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Man dies after marathon online gaming session


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Well..this isnt the first time ive heard of something like this...


there have been a few people taking the last train west after a marathon gaming session. As to why you wouldnt eat or drink....like common!!


Marathon Gamer- "UUuugh...so hungry" slaps face " Cant eat now..about to find Ancient Golden Coconut!"...keals over dead!


I know games can be addicting but for crying out loud, eat a cookie or something! :rolleyes:

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Beggars belief doesn't it, another guy died after a 50 hour gaming session, why would you do that to yourself ?


If this keeps up, games will come with another warning on the case, "Caution, this game may kill you".


50 hours? Wow...and I thought my 27 hour Final Fantasy VII binge was terrible :P Lots of coffee...oh man good times. No games these days can catch my attention like that anymore...or I'll just beat it in 27 hours :P


But yes, another reason to blame gaming on something...

Edited by Illiad86
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27 hours ?


Strewth, ya beat me, thought I was bad enough with my occasional 12 hour stints, just pulled 10 hours tonight on Dead Space 2 which, even after all the hype will likely get cupboarded after I complete it and not played again.


Gonna have somat to scran and hit the hay.

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27 hours ?


Strewth, ya beat me, thought I was bad enough with my occasional 12 hour stints, just pulled 10 hours tonight on Dead Space 2 which, even after all the hype will likely get cupboarded after I complete it and not played again.


Gonna have somat to scran and hit the hay.


I'll do a 12 once in awhile...depends on the game. I did it with The Witcher once because I was bored...sucks when you beat all your games...



Oh Skyrim...I won't be moving from my screen :P I told my boyfriend if the house is dirty or the dishes aren't done, I'll be playing Skyrim all day :P Brew up a few more pots of coffee than I normally do lol, I drink 3 pots a day already :P

Edited by Illiad86
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