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(PETITION) unskippable video adds cross the line


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Instead we get the even worse method of forced videos....


Just be careful what you wish for, the results may not be what you want.


This seems to be a matter of mixed opinion. I for one think the videos are far better than the pop unders or pop ups. It's a lot easier to deal with an ad when you are expecting it and know your going to be waiting, than being suddenly surprised by some annoying thing.


Also keep in mind that a lot of people visiting the nexus don't have ad blocking or pop up blocks turned on. So the pop ups and pop unders reflected poorly on the site, making it look unprofessional and like a malware breeding ground.


There was a time, I'm sure you remember, that The Nexus was blacklisted by Google. I didn't visit for quite a while, things like this and pop unders will push people away. At least a video looks professional, doesn't present fear of viruses and is expected.

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I just skimmed all 8 pages of this topic, and I am wondering where are these ads everyone is talking about? I have yet to see so much as google adsense since posting in this forum. For me, the most annoying thing is pop-ups with auto-play video. Then again, I've only downloaded a few mods(and I am assuming that most of the ads appear from the Nexuses as opposed to the forums).


If I were Dark0ne, I would ban everyone from Florida, or anyone who might be from Florida. 90% of anything detrimental to humanity, and especially the internet in general(trolls, malware, viruses, porn, identity theft, credit card fraud, DDos attacks) all originate from Florida. Did you know that according to a completely unbiased study done by Al Gore, that eliminating internet access to the entire state of Florida would decrease the price of internet worldwide by at least half? 100 internets to whoever knows why Al Gore really hates Florida(aside from the obvious fact that it is a hive of villainy of course).

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Lol i couldn't help myself, Florida evil. Ads what are they, i don't know i use adblock and flash block, still timer exists. Reminds me of external file servers. Like megaupload grr. Edited by Thor.
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It's not quite the rosy picture he's painted even here in the US. Many telecom companies have local monopolies and you either get their service or nothing. Then there's those areas stuck with satellite internet that imposes download quotas except at insanely late hours.


Cable is no better because many areas have a single cable company and their packages are not any better than most high end DSL setups.


Not everyone can get FiOS, and even if they could, that doesn't justify filling the bandwidth with unwanted data.

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I am agreed completely. Why should they force us to watch it, we need an option to skip it. The whole point of advertising is to get someone to buy your product, but what if we dont WANT your product? Why should we have too watch your ad every bloody time I want to download something? How much difference in money would the advertiser get if 50 people watched and no one bought, than no one watched at all? The nexus used to be a brilliant site, now it has fallen into the money-making big cat that so many good sites have, like youtube, for example. If your going to do this, you may as well make the site a damn paysite.<div><br></div><div>If this continues, LOTS of people like me, will just leave the site, and you wont be getting so many unique visitors, and hence, less money from advertisers.</div> Edited by Laurence9
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I am agreed completely. Why should they force us to watch it, we need an option to skip it. The whole point of advertising is to get someone to buy your product, but what if we dont WANT your product? Why should we have too watch your ad every bloody time I want to download something? How much difference in money would the advertiser get if 50 people watched and no one bought, than no one watched at all? The nexus used to be a brilliant site, now it has fallen into the money-making big cat that so many good sites have, like youtube, for example. If your going to do this, you may as well make the site a damn paysite.<div><br></div><div>If this continues, LOTS of people like me, will just leave the site, and you wont be getting so many unique visitors, and hence, less money from advertisers.</div>


Without ads , there wouldn't be a site for you to leave.


You say lots of people would leave ? Well , judging from this thread , your numbers are off. From what I have seen , 0 people have said they would leave the sites because of the video ads. But I may be wrong , I am just making an educated guess based on what I have read and on the opinions of the peoplehttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif

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I have been part of many gaming communities, but Nexus is the most active and wonderful to all the reasons we already know. I am glad it has not become aggressive/sneaky like PES, Rapidshare, etc.


I don't think I can be a premium member for now, since I am not sure how long I will play TES4 (or even get to play Skyrim), or keep contributing to this community and site, wonderful though it is. I am currently between jobs and want to get married this year, so you can understand part of my reasons for the previous statement. This decision may change positively in the future.


That said, I would definitely buy Nexus t-shirts and merchandise (later, not this year), if they can be shipped to India, where I live. Even if some of the stuff is expensive, I might consider buying it, based on my financial situation.


I have nothing against ads, as long as they are not harmful. So let us stop cribbing about video ads in this conversation, and discuss positive actions that can help the site admins/owners, the mod authors and everyone else in the community.

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A Nexus Shop would be a brilliant idea, but the problem is having the money to cover the initial merchandise production costs. I'm not sure how much a Nexus T-shirt or a Nexus Coffee mug would cost, but I'm guessing quite a lot considering how many would need to be made. Still, I could see it as a big hit with Nexus fans.


Keep in mind though that even if Dark0ne did start a Nexus Shop, it's highly unlikely to cover much of the bills for the site, and if it did, it'd probably only do it for the first year.

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Similarly the shirts wouldn't be able to have any game related graphics in them or the like (trademark issues, legal issues, etc.) so it would literally be a t-shirt with words on! Not the best!
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