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Survey Responses!


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The results are in!


Well the results are in and I thank you for all the time, effort and input that went into completing the surveys. We had over 25,000 responses in a two and a half day period which took both Robin and I totally by surprise and just reinforced our belief in the passionate community we have here at NexusMods.


I've put all the comments into two different documents and am now in the process of reading them, making notes and tallying the suggestions up so that we get an idea of what we can do to best improve the experience for you all.


Like I said before, this process is open to the community. So for your information, these are the results of the survey:



Male: 88%

Female: 9%

Rather not say: 4%



18 - 24: 40%

up to 17: 22%

25 to 34: 19%

35 to 44: 8%

45 to 54: 5%

Rather not say: 4%

55 to 64: 2%

65 to 74: 1%

75+: 0%



Daily: 49%

Weekly: 36%

Occasionally: 9%

Monthly: 5%

First Visit: 1%


Usage (multiple answers possible):

Mod User: 96%

Browse Around: 20%

Forum User: 9%

Mod Author: 8%


Uploading a Mod is Simple and Easy:

Average: 7.77


I like the look of the website:

Average: 7.59


Easy to Navigate:

Average: 7.58


Find what I want Quickly:

Average 7.24


Everything is clearly labelled:

Average: 7.51


Browsing Experience:

Particular Mod, then browse around: 53%

Browse for Hidden Gems: 44%

Particular Mod, then leave: 3%


Recommend to a friend:

Average: 9.23!!  


An average score of 9.23 out of 10 for recommending to a friend, now that is certainly a good thing to hear.  


We also had an enormous amount of suggestions and feedback, 700+ pages to be precise and I’m actually going through all of it. Some people have gone into incredible detail:


Better tracking of your own comments in various sections/mods, to see when/if someone replies. Better access to mods that are high quality, but haven't got too many downloads and/or endorsements. Many great mods are bogged down way back in the pages, with skimpy clothes and nudes clogging up the front pages.


Many have been listing parts of the site and how they believe it should be changed. Others have blasted down ideas in bullet points including highlighting tagging, making the site more responsive and improving the site search functionality.


It actually doesn't matter how you have given your feedback we are exceptionally grateful for all of it. I have received plenty of PMs too which I will reply to over the course of the next week. Things are pretty go, go, go at the moment but please be aware that I'll reply to everything eventually.


I’ve also created another form incase you wanted to put forward any more feedback and suggestions throughout this process.  You can access that by clicking somewhere around here.


We have picked the 5 winners of the Steam vouchers and will be contacting them via email in the next few days.


So what's the next step? Well, we are looking at taking on a part-time User Experience / User Interface Designer to work with us on interpreting the information we gathered from the surveys, hopefully we can find a passionate person from within the Nexus community, but I will put out a separate post on this very shortly.


Once we have managed to recruit someone to come on board we will begin the whole design process. To begin with this will involve analysing how people use the site, which parts of the site get looked at and how people interact. From that we'll find the areas that can be streamlined and made more intuitive, work out a process flow that people will not find too different from the norm and then begin with wireframes.  


Once we have managed to produce the wireframes these will be shared with the community for feedback.


These are fun times to be here at NexusMods and I'm looking forward to the next month immeasurably.

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Also, the female to male ratio is a little funny. I'd say there are probably more females than that in the community but :shrug:


Can't wait to see the redesign, whenever that may be.

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In response to post #27527494.

BlindJudge wrote: The results are in!

Well the results are in and I thank you for all the time, effort and input that went into completing the surveys. We had over 25,000 responses in a two and a half day period which took both Robin and I totally by surprise and just reinforced our belief in the passionate community we have here at NexusMods.

I've put all the comments into two different documents and am now in the process of reading them, making notes and tallying the suggestions up so that we get an idea of what we can do to best improve the experience for you all.

Like I said before, this process is open to the community. So for your information, these are the results of the survey:

Male: 88%
Female: 9%
Rather not say: 4%

18 - 24: 40%
up to 17: 22%
25 to 34: 19%
35 to 44: 8%
45 to 54: 5%
Rather not say: 4%
55 to 64: 2%
65 to 74: 1%
75+: 0%

Daily: 49%
Weekly: 36%
Occasionally: 9%
Monthly: 5%
First Visit: 1%

Usage (multiple answers possible):
Mod User: 96%
Browse Around: 20%
Forum User: 9%
Mod Author: 8%

Uploading a Mod is Simple and Easy:
Average: 7.77

I like the look of the website:
Average: 7.59

Easy to Navigate:
Average: 7.58

Find what I want Quickly:
Average 7.24

Everything is clearly labelled:
Average: 7.51

Browsing Experience:
Particular Mod, then browse around: 53%
Browse for Hidden Gems: 44%
Particular Mod, then leave: 3%

Recommend to a friend:
Average: 9.23!!  

An average score of 9.23 out of 10 for recommending to a friend, now that is certainly a good thing to hear.  

We also had an enormous amount of suggestions and feedback, 700+ pages to be precise and I’m actually going through all of it. Some people have gone into incredible detail:

Better tracking of your own comments in various sections/mods, to see when/if someone replies. Better access to mods that are high quality, but haven't got too many downloads and/or endorsements. Many great mods are bogged down way back in the pages, with skimpy clothes and nudes clogging up the front pages.

Many have been listing parts of the site and how they believe it should be changed. Others have blasted down ideas in bullet points including highlighting tagging, making the site more responsive and improving the site search functionality.

It actually doesn't matter how you have given your feedback we are exceptionally grateful for all of it. I have received plenty of PMs too which I will reply to over the course of the next week. Things are pretty go, go, go at the moment but please be aware that I'll reply to everything eventually.

I’ve also created another form incase you wanted to put forward any more feedback and suggestions throughout this process.  You can access that by clicking somewhere around here.

We have picked the 5 winners of the Steam vouchers and will be contacting them via email in the next few days.

So what's the next step? Well, we are looking at taking on a part-time User Experience / User Interface Designer to work with us on interpreting the information we gathered from the surveys, hopefully we can find a passionate person from within the Nexus community, but I will put out a separate post on this very shortly.

Once we have managed to recruit someone to come on board we will begin the whole design process. To begin with this will involve analysing how people use the site, which parts of the site get looked at and how people interact. From that we'll find the areas that can be streamlined and made more intuitive, work out a process flow that people will not find too different from the norm and then begin with wireframes.  

Once we have managed to produce the wireframes these will be shared with the community for feedback.

These are fun times to be here at NexusMods and I'm looking forward to the next month immeasurably.

Many great mods are bogged down way back in the pages, with skimpy clothes and nudes clogging up the front pages.

More tags like skimpy, ken, barbie etc...

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In response to post #27527609.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:

Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D Edited by Elianora
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