly recognize certain similarities.



And don't patronize me - you'd have to try a lot harder to upset me. You have caused some minor irritation and wasted some of my valuable time which I could have spent far more creatively, that's all.

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ummm...why was I banned from your forums? I had caused no harm there, nor was I posing as somebody I am not. I was merely trying to meet some new people in this huge morrowind community. No need to ban me just for being in this one as well. It makes no difference to me any mistakes that you have made, because that doesn't represent the quality of your forums. I bet they're just as good as this one, and that's something I would like to be involved in. :D I guess this is my way of getting on my knees and begging for my account back.
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