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Copyright laws


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There are many different copyright laws. I am planning on putting some copy righted material from george thorogood in my mod with permission of course. BUT I understand that in the uk, they can put music in after 70 years after their dead. So whats the general rule on this. If I use copyrighted crapola according to the UK rule, even though im in the US, is my mod subject to some bs?


Anyway let me know before I do something that has some jerkoff knocking on my door. I hate to rudely awakin him to a loophole, and ask him kindly to remove his arse from my doorstep. ( its better then just shooting him the face )

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If you're using work with permission then it's all a moot point. Aside from that you're going to have to look up yourself whether work is public domain or still copyrighted. Tolkein's work is still copyrighted despite being over the time limit. As is Disney's. Lots of variables.
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Thanks for the replies, and I will have full approval


Jim just wanted to use his new thwert shyte http://smilies.blazemint.com/s/games/diablo/Whaxatk.gif


hehe, I just used my *getthehelloutofthewayspell :thumbsup:

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The reason Tolkein's work is still copyrighted despite being past the usual expiration date is because the copyright was transferred to his estate, and they renewed it afterward.


After January 1, 1978 copyright extends 70 years past the death of the author.

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