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Two Worlds II


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Like all the rest of you, I do not like being ripped off. So this game has been available on the Zuxxez site for quite a while but at a monstrous price. Amazon have been more than a little vague about a lot of the big PC releases of late, so shortly before Christmas, seeing that Gamesplanet had a good offer on, I did what is very unusual for me and paid up front for the pre-order. The date kept getting shoved back, but I was expecting that round about...well this very minute...I would at last get my download links. Derp. Nothing. I go to their site...no mention of the game on there except in My Account to say I paid for the wretched thing. Same goes for Gameplay.co.uk and Game.co.uk.


On wandering over to the forums for the game I find that there is a big eruption going on about the UK release and that it is only going to be available via Amazon only, release 1st March. So, whilst I am making bloodcurdling howls of "Gimme back my dosh you rip off merchants...." in the direction of Gamesplanet, and before I pre-order with Amazon, can anyone tell me;-


(1) Have they heard any different information, and

(2) Anyone who already has the game, is it worth it?


*Bares fangs at Gamesplanet...*

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It's no one's fault but Zuxxez/TopWare. Do not go on a crusade against any retailers as it's not their fault at all and they're probably just as miffed as you are. Instead if you want to vent take it to the Zuxxez forums or email them directly. It's an utter shambles and they're an embarrassment; the companies involved ought to be ashamed of themselves.


I bought the game when it was first released from a German site (just used a German proxy) and it worked fine; localised English. It's really, really not worth buying. I really enjoyed the original Two Worlds but this was just drivvle.


Cannot tell you how utterly dismayed I am by the incompetence of these individuals/companies.


PS. read this


TLDR; the publishers are utter scum and undeserving of your money

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Was in Game yesterday and when I asked about Two Worlds 2 the guy said they'd been told to take the promo cases off the shelves, said they'd been told a container load bound for blighty had suffered water damage, he also said that he thought it was a load of horseshit as all of a sudden, it seems that Amazon is going to be the only retailer in the UK to be selling said Two Worlds 2


Just followed Robins link and read that page and well, that little lot beats hen racing.


Seems like Topware & Zuxxez are the lowest of the low, and rightly so.

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Yes, I just read Rob's link too, they are stinkers aren't they?


All the same, both as a matter of law (they have taken money for goods they are unable to supply), and good business practice (if they want me to ever buy from them again), Gamesplanet should front up and give me my money back. They are compelled to do it, so let's be having it so I can spend it on DA2 instead. And I shan't be pre-ordering when I have to prepay again (at least with Amazon you don't have to.)

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Wasn't it Zuxxez who were involved in that scam over downloading some pinball game? people who had never heard of the game were getting threatening letters demanding money? I remember something on Watchdog about it.
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Ginny; you should never be charged for pre-orders until they actually deliver the goods. Any site that does charge you is a high-risk of being a scam site and you shouldn't use them. Kinda daft!


Email them asking for your money back, if no response or inadequate response within 5 days get your bank to rip the money back. I hope you paid by credit card and not debit card...

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Ginny; you should never be charged for pre-orders until they actually deliver the goods. Any site that does charge you is a high-risk of being a scam site and you shouldn't use them. Kinda daft!


Email them asking for your money back, if no response or inadequate response within 5 days get your bank to rip the money back. I hope you paid by credit card and not debit card...


I know *blushes*. But, I checked all the digital download sites that I know and all of them ask you to pay up front when you pre-order. Gamesplanet.co.uk and GAME.co.uk are more or less one and the same, I have never done a download pre-order with them before but I have downloaded two or three games from them otherwise. I believe Steam and D2D also ask you to prepay for preorder.


Contrast this with Amazon.co.uk and Gameplay.co.uk, the physical boxed game suppliers that I usually use, who we know do not charge until they despatch.


Used a Visa Delta debit card, meh...stinking support ticket already emailed, we'll see.

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Sorry for the double post, but this gets curiouser and curiouser!


Last night there was no sign of Two Worlds II on Gamesplanet. Now look at this;-


Two Worlds II at Gamesplanet


And I had a reply to my support ticket saying


"You should have had your download links by email...."


To which I replied


"Oh no I haven't...."


Watch this space...

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