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The Witcher 2 Assassin of Kings

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I just wish to take back everything i said about the game and the combat system.

Combat system is actually good, very good. Problem was me thinking i could just button mash my way through the game, when in fact tactics is required and some good coordination around the map because of constant rolling (which i still don't like). Everything else is just amazing in my opinion. Characters, music, quests, atmosphere etc. but that doesn't mean it is perfect.


Minor spoilers:



I think some balancing would be good, as much as Geralt is sort of squishy at the beginning of the game, he becomes almost indestructible as you near the finish of the game. In the end i had armor/damage reduction around 70 and with all resistance and vitality upgrades game becomes rather easy (of course you can always increase difficulty settings).




Also unresponsive commands may become a problem (it did for me on few occasions) and a few technical issues like quest bugs etc.



during the "kayran ostmurk quest" if you explored the area first and came across ostmurk in a cave (which is an ingredient for making a potion you need in order to complete the quest) you wont be able to finish the quest because the game does not register the ingredient in your inventory, so when you go to get the ingredient it wont be there, and after you create the potion, quest will still say that you need to make the potion in order to complete it.

I haven't tagged this as a spoiler because i think people should be warned not to take the ingredient so they don't loose exp, if someone objects i guess moderator can hide it.


There were few more examples that i can't think of at the moment, but it is nothing that can't be fixed with a simple patch, so it is not a big deal. Also NPC behavior may seem a bit glitched in some situations, again, its no big deal except that it looks weird.


All in all for me this is one of the best games i had ever played, with amazing story and beautiful atmosphere through out the game, now i can't wait for the sequel or expansion. :biggrin:

Edited by markoBG
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I have no problems with the combat system, but it suffers with lack of accessability. Sure some would say that it makes it hardcore, but for new players just coming into the franchise it's annoying and fustrating. If they could have made a clearer tutorial for new players then that will be great and existing players could just turn it off and tackle it head on. I also wished that they had quest markers for minor quests, I like exploration but I hate it when I have to spend hours looking for the area that I need to go. Again it might seem hardcore, but for new players it is not.
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Lack of combat tutorial may allow you to develop your own style through trial and error, which is good for some and frustrating for others (myself included). So i understand what you mean but i kind of like it this way, it allows you to experiment and not just stick with one thing that works, which also makes it more diverse.


And yeah i completely agree about the quest markers, nekkers contract drove me mad, in the end i had to google for the nest locations. :biggrin:

Edited by markoBG
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Easy difficulty is to enjoy the storyline, Dragonbird :)

Normal is to have a challenge and feel more realistical

If you feel like a pro, why don't you go for Insane, with DDO Style Permadeath (IF you die, savegame is deleted and you restart)

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Easy difficulty is to enjoy the storyline, Dragonbird :)

Normal is to have a challenge and feel more realistical

If you feel like a pro, why don't you go for Insane, with DDO Style Permadeath (IF you die, savegame is deleted and you restart)


Thanks! Sounds like I'll be getting TW2 next month after I upgrade my graphics card. :)

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Normal was pretty evil lol, I quickly made a new game on Easy :P


Seems I've solved most of my crashes. Other than the random CTDs that people have been reporting, I just played for a solid hour and a half with no problems. Turns out I was overheating. Got some canned air and blew out my graphics card heatsink...EWW! I cleaned it less than a month ago and there was so much crap in it. What was worse was the PSU, there was a 3 inch layer of nicocatdust (nicotine, cat hair, dust) covering the components inside and the fan was so clogged up I'm surprised it even moved lol. 3 year build up...must remember to clean it more often....really should quit smoking too, nicotine is a beast :P


So far, enjoying it very much. I tried to fight the monsters without a silver sword, that was not fun. Just raided everyone's house for Orens and bought myself one though, much easier. Where the heck are the nekker nests? The quest markers on this are rather lame...

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Guest deleted726673

I received the boxed premium edition today and just finished installing it,

When starting a new game you can choose to import a save file from the first game, I would like to do that but the save files are not being recognized.


I got the first game from Steam and the second is not a Steam version.

The save files from the steam version are located in Documents\The Witcher\saves, is that the right location for importing the saves?

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That's the right location. I have the Steam version of the first as well, and the GOG version of the second, and it imported my save fine. There have been some issues with importing saves for some people. It seems rare, but in some cases the game just does not want to recognize it for some reason. I am not sure what the issue is. There are savegames out there for download. I have one with Raven's Armor, Gwalhir and Aerondight (though you will be replacing all of them in not TOO long) that sided with the Scoia'tael if you want it. : http://www.kentauroi.com/witchersave.zip Edited by Raye
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