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A Goblin 'talking' to an NPC? What?


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What is your craziest Oblivion experience you've ever had? I.e., your craziest 'serious WTF' moment. I've had a few, but it happens in every game I play, and it is always serious WTF.


I was walking into Chorrol, and I turned towards the Fighters Guild. Walking inside, the game froze; what I saw, was serious WTF. The Orc guy in the Fighter's Guild was standing at the foot of the stairs, apparently 'talking' to a Goblin... Like, seriously? Well, technically not a goblin; it was a naked Daedric body with a Daedric shield and a backwards goblin head. I seriously don't know why this happened, but it could've been the millions of mods I downloaded and had activated. Needless to say, I purged my Oblivion data files after that.


Now, your serious WTF moments?

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I recently downloaded the '28 Days and a bit' mod (V3) and something must of went wrong because now on one of my save files the cities are almost pitch black, its lashing raining, the wind is extremely heavy, all the chapels are collapsed and on fire yet the characters all behave normally. Except for the fact that whenever I fast travel there would be a Mythic Dawn Assassin standing in front of me acting like a normal NPC.. :whistling:
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I recently downloaded the '28 Days and a bit' mod (V3) and something must of went wrong because now on one of my save files the cities are almost pitch black, its lashing raining, the wind is extremely heavy, all the chapels are collapsed and on fire yet the characters all behave normally. Except for the fact that whenever I fast travel there would be a Mythic Dawn Assassin standing in front of me acting like a normal NPC.. :whistling:
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I recently downloaded the '28 Days and a bit' mod (V3) and something must of went wrong because now on one of my save files the cities are almost pitch black, its lashing raining, the wind is extremely heavy, all the chapels are collapsed and on fire yet the characters all behave normally. Except for the fact that whenever I fast travel there would be a Mythic Dawn Assassin standing in front of me acting like a normal NPC.. :whistling:

the storm part is intentional, it was added with the V3 update, I was really confused by this at first too. However there is a way to turn the storm off in game... or their is an optional download for it. I forget which.


Weirdest thing for me was accidentally beheading a essential NPC with the deadly reflex mod, and see them get up and talk to me... with out a head. o_O

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By far the strangest thing I've encountered is when I was in tcl mode and landed on one of the bridge towers going into Imperial City. The instant I touched down on the tower a very clear voice said "We've been waiting for you." I turned around and nobody was there so I have no clue who said it or why, and I've never been able to duplicate it.
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MIne is definitely when I fired an arrow at a troll, the game glitched for a second, and when it came to the arrow must have glitched behind me, because i died by my arrow in the back of my head. It was very traumatic for my character and he went to therapy for years...
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I had two odd situations recently. One is when I used Combustive Convulsion from Deadly Reflex on a vampire and he exploded, but his upper toro (naked and sans hands) continued to float in mid air and punch at me. Also, I tried using the Deadly Reflex throat slit on the captain you kill for the first DB quest while he was sitting in his chair, and his head did a 180 and started talking to me angrily when he noticed me and avoided the attack (his head was still on his body, but capable of ludicrous rotation apparently).
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