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A big "Hello" to the Community


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Welcome, Paul! One thing I always thought was needed-- when you click on mod categories, I think that armor should be split into two categories-- light and heavy; and that weapons should be three-- ranged, one-handed and two-handed.. or maybe 4-- daggers. It's a pain going thru 2500 mods when you're an assassin looking for good leather and daggers and you have to scroll thru 500 6-foot long swords.
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In response to post #27225114. #27230414, #27233049, #27236124, #27253594, #27256499, #27257609, #27261189 are all replies on the same post.

hauntedabyss wrote: I took Your survey I did alot of thinking and I hope you liked my response. My Biggest Suggestions Were Checkout layouts of Reality websites as they are common for the ideas of searching for stuff. Tags, Certifications Are a Big Deal for many sites that have mods. Top, Good Gems will be easier to find as well as Exactly what people are looking for.. Ie Sound mods for certain things or (name) city overhauls Ect. Just a Refined More streamlined Site, Layout would help out aswell. Make it so we dont have to click page by page and can have a infinite scroll would also be a blessing.

I also Hope we can figure out how to keep The tabs section on mods Maybe on the leftside instead of just the top.
but its very buggy,videos constantly Break and clicking back and forth causes issues, Pages Crash. This needs to be reworked!!!!

Finally I hope more tabs could be added or Sections to mods. For ex. I hope to see ,Help Section, Updates, Compatibility Tab. Ect not just all this s#*! shoved in a fourm. The bug Tab should be mandatory as well
ps. Welcome to Nexus =D hope good things will come !!
RUkiddin06 wrote: "Make it so we dont have to click page by page and can have a infinite scroll would also be a blessing."

Holy s#*! yes.
BlindJudge wrote: I'm going to be reading through the surveys over the weekend (10k + and counting!). The information coming in is very varied, a lot of excellent points have already been raised and noted down.

Feel free to drop me a message (same for anyone) if you have anything that you think of in regards to the site since doing the survey.

And thank you for the welcome :)
Devmarta wrote: I'm definitely for infinite scrolling rather than pages.
AaronOfMpls wrote: I prefer having things paged myself, since infinite scrolling makes it hard to easily jump back to older stuff without going through a browser-creaking, miles long page first. (That, and the 100%-completion part of me always wants to keep scrolling too far down said page.)

I wouldn't mind having an option to do either paged or infinte-scroll, though, like parts of Tumblr or Flickr, or like the "load more topics" button on the Nexus forums.
hauntedabyss wrote: No Problem,Kinda suprised Infinate scrolling wasnt like #1 honestly seeing there is like 400,000+ mods on here lol Im Glad The team Is stepping up game. I know most moderators are very busy like most people But Ya Ive actually have felt like the site is becoming kinda, Slummy Like Not Run down but some what "Combersome" In terms of feel compared to HTML5 websites. Im Very happy to see my voice was heard in these thousands of people.

Well I know when you exhaust yourself from reading them your going to be all like f*#@ i forgot what letter 400 said. Take alot of notes in a seperate notebook!!! LOL so ya dont loose your thoughts :P

Daveminer1496 wrote: Exactly! Check boxes and tags to narrow browsing for gems more specific. Or a favorites section for nexus to relate and suggest mods to users. maybe a compatibility-izer to check if two mods can work out with each other before downloading them or make it easier for new modders.
macdaddy1176 wrote: a way to filter your tracked mods so i don't have to go through 95 pages to find a mod i like that was made 2 years ago that i can't quite remember the name of, i.e being able to filter home mods in my tracking list

I agree With both of your posts> Filtering My Tracked files would be heaven or add a search at least LOL. Compatibility Feature is a must have for Skyrim on nexus here ON there mod page and in your profile mods, 95% of the mods i track and use are incompatible with Open skyrim for ex. SO if we wanted to see in our tracked files what mods are compatible. All mods that are Compatible should be "Green" and mods that arent should be highlighted "Red". God That would make it so easy for me to patch s#*! too.

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In response to post #27232604. #27232924, #27272959 are all replies on the same post.

Fowldragon wrote: people don't fear change...ESPECIALLY not gamers...What people fear is the game will cease to be enjoyable and they have been patterned to expect that often change that is necessary to adhere to contemporaneous methods or preferences...is invariably followed by changes to fix the changes...what people fear most is that the process will be drawn out.
BlindJudge wrote: Change is often good if done in the right way. With the input of those it is most important to!

Bit off topic, but COD4 is one of my favourite games of all time. When Infinity Ward released MW2, they did so without regard to the PC gaming communities that had been forged over the previous version. I truly believe that had they consult their loyal fan base and discovered what they were after in a new game, it could of been 100% better.

This change may be a long process, but it's so that we can get it right, listen to the community and make changes to better the NexusMods experience for them. :)
Fowldragon wrote: ONYA BJ..often knowing the best course is not nearly as important as knowing which paths NOT to take...your overarching objective and the fact that that you are a prolific GAMER GEEK...is reassuring...If YOU are looking at it and saying , " I would use this" it's a fair bet everyone else will as well...best of luck.

100% agree Judge.. COD4 Was wonderful Then the f*#@ed over there PC collective
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Welcome, Paul!


I'm pleased to hear that you'll be exploring options to improve the site's functionality.


I completed the survey you set up. I've also sent you a private message with some notes that are too extensive for a comment here.


Please let me know if you'd like more info.





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Hello Paul,


that sounds promising. I confess I hope, we won't get a reformatio in peius, which means a disimprovement...


However, I guess a survey seems to be a good starting point. In addition I like your sentence, not only to consider the 'respected user's' opinions.


Godspeed and best wishes!



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