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The Witcher 2 Assassin of Kings

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The thing is, a message flashed up to tell me to use a particular control to

evade the dragon when it appears

. It was too quick for me to be sure what I was supposed to be doing, hence I got killed a few times and then gave up again.


Would anyone care to enlighten me? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!


It was too quick for me too, actually it showed the Right mouse button.



But I did not even use it, when the camera spun around to show the dragon behind Geralt, I simply kept pressing the "S" key to move Geralt towards the bottom of my screen, and somehow he managed to cross the bridge and survive. The dragon made quite a ruckuss, if there was ever an indication to use the Right mouse button it was probably blurred by some special effect... at least I did not notice anything.


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After 1 year of grinding I have finally passed level, 18! ^.^


Yerp, so it is right click.


Also, to any ATi users, i recommand the latest driver and if you have a decent ATi card, turn on Ultra but disable Ubersampling.


I am guessing with latest you mean 11.5a? (I have a 4850 btw)

They don't improve performance, actually it seems they decrease performance :S

I hope we will get drivers with a Witcher 2 profile soon.

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After 1 year of grinding I have finally passed level, 18! ^.^


Yerp, so it is right click.


Also, to any ATi users, i recommand the latest driver and if you have a decent ATi card, turn on Ultra but disable Ubersampling.


turning off Ubersampling whatever the hell it is does gave me about 30-40 more fps at ultra. whatever it does, its poorly optimization. im only at lvl6 game crashes quite a bit so ive learned to press f5 quite often.

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For me this was the most anticipated game of the year and now i find myself wishing i haven't bought the game. Only reason for this is combat system, which in my opinion is completely idiotic to say the least.


Everything else in the game is amazing, graphics, music, ambiance, characters. Side quests are well designed too, you can take your time, plenty of things to do once you are in a town, just go easy, set back and enjoy. Then you get attacked and everything above stated just doesn't matter anymore, at least to me. I just can't get used to this new combat system and i feel it is more suited for joy pad rather then a keyboard. All those jumping and rolling around like a monkey just doesn't seem right to me. I know some people hated to combat system in TW1 but i actually loved it. It was dynamic, exciting and fluent, kind of kept me on the edge while in combat, now i just can't wait till its over. It is even worse if i die (which happens a lot), then i loose the will to reload.


Combat was never a big deal for me in any rpg i played until now. Maybe it needs some getting used to, maybe after some time i will get the hang of it, but, i find myself so frustrated because of it, that i don't feel like playing the game.


While im out of the combat its all :turned: :biggrin: :laugh: :dance: :thumbsup: but then during the combat its all :dry: :sad: :down: :mad: then comes death and :wallbash:


This is just me ranting btw, im not trying to start a discussion about the combat system or about the quality of the game, i just needed some place to vent.

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