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(PETITION) unskippable video adds cross the line


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I am agreed completely. Why should they force us to watch it, we need an option to skip it. The whole point of advertising is to get someone to buy your product, but what if we dont WANT your product? Why should we have too watch your ad every bloody time I want to download something? How much difference in money would the advertiser get if 50 people watched and no one bought, than no one watched at all? The nexus used to be a brilliant site, now it has fallen into the money-making big cat that so many good sites have, like youtube, for example. If your going to do this, you may as well make the site a damn paysite.<div><br></div><div>If this continues, LOTS of people like me, will just leave the site, and you wont be getting so many unique visitors, and hence, less money from advertisers.</div>


I honestly don't think Robin earns that much money on The Nexus - at least not as much as he deserves!

Just like anyone else, he got bills to pay, and unlike most others of us, those bills are HUGE!!

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It may be beneficial for the Nexus to develop it's own theme/logo, something for branding.


Getting a good laugh at imagining Dark0ne in a rap music video, swimming in money earned on this "big cat" web site. I bet he rubs elbows with the execs at Youtube all the time. :laugh:

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I'm fine with video ads before a download; however, there are some serious coding issues that have to be addressed with this setup. Firefox (3.6.13 with AdBlock Plus installed BUT TURNED OFF) does not even play the video, and Chrome plays it but fails to display the download link. Once again, I am happy to put up with video ads, especially considering Dark0ne's incredible service to us, but at least fix the code so I don't have to use IE.
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I support completely. Robin, remove those ads!


So basically, you support the downfall of this site... Kudos to you.... NOT!




And as Robin so nicely said now, it is VERY cheap to go premium!

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