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Banishment Clarification


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Really the only excuse for this is when outdated versions of mods are distributed. It's annoying when people use a buggy release and get a false impression. Other than that, you should be modding to make games more enjoyable, not for social status.
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That's what I was afraid of.


It's really very presumptuous to assume that because a mod is removed, the author doesn't want the mod shared anywhere or anyhow, regardless of whether credit is given. And how far does it go, anyway? Do we ban someone for sharing say an older version of a mod that's been replaced by a newer one? (For example, the A and B-cup versions of BABE, or CUTE v1 (though I'm not sure why someone would want it considering Alicia's appearance aside v2 is superior in every respect, it's conceivable I guess), or any mod that's had several updates) Do we not talk about COTW/COC's website because they discuss and link to mods not on the nexus? Do we not talk about googling a mod to find some place that still has it?


Seriously, I'm worried about this kind of thing. I only just recently started on New Vegas, and could be downloading mods for a long time to come. The way things are going has me thinking I could get banned for the mere mention of a mod that's no longer here for any reason.


It all comes off as extremely draconian and contrary to the Nexus's original mission.


I feel like I should remove all reference to my site from my profile and other places here, because at some point in the future I might upload something to it that just happens to not be kosher here.

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It's not the "mention of a mod that's no longer here" that'll get you in trouble. It's the POSTING (or, in your hypothetical example, the HOSTING) of materials without permission.


An author may remove their mods, or request their removal by the Staff. They don't have to give a reason, although some do. Doesn't matter why, we compy with the author's wishes. The fact that the mod is gone does NOT give anyone else the right to put it back. Doesn't matter how "obsolete" it is. Or that "No one has heard from the author in years."


For those who may have forgotten them, here's an extract from the Nexus ToS:


Nexus sites have quite a liberal content policy on what files are acceptable on the site but there are still rules all uploaders must adhere to. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the file being removed from the site, the uploader’s account being banned and if necessary all the details of the uploader being passed on to relevant authorities:


•Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors. This also includes members from countries that do not recognise copyright laws (such as Russia).


•All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. If you cannot provide proof of consent when asked then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned.


There's more, but those are the key provisions covering Dark0ne's policy on the topic at hand. It's clear. It's firm. And best of all, it's easy to follow. No Permission? Don't Upload.


By extention, as I said earlier, we do not allow discussion of sites that ignore author's rights. If we learn that a site hosts such unauthorized material, and the site does not respond to a request to remove it and take steps to prevent future similar problems, then it will be added to the list of "sites banned from discussion."


But all of this is in an environment of collaboration and cooperation. Honest mistakes? Occasional lapse? These happen. Deliberate or repeated violations? Banhammer!

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I'd also like to add that this does not include inter-personal sharing. Got a friend who wants a mod? If you email it to them or share it over an IM service or the like then no problem; just don't go hosting it on an actual public site for download by others without getting permission from the author of the file first.
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Sorry if this was mentioned but I didn't have time to read the whole thread, what if you can't contact the maker but you give all credits to him/her?
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If you can't obtain permissions it's always a no :). Not being able to contact someone isn't a valid reason to just use their mods. If you can't meet the conditions stated on the filepage or if you're not allowed at all...it's a no.


Redistributing one persons files without their consent is something I take to count as mod theft, an offense deemed to be a violation of this sites rules and punishable by a site ban.
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In your blogs link to the mods rather than uploading them and hosting them yourselves. If they disappear from here or elsewhere, contact the author for permission before publicly uploading them. It's as simple as that.
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I'd also like to add that this does not include inter-personal sharing. Got a friend who wants a mod? If you email it to them or share it over an IM service or the like then no problem; just don't go hosting it on an actual public site for download by others without getting permission from the author of the file first.


Thank you for that further clarification, Dark0ne. It covers a grey area that I was still unsure of.




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For purposes of interpersonal sharing, would a password-protected page count as "non public" enough? I mean, some mods are too big to email.
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