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Microsoft and Nvidia leave the PC Gaming Alliance


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Whaaaa? Idgaf about microsoft leaving but I am an Nvidia user. Not sure why you say they leaving the pC gaming what ever aint gona effect anything but it is. a lot of people but Nvida graphics card FOR their high end gaming systems and honstly Iv had both and I prefer Nvidia.....I dont know.

Also Consoles beat PC gaming rigs purley based on price Vs performance. my 800 sumtin buck puter lags in FONV even before I put mods in the game distance killed my FPS.

Just sayin

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Personally, I think this just means more specialized hardware for future Microsoft consoles. Nvidia supplies the graphic chips for 360, so a focused effort toward console gaming means that the next console will likely have unparalleled graphics for a console, and may even rival high end PCs. The two companies leaving at the same time can only mean that some sort of deal was struck, or that Nvidia saw it necessary to downsize and focus efforts in a larger, more specialized market.


The 360s GPU is made by ATI, didn't Microsoft and Nvidia fall out over the original Xbox?

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