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Survey Responses!


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In response to post #27772820. #27773245, #27785260, #27787150, #27827605, #27828245, #27828875, #27833980, #27837490, #27840175, #27841035, #27848505, #27850734, #27856114, #27933514, #27939239, #27964909 are all replies on the same post.

Comix777 wrote: It was pretty obvious that women are a tiny minority. Despite this whole lie that "45% of gamers are female", men are, and always were, a large majority of gamers. It's as simple as that.
westsidekidd wrote: And from where do you have this information?
I am 42 years old. When I started to play Computer games when I was 14 years old, no girl was ever interested in playing Computer games, at least not many, but this has absolutely changed and there will be a lot more in the future. Thanks to games which have a story, like Dragon Age and Mass Effect and also Skyrim and Fallout.
Go look on deviantart, how many female Mass Effect and Dragon Age fans there are, for example. To me it seems there are a lot more than male fans.
So in my opinion it could really be that half of the gamers these days ARE in fact females.
xenoforge78 wrote: None of that really related to what he said, apart from your opinion on whether it's true or not. Obviously here it's a vast majority, and I highly doubt it will ever rise; it doesn't need to. The whole stat of half of gamers are women is pretty much rubbish.
westsidekidd wrote: None of that? My whole comment is about what he said.
EspadaDeHelado wrote: Yeah, this isn't exactly that relevant to the survey at all, but yes there is a low percentage of woman gamers/gaming enthusiasts (the people who would use mods and a mod hub). The numbers from studies are used disingenuously. It is roughly a half and half split for "people who play games" because of handheld and mobile games, but women tend to play more causal games on average either through their phones or through social media websites like Facebook rather than the heavier games that mainline gaming technology and culture is engrossed in. That's what skews the graph in that area, and then even in heavier games you still have splits in preference between genres. https://i.imgur.com/QwjTwT2.jpg
toadlet wrote: I disagree with your comment, Comix777. You cannot use the nexus survey to prove or disprove how many male or female gamers there actually are. I know many people who are very anti-modding regarding their own gaming, so therefore these people are probably not even be signed up to nexus, let alone answering this survey, regardless of sex. All you can take away from this survey is that there are more male users of nexus than female (who bothered to do the survey).
westsidekidd wrote: @toadlet
And this survey wasn't even really representative. There are a lot of users (male and female), who didn't even knew that there was this survey or they simply didn't answered it, but fact is, that there are a lot more female gamers out there than some people think.
Reaper0021 wrote: I'm 44 been gaming since 1977. Used to be a 'Man's' only land (boys if you like). Now, in games like Skyrim, Fallout, Mass Effect, World of Warcraft, Counterstrike: Global Offensive (that's right a FPS game) and many many others....I meet and see women gamer's all the time (my daughter, 23 and a new mother has been a gamer since age 5). This hobby as become all inclusive and more and more diverse over the years. I, for one, and happy as hell women play these games with us as it has helped to destroy the myth that only 'kids and little boy's' play video games. I even get my butt stomped regularly in 'StarCraft II' by women and to me....it's oddly refreshing.
Kimimarox wrote: Well, there is cetrainly more male players of games like Skyrim.

It's when you take all games, including casual ones, you get a score closer to half.

Women tend to play different games, and before anyone gets mad or something, tihs doesn't mean that casual gamers are inferior. Casual gaming is quickly becoming the biggest right now. Walking simulators/handheld games etc. are becoming more and more popular.
darkhero67 wrote: regardless of what you openion is i do wish their were female players this just says to me a lot of girls are missing out on some pretty fun experiances
Hilda1007 wrote: I hope that's not true! I am a female gamer and certainly hope that game developers don't think we're a minority. I started gaming with Tomb Raider (I think Doom was a big game at that time and I remember thinking "ugh!") But with the Baldur's Gate series and then The Elder Scrolls, I've never thought that women were not catered for in the gaming world and I hope that continues. I wanted to say that maybe women don't mod as much as men do but I've download (and loved) a lot of mods created by women. A big thank you to them all (and the men modders!) who have enhanced and extended the lives of our much loved games!

BTW sorry I missed this survey. I only log in occasionally and did not see a notice about a survey.
Pixeldust wrote: If you actually googled it, you'd realize it isn't a lie at all. And that number posting is from CNN. Here is the link... http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/08/tech/gaming-gadgets/female-gamers/ ((It's literally one of the first results on Google if you search "45% of gamers are female." ))

I'm a female and play mostly PC games aka Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, and many other not casual types of games. Although do own some consoles. Although whether it's a casual game or not, it's still a video game, and that market is obviously no longer just for men but women too.

Also, not everyone on the Nexus responded to this poll. Though with how much skimpy armor mods inhabit the website here, I'm amazed you act like it's a surprise that the percentage of females here is so low.

Heres another poll that says that 52% of the gaming community is now women. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/18/52-percent-people-playing-games-women-industry-doesnt-know

westsidekidd wrote: @Pixeldust
Absolutely right! Kudos to you for this comment.
Demonikone wrote: Most of MY female friends say they are guys on games and pages... purely because even adults act like damn children on the keyboard....

i mean really? this is a post about the survey and....???
yay it gets turned into so BS political debate/one manship...
I honestly couldnt give two flying superman's labedos about what gender some one is...

what is relevent is that we respect eachother and enjoy the game...
so on that note i suggest a few people take a good long hard look at their personalities...

EspadaDeHelado wrote: I can't understand how someone would cite CNN and subsequently the ESA in such a disingenuous manner. Essentially that's a bold faced lie, I mean damn you linked it right there. It's nice that you linked to an article with horrible editorializing. It didn't take long for it to turn into "women are harassed and gaming is a boys' club" narrative. " 45% of all game players, and 46% of the most frequent purchasers of games, are female. Adult women make up 31% of the game-playing population." You realize that this doesn't mean that for Skyrim it would be the same, right? It said the exact same thing I did - that women prefer different genres, including more casual -less advanced- games such as those on phones and social media.
MrTastix wrote: How can you derive that from a survey regarding the Nexus websites?

Studies that are designed to analyze the male/female ratio of gamers do not look on one website to do so, they look in all areas related to gaming. Furthermore, neither these studies nor the Nexus' survey factor in the vast majority of gamers who choose not to partake at all.

It's still highly possible that 45% of gamers are, indeed, female, at least by today's standards. Drawing a conclusion on the state of gaming with a survey focused on website is unreliable and illogical.
moozilbee wrote: As far as I know the "45% of gamers are women" statistic is including people who say that occasionally play angry birds or candy crush as "gamers.

So, kind of true, but super misleading.

It's not like anyone gives a s#*! (or should give a s#*!) about gender on the Nexus, of all places.

being in my 30s and knowing about 80 gamers from work and around town i can attest that not even 10% are females. and the few that enjoy them are not your typical female. whether the future may change that or not has nothing to do with the comment or the facts presented by this site about the present.
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In response to post #27623835. #27624585, #27624860, #27625270, #27628155, #27628620, #27628655, #27629705, #27634100, #27635775, #27638110, #27733485, #27742210, #27746015, #27758520, #27764540 are all replies on the same post.

Nas00 wrote: QUOTE
"[...]Better access to mods that are high quality, but haven't got too many downloads and/or endorsements. Many great mods are bogged down way back in the pages, with skimpy clothes and nudes clogging up the front pages."

QFT. By all means I don't disrespect nor discard the hard work of every modder out here, but the Nexus is literally flooded with skimpy armor/clothing/whatever mods that are always getting to the hot files just because players want to see their female waifu wandering around butt-naked. In the meanwhile other mods meant to improve the gameplay experience, immersion simply stay in the dark, which I find kinda sad.

Is it possible to create a "sexy hot files section" of some sort?
westsidekidd wrote: Agreed 100%.
I wish Nexus would get rid of all that skimpy nonsense.
tiwa44 wrote: you can easily tag skimpy or adult or even lore unfriendly content you want blocked in the content filtering page. It will remove them even in the hot files, recent files, search results, etc.

edit: last button in the account options popup, easy peasy...
Nas00 wrote: Well that's something I didn't know (shame on me). Done. Thank you for the advice!
westsidekidd wrote: @tiwa44
Thanks for that info. Don't know, why I didn't knew that. :) But still, I think skimpy mods have nothing to do on here. They should move to the LL site with that kind of stuff. And even if I block those kind of stuff, really good mods will be still unseen and way back in the list of mods, because of all that stupid skimpy stuff and I find this very unfair. There are a lot of amazing mod makers, who are working their butts off to make their mods, but they will not seen as much as these dumb skimpy mods. I hope this will change one day!

Keep the Nexus clean!
Roachbait wrote: I assume you think "Fruit of the Loom" is still around 200+ years after the bombs fell, guess what...? If you have some sort of problem with nudity, discuss it with your therapist. Diversity extends to personal expression by what we wear as HUMANS, or what we choose NOT to wear, in-game, or otherwise...I personally love to have a choice in the matter, and extend that to my in-game persona...I'm sorry if you think everyone should think the same, dress the same, eat the same, drive the same, work the same...NOTHING is the same, anywhere in the real world...and we like to choose how to express ourselves...there are filters, if you want to close your mind, enable them, please, HURRY...just don't try to shove your limited perceptions down everyone's throat...many of those mods take hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of work, and you sneer at them, because they are too "skimpy"? Really? You do realize this is 2015? Right? I mean, grow up...If I choose to run around starkers, who are you to say it's wrong? Perhaps it makes the game more of a challenge NOT to plow over every enemy wearing power armor (or it's skyrim equivalent) fully encased in a futuristic sardine-can...Really...the human body is a beautiful thing, that is, unless if you have some sort of self-esteem problem...Whatever you do, stay out of museums, and art galleries...it may totally offend you beyond your own belief...Some of the best art on Earth are paintings and sculptures of nudes...if you hate that, you hate yourself...
SeedReaper wrote: Yo, westside. Thanks for the input. But I LIKE not having to deal with LL. I don't use their sexlab stuff, and probably never will. I DO like using NMM. I DO like how this site has very high standards (at least in principle) as to how mods are built.

So yes, the skimpy stuff has a place here. Despite your moaning. Filter adult and NSFW content in your content filtering page if you don't want to see it. Didn't tiwa44 just say that?
westsidekidd wrote: And haven't I reply to that? Maybe you misunderstood something because of my poor English, but sorry, it's not my native language. :/

It has nothing to do if I have an issue with nudity or not. It has to do with REAL mod makers and their REAL mods which are overseen because of all that skimpy stuff flooding the Nexus.
I have nothing against nudity, I only find these mods ridiculous, because, let's face it, at the end of the day, these are only nude pixels and I don't know why people are so crazy about them and I will NEVER understand that. I play computer games since I was 14 years old, thats 28 years ago and I NEVER used those kind of mods, because to me they are senseless. It's okay with me, if people are using these kind of mods, but when I see that simple made mods were voted for file of the month or are in the hot files and other mods which were made with love and a huge amount of time, but never made it to the hot files, then this makes me mad, sorry, but that's how I am and I think in my age, I can't change that.
tiwa44 wrote: Westside, I think this is a UI issue, not a content one. If Nexusmods banned skimpy content, they'd probably halve their traffic overnight!

It seems skimpy mods receive too much attention because many users don't find the content filtering options nexusmods provides, despite these options being one of the cool things of this site and working perfectly well. So this is a UI issue, not a cultural one.
Lisnpuppy wrote: The filtering is also, only as good as the tags. You are supposed to mark something adult or not adult right from the get go. Adult typically means nudity (not just skimpy-but showing ya know, stuffs) extreme violence and other adult theses that might get a R rating or above. If the mod author or someone else puts adult images on the mod then (if reported) they should be taken off or the mod remarked as adult if it was not. Then there is an option for tags which are like, female, lore-friendly, NSFW, armor,etc.

Now there are many things that are NSFW that qualify as skimpy but not really needing an adult tag. For example you probably wouldn't look at a provacative bathing suit issue of a magazine, even if all the appropriate things were covered up. There is a cultural difference when talking about nude/skimpy things this is why if reported things are reviewed by the moderation team. If you think something isn't marked adult then report it. If people did not like the "skimpy" mods then they would not be so popular. You can set your preferences to weed out nudity and and other tag.

Again I would like to see more mod authors tagging their files so that the filter will work not just to exclude mods but to find ones also. You can still find great obscure mods by using the advanced search function witch allows searching by dates uploaded, category and keywords in the description. I almost wish there was a tutorial on this as soooo many folks don't know about it or how to use it.
BlindJudge wrote: Quite a lot of replies were to do with seeing Adult content, nudity and the like.

But there is a section on your user profile where you can block seeing these mods. A lot of people didn't even know this part of the site existed, so as part of the redesign it's obvious we need to make the user profile section a bit more intuitive.

As far as removing it altogether, that won't happen. We are a mod site at the end of the day and people have worked hard on their mods no matter what the content. Yes, it is also quite a popular category.

Each person has their own likes and dislikes, our job is to ensure that you only see the files that you would like to download.
miketheratguy wrote: I, too, hate the overwhelming abundance of skimpy mods. I've got no problem with nudity, nor an author's right to post such content on the Nexus. It doesn't bother me that this stuff exists, so I feel no need to filter it out of my browsing. I just wish that certain trends weren't so predominant. I've seen countless quality mods that didn't get nearly the attention that they deserved ("Modded Loot" is a good recent example), meanwhile every mod created by a popular author gets tidal waves of adulation and each of the latest panty and nipple pasty outfits receive one endorsement after another.

Everyone's entitled to create what they create, and to like what they like. To each their own. I just wish that quality, legitimately game-enriching content took priority over uploader favoritism and stripper armor.
westsidekidd wrote: @miketheratguy
Thank you very much for your statement! Exactly THIS is was I meant, but because of my poor English, I wasn't able to express myself, like you did.
So, thank you very much again!
whismerhill wrote: @westsidekidd
perhaps it's a language issue, but the simple fact that you refer to other mods as : "REAL" mods, means the skimpy ones are not "REAL mods" which is in fact sort of discriminating, in my humble opinion.

The thing is : not everyone is looking for gameplay improvements

While I can understand where you're coming from, again diversity of opinion is what it is ...
For example I don't particularly like that "modded loot". In theory it's a good one,
In practice it adds another layer of scripts running constantly all through skyrim (noooooooo)
When you can have dynamic patchers doing the leveled lists for you (Lootification for example might be a good replacement for modded loot) which is more work to setup the initial mods & load order, but less hassle afterward.
That said, that doesn't mean modded loot is bad. It's a good one, for "not script heavy mod setups" I'd recommend it for ease of use/install probably.

I think a few things that should be retained for the design of the website:
-ease of filtering out skimpy/adult stuff in a pinch but also ease of watching it again (tabs ???) (I know it's currently possible in the search attributes just slightly not exposed enough for some people ?)
-maybe some sort of "rising popular mods" ( most endorsements in the last week/last month)
-"latest unrated mods" (mods that went below the community radar, have very few endorsements and are rather new, last month or so)
westsidekidd wrote: @whismerhill
Okay, sorry. I really don't wanted to discrimate any mod makers or mods. I only meant with "REAL" mods, mods that needed a huge amount of time and effort to make them, which is not the case with these skimpy mods, at least not many of them.
gnhtd wrote: I think that's a very good idea (though I'm not sure if things like 'Better Males' should be kept on the normal page as a realism mod or end up on the skimpy because they're frankly both and mods like this one here are needed for a completely realistic gameplay)

ha yeah a lot of skimpy mods are low quality or didn't require much work.
that said at least some nude & skimpy mods required a ton of work (example : mature skin), so it's mostly about Low Quality Work & mods rather than just nude/skimpy mods as a whole.
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In response to post #27623835. #27624585, #27624860, #27625270, #27628155, #27628620, #27628655, #27629705, #27634100, #27635775, #27638110, #27733485, #27742210, #27746015, #27758520, #27764540, #28009569 are all replies on the same post.

Nas00 wrote: QUOTE
"[...]Better access to mods that are high quality, but haven't got too many downloads and/or endorsements. Many great mods are bogged down way back in the pages, with skimpy clothes and nudes clogging up the front pages."

QFT. By all means I don't disrespect nor discard the hard work of every modder out here, but the Nexus is literally flooded with skimpy armor/clothing/whatever mods that are always getting to the hot files just because players want to see their female waifu wandering around butt-naked. In the meanwhile other mods meant to improve the gameplay experience, immersion simply stay in the dark, which I find kinda sad.

Is it possible to create a "sexy hot files section" of some sort?
westsidekidd wrote: Agreed 100%.
I wish Nexus would get rid of all that skimpy nonsense.
tiwa44 wrote: you can easily tag skimpy or adult or even lore unfriendly content you want blocked in the content filtering page. It will remove them even in the hot files, recent files, search results, etc.

edit: last button in the account options popup, easy peasy...
Nas00 wrote: Well that's something I didn't know (shame on me). Done. Thank you for the advice!
westsidekidd wrote: @tiwa44
Thanks for that info. Don't know, why I didn't knew that. :) But still, I think skimpy mods have nothing to do on here. They should move to the LL site with that kind of stuff. And even if I block those kind of stuff, really good mods will be still unseen and way back in the list of mods, because of all that stupid skimpy stuff and I find this very unfair. There are a lot of amazing mod makers, who are working their butts off to make their mods, but they will not seen as much as these dumb skimpy mods. I hope this will change one day!

Keep the Nexus clean!
Roachbait wrote: I assume you think "Fruit of the Loom" is still around 200+ years after the bombs fell, guess what...? If you have some sort of problem with nudity, discuss it with your therapist. Diversity extends to personal expression by what we wear as HUMANS, or what we choose NOT to wear, in-game, or otherwise...I personally love to have a choice in the matter, and extend that to my in-game persona...I'm sorry if you think everyone should think the same, dress the same, eat the same, drive the same, work the same...NOTHING is the same, anywhere in the real world...and we like to choose how to express ourselves...there are filters, if you want to close your mind, enable them, please, HURRY...just don't try to shove your limited perceptions down everyone's throat...many of those mods take hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of work, and you sneer at them, because they are too "skimpy"? Really? You do realize this is 2015? Right? I mean, grow up...If I choose to run around starkers, who are you to say it's wrong? Perhaps it makes the game more of a challenge NOT to plow over every enemy wearing power armor (or it's skyrim equivalent) fully encased in a futuristic sardine-can...Really...the human body is a beautiful thing, that is, unless if you have some sort of self-esteem problem...Whatever you do, stay out of museums, and art galleries...it may totally offend you beyond your own belief...Some of the best art on Earth are paintings and sculptures of nudes...if you hate that, you hate yourself...
SeedReaper wrote: Yo, westside. Thanks for the input. But I LIKE not having to deal with LL. I don't use their sexlab stuff, and probably never will. I DO like using NMM. I DO like how this site has very high standards (at least in principle) as to how mods are built.

So yes, the skimpy stuff has a place here. Despite your moaning. Filter adult and NSFW content in your content filtering page if you don't want to see it. Didn't tiwa44 just say that?
westsidekidd wrote: And haven't I reply to that? Maybe you misunderstood something because of my poor English, but sorry, it's not my native language. :/

It has nothing to do if I have an issue with nudity or not. It has to do with REAL mod makers and their REAL mods which are overseen because of all that skimpy stuff flooding the Nexus.
I have nothing against nudity, I only find these mods ridiculous, because, let's face it, at the end of the day, these are only nude pixels and I don't know why people are so crazy about them and I will NEVER understand that. I play computer games since I was 14 years old, thats 28 years ago and I NEVER used those kind of mods, because to me they are senseless. It's okay with me, if people are using these kind of mods, but when I see that simple made mods were voted for file of the month or are in the hot files and other mods which were made with love and a huge amount of time, but never made it to the hot files, then this makes me mad, sorry, but that's how I am and I think in my age, I can't change that.
tiwa44 wrote: Westside, I think this is a UI issue, not a content one. If Nexusmods banned skimpy content, they'd probably halve their traffic overnight!

It seems skimpy mods receive too much attention because many users don't find the content filtering options nexusmods provides, despite these options being one of the cool things of this site and working perfectly well. So this is a UI issue, not a cultural one.
Lisnpuppy wrote: The filtering is also, only as good as the tags. You are supposed to mark something adult or not adult right from the get go. Adult typically means nudity (not just skimpy-but showing ya know, stuffs) extreme violence and other adult theses that might get a R rating or above. If the mod author or someone else puts adult images on the mod then (if reported) they should be taken off or the mod remarked as adult if it was not. Then there is an option for tags which are like, female, lore-friendly, NSFW, armor,etc.

Now there are many things that are NSFW that qualify as skimpy but not really needing an adult tag. For example you probably wouldn't look at a provacative bathing suit issue of a magazine, even if all the appropriate things were covered up. There is a cultural difference when talking about nude/skimpy things this is why if reported things are reviewed by the moderation team. If you think something isn't marked adult then report it. If people did not like the "skimpy" mods then they would not be so popular. You can set your preferences to weed out nudity and and other tag.

Again I would like to see more mod authors tagging their files so that the filter will work not just to exclude mods but to find ones also. You can still find great obscure mods by using the advanced search function witch allows searching by dates uploaded, category and keywords in the description. I almost wish there was a tutorial on this as soooo many folks don't know about it or how to use it.
BlindJudge wrote: Quite a lot of replies were to do with seeing Adult content, nudity and the like.

But there is a section on your user profile where you can block seeing these mods. A lot of people didn't even know this part of the site existed, so as part of the redesign it's obvious we need to make the user profile section a bit more intuitive.

As far as removing it altogether, that won't happen. We are a mod site at the end of the day and people have worked hard on their mods no matter what the content. Yes, it is also quite a popular category.

Each person has their own likes and dislikes, our job is to ensure that you only see the files that you would like to download.
miketheratguy wrote: I, too, hate the overwhelming abundance of skimpy mods. I've got no problem with nudity, nor an author's right to post such content on the Nexus. It doesn't bother me that this stuff exists, so I feel no need to filter it out of my browsing. I just wish that certain trends weren't so predominant. I've seen countless quality mods that didn't get nearly the attention that they deserved ("Modded Loot" is a good recent example), meanwhile every mod created by a popular author gets tidal waves of adulation and each of the latest panty and nipple pasty outfits receive one endorsement after another.

Everyone's entitled to create what they create, and to like what they like. To each their own. I just wish that quality, legitimately game-enriching content took priority over uploader favoritism and stripper armor.
westsidekidd wrote: @miketheratguy
Thank you very much for your statement! Exactly THIS is was I meant, but because of my poor English, I wasn't able to express myself, like you did.
So, thank you very much again!
whismerhill wrote: @westsidekidd
perhaps it's a language issue, but the simple fact that you refer to other mods as : "REAL" mods, means the skimpy ones are not "REAL mods" which is in fact sort of discriminating, in my humble opinion.

The thing is : not everyone is looking for gameplay improvements

While I can understand where you're coming from, again diversity of opinion is what it is ...
For example I don't particularly like that "modded loot". In theory it's a good one,
In practice it adds another layer of scripts running constantly all through skyrim (noooooooo)
When you can have dynamic patchers doing the leveled lists for you (Lootification for example might be a good replacement for modded loot) which is more work to setup the initial mods & load order, but less hassle afterward.
That said, that doesn't mean modded loot is bad. It's a good one, for "not script heavy mod setups" I'd recommend it for ease of use/install probably.

I think a few things that should be retained for the design of the website:
-ease of filtering out skimpy/adult stuff in a pinch but also ease of watching it again (tabs ???) (I know it's currently possible in the search attributes just slightly not exposed enough for some people ?)
-maybe some sort of "rising popular mods" ( most endorsements in the last week/last month)
-"latest unrated mods" (mods that went below the community radar, have very few endorsements and are rather new, last month or so)
westsidekidd wrote: @whismerhill
Okay, sorry. I really don't wanted to discrimate any mod makers or mods. I only meant with "REAL" mods, mods that needed a huge amount of time and effort to make them, which is not the case with these skimpy mods, at least not many of them.
gnhtd wrote: I think that's a very good idea (though I'm not sure if things like 'Better Males' should be kept on the normal page as a realism mod or end up on the skimpy because they're frankly both and mods like this one here are needed for a completely realistic gameplay)
whismerhill wrote: ha yeah a lot of skimpy mods are low quality or didn't require much work.
that said at least some nude & skimpy mods required a ton of work (example : mature skin), so it's mostly about Low Quality Work & mods rather than just nude/skimpy mods as a whole.

Westsidekidd: And "skimpy" or "nude" mods are not made with huge amounts of effort and talent and are not "high quality"?

You are so showing your prejudices. It is enough for you to say you do not prefer those types of mods, and you would prefer not to see them.

So please use the filters, and do not browse under the clothing, armour or other related catagories as they add nothing to gameplay experience or immersion. Gameplay and immersion being defined by the creators of the game.

Enjoy your gaming

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In response to post #27772820. #27773245, #27785260, #27787150, #27827605, #27828245, #27828875, #27833980, #27837490, #27840175, #27841035, #27848505, #27850734, #27856114, #27933514, #27939239, #27964909, #28009514 are all replies on the same post.

Comix777 wrote: It was pretty obvious that women are a tiny minority. Despite this whole lie that "45% of gamers are female", men are, and always were, a large majority of gamers. It's as simple as that.
westsidekidd wrote: And from where do you have this information?
I am 42 years old. When I started to play Computer games when I was 14 years old, no girl was ever interested in playing Computer games, at least not many, but this has absolutely changed and there will be a lot more in the future. Thanks to games which have a story, like Dragon Age and Mass Effect and also Skyrim and Fallout.
Go look on deviantart, how many female Mass Effect and Dragon Age fans there are, for example. To me it seems there are a lot more than male fans.
So in my opinion it could really be that half of the gamers these days ARE in fact females.
xenoforge78 wrote: None of that really related to what he said, apart from your opinion on whether it's true or not. Obviously here it's a vast majority, and I highly doubt it will ever rise; it doesn't need to. The whole stat of half of gamers are women is pretty much rubbish.
westsidekidd wrote: None of that? My whole comment is about what he said.
EspadaDeHelado wrote: Yeah, this isn't exactly that relevant to the survey at all, but yes there is a low percentage of woman gamers/gaming enthusiasts (the people who would use mods and a mod hub). The numbers from studies are used disingenuously. It is roughly a half and half split for "people who play games" because of handheld and mobile games, but women tend to play more causal games on average either through their phones or through social media websites like Facebook rather than the heavier games that mainline gaming technology and culture is engrossed in. That's what skews the graph in that area, and then even in heavier games you still have splits in preference between genres. https://i.imgur.com/QwjTwT2.jpg
toadlet wrote: I disagree with your comment, Comix777. You cannot use the nexus survey to prove or disprove how many male or female gamers there actually are. I know many people who are very anti-modding regarding their own gaming, so therefore these people are probably not even be signed up to nexus, let alone answering this survey, regardless of sex. All you can take away from this survey is that there are more male users of nexus than female (who bothered to do the survey).
westsidekidd wrote: @toadlet
And this survey wasn't even really representative. There are a lot of users (male and female), who didn't even knew that there was this survey or they simply didn't answered it, but fact is, that there are a lot more female gamers out there than some people think.
Reaper0021 wrote: I'm 44 been gaming since 1977. Used to be a 'Man's' only land (boys if you like). Now, in games like Skyrim, Fallout, Mass Effect, World of Warcraft, Counterstrike: Global Offensive (that's right a FPS game) and many many others....I meet and see women gamer's all the time (my daughter, 23 and a new mother has been a gamer since age 5). This hobby as become all inclusive and more and more diverse over the years. I, for one, and happy as hell women play these games with us as it has helped to destroy the myth that only 'kids and little boy's' play video games. I even get my butt stomped regularly in 'StarCraft II' by women and to me....it's oddly refreshing.
Kimimarox wrote: Well, there is cetrainly more male players of games like Skyrim.

It's when you take all games, including casual ones, you get a score closer to half.

Women tend to play different games, and before anyone gets mad or something, tihs doesn't mean that casual gamers are inferior. Casual gaming is quickly becoming the biggest right now. Walking simulators/handheld games etc. are becoming more and more popular.
darkhero67 wrote: regardless of what you openion is i do wish their were female players this just says to me a lot of girls are missing out on some pretty fun experiances
Hilda1007 wrote: I hope that's not true! I am a female gamer and certainly hope that game developers don't think we're a minority. I started gaming with Tomb Raider (I think Doom was a big game at that time and I remember thinking "ugh!") But with the Baldur's Gate series and then The Elder Scrolls, I've never thought that women were not catered for in the gaming world and I hope that continues. I wanted to say that maybe women don't mod as much as men do but I've download (and loved) a lot of mods created by women. A big thank you to them all (and the men modders!) who have enhanced and extended the lives of our much loved games!

BTW sorry I missed this survey. I only log in occasionally and did not see a notice about a survey.
Pixeldust wrote: If you actually googled it, you'd realize it isn't a lie at all. And that number posting is from CNN. Here is the link... http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/08/tech/gaming-gadgets/female-gamers/ ((It's literally one of the first results on Google if you search "45% of gamers are female." ))

I'm a female and play mostly PC games aka Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, and many other not casual types of games. Although do own some consoles. Although whether it's a casual game or not, it's still a video game, and that market is obviously no longer just for men but women too.

Also, not everyone on the Nexus responded to this poll. Though with how much skimpy armor mods inhabit the website here, I'm amazed you act like it's a surprise that the percentage of females here is so low.

Heres another poll that says that 52% of the gaming community is now women. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/18/52-percent-people-playing-games-women-industry-doesnt-know

westsidekidd wrote: @Pixeldust
Absolutely right! Kudos to you for this comment.
Demonikone wrote: Most of MY female friends say they are guys on games and pages... purely because even adults act like damn children on the keyboard....

i mean really? this is a post about the survey and....???
yay it gets turned into so BS political debate/one manship...
I honestly couldnt give two flying superman's labedos about what gender some one is...

what is relevent is that we respect eachother and enjoy the game...
so on that note i suggest a few people take a good long hard look at their personalities...

EspadaDeHelado wrote: I can't understand how someone would cite CNN and subsequently the ESA in such a disingenuous manner. Essentially that's a bold faced lie, I mean damn you linked it right there. It's nice that you linked to an article with horrible editorializing. It didn't take long for it to turn into "women are harassed and gaming is a boys' club" narrative. " 45% of all game players, and 46% of the most frequent purchasers of games, are female. Adult women make up 31% of the game-playing population." You realize that this doesn't mean that for Skyrim it would be the same, right? It said the exact same thing I did - that women prefer different genres, including more casual -less advanced- games such as those on phones and social media.
MrTastix wrote: How can you derive that from a survey regarding the Nexus websites?

Studies that are designed to analyze the male/female ratio of gamers do not look on one website to do so, they look in all areas related to gaming. Furthermore, neither these studies nor the Nexus' survey factor in the vast majority of gamers who choose not to partake at all.

It's still highly possible that 45% of gamers are, indeed, female, at least by today's standards. Drawing a conclusion on the state of gaming with a survey focused on website is unreliable and illogical.
moozilbee wrote: As far as I know the "45% of gamers are women" statistic is including people who say that occasionally play angry birds or candy crush as "gamers.

So, kind of true, but super misleading.

It's not like anyone gives a s#*! (or should give a s#*!) about gender on the Nexus, of all places.
GObonzo wrote: being in my 30s and knowing about 80 gamers from work and around town i can attest that not even 10% are females. and the few that enjoy them are not your typical female. whether the future may change that or not has nothing to do with the comment or the facts presented by this site about the present.

Believe it or not, female gamers prefer handheld and console gaming to PC.
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In response to post #27851849. #27852459, #27854549, #27856149, #27856199 are all replies on the same post.

Maigrets wrote:

I completed the survey and I'm a female gamer, 60 years old and started out with the Commodore 64 way, way back in the dark ages of gaming.

It doesn't surprise me that a section of male gamers would like to think that females only play casual games, and couldn't possibly like anything with challenge or a sense of danger. It seems to me that some male players become defensive when the subject of female gamers comes up, especially in the domain of FPS, adventure, RPG or horror games.

My favourite games of all time are the Gothic series which don't hold your hand like many recent games, most other RPG's, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and more recently Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2:Scholar of the First Sin.

I've played the original Dark Souls 2 and Scholar for over 1000 hours combined according to my Steam profile and will continue to do so even though I'm taking a break and revisiting Fallout 3 and New Vegas while waiting for Fallout 4. Tell me those are casual games.

I modded for Oblivion, played the game to death and still have it installed. I also recently replayed Morrowind and thoroughly enjoyed it. To be perfectly honest though Skyrim was a big disappointment to me for many reasons. I have a lot of hours played in Skyrim, but many of those were starting over for one reason or another.

On the subject of skimpy armour and nudity - I don't mind either considering the history of art, ie painting, and sculpture etc and human history in general. I don't see a reason for me to block them. I use body replacers in my games after all. As someone else mentioned blocking these mods can also lock me out of more good ones by the same authors. I don't even really care about the prostitution mods even though I don't use them.

I am however offended as a female by the obvious porn mods, here and elsewhere, that make a mockery of the female form and in some cases reveal the creator's hatred and fear of women as equal humans. After all, how many of these mods do you see ridiculing males to the same extent, and I wouldn't want that either. Mods like a certain "Nympho" mod on the Skyrim Nexus is a "fine" example of this, not to mention others like Estrus.

We've been told these mods are not going away from the Nexus at least, so my opinion as one of those "rare" female gamers who visits here doesn't matter. :sad:

westsidekidd wrote: Great comment! Kudos! :)
toadlet wrote: well said.
Jeir wrote: I think I've been pretty lucky so far.
I've never made it a secret that I'm female; it's on my profile, and I even correct people who call me 'sir' or similar. But, I've never had anyone act aggressive towards me over it (nor been crudely 'flirted' with) in the past decade+ I've been using and occasionally making mods. Not even my 'status' as co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus (CBBE, for those who ignore body mods) has ever 'caused' any issues.

I definitely agree with you about the rape mods and such, though.
Demonikone wrote: to be honest I totally understand what your saying, in truth however my wife plays skyrim WITH estrus etc, that is HER prefrence... so your saying that YOUR prefrence is more valid and entitled than hers?

I mean really if you DONT want adult conent there is this great little tick box in the prefrences page, bless nexus for having brains huh?

"shame on the self placed thrones and crowns that think they own the world"

P.S its a post about the survey NOT a diplomatic debate about what content people can or should be allowd in their games....

The way I see it if you don't like a mod don't use it but don't try to ban or block mods that other people may enjoy just because you don't. I think there is a ridiculous amount of skimpy mods and I personally don't like 90% of them because you might as well not be wearing any armor at all but just because I think a hell of a lot of them are completely ridiculous doesn't mean others should be blocked from them. Stuff like rape mods and other highly immoral mods are offensive to me and make me cringe but I believe in personal freedom for everyone no matter how twisted the mind in question with only one exception I can think of off the top of my head which is if some sick individual actually made a mod that allows child rape. That is about the only thing that I can think of that should never exist no matter what. I just firmly believe in freedom no matter what unless it infringes on anothers freedom and simply being offended or having hurt feelings doesn't count IMHO.
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In response to post #27851849. #27852459, #27854549, #27856149, #27856199, #28097734 are all replies on the same post.

Maigrets wrote:

I completed the survey and I'm a female gamer, 60 years old and started out with the Commodore 64 way, way back in the dark ages of gaming.

It doesn't surprise me that a section of male gamers would like to think that females only play casual games, and couldn't possibly like anything with challenge or a sense of danger. It seems to me that some male players become defensive when the subject of female gamers comes up, especially in the domain of FPS, adventure, RPG or horror games.

My favourite games of all time are the Gothic series which don't hold your hand like many recent games, most other RPG's, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and more recently Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2:Scholar of the First Sin.

I've played the original Dark Souls 2 and Scholar for over 1000 hours combined according to my Steam profile and will continue to do so even though I'm taking a break and revisiting Fallout 3 and New Vegas while waiting for Fallout 4. Tell me those are casual games.

I modded for Oblivion, played the game to death and still have it installed. I also recently replayed Morrowind and thoroughly enjoyed it. To be perfectly honest though Skyrim was a big disappointment to me for many reasons. I have a lot of hours played in Skyrim, but many of those were starting over for one reason or another.

On the subject of skimpy armour and nudity - I don't mind either considering the history of art, ie painting, and sculpture etc and human history in general. I don't see a reason for me to block them. I use body replacers in my games after all. As someone else mentioned blocking these mods can also lock me out of more good ones by the same authors. I don't even really care about the prostitution mods even though I don't use them.

I am however offended as a female by the obvious porn mods, here and elsewhere, that make a mockery of the female form and in some cases reveal the creator's hatred and fear of women as equal humans. After all, how many of these mods do you see ridiculing males to the same extent, and I wouldn't want that either. Mods like a certain "Nympho" mod on the Skyrim Nexus is a "fine" example of this, not to mention others like Estrus.

We've been told these mods are not going away from the Nexus at least, so my opinion as one of those "rare" female gamers who visits here doesn't matter. :sad:

westsidekidd wrote: Great comment! Kudos! :)
toadlet wrote: well said.
Jeir wrote: I think I've been pretty lucky so far.
I've never made it a secret that I'm female; it's on my profile, and I even correct people who call me 'sir' or similar. But, I've never had anyone act aggressive towards me over it (nor been crudely 'flirted' with) in the past decade+ I've been using and occasionally making mods. Not even my 'status' as co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus (CBBE, for those who ignore body mods) has ever 'caused' any issues.

I definitely agree with you about the rape mods and such, though.
Demonikone wrote: to be honest I totally understand what your saying, in truth however my wife plays skyrim WITH estrus etc, that is HER prefrence... so your saying that YOUR prefrence is more valid and entitled than hers?

I mean really if you DONT want adult conent there is this great little tick box in the prefrences page, bless nexus for having brains huh?

"shame on the self placed thrones and crowns that think they own the world"

P.S its a post about the survey NOT a diplomatic debate about what content people can or should be allowd in their games....
joshuabestol wrote: The way I see it if you don't like a mod don't use it but don't try to ban or block mods that other people may enjoy just because you don't. I think there is a ridiculous amount of skimpy mods and I personally don't like 90% of them because you might as well not be wearing any armor at all but just because I think a hell of a lot of them are completely ridiculous doesn't mean others should be blocked from them. Stuff like rape mods and other highly immoral mods are offensive to me and make me cringe but I believe in personal freedom for everyone no matter how twisted the mind in question with only one exception I can think of off the top of my head which is if some sick individual actually made a mod that allows child rape. That is about the only thing that I can think of that should never exist no matter what. I just firmly believe in freedom no matter what unless it infringes on anothers freedom and simply being offended or having hurt feelings doesn't count IMHO.

If you don't like the porn mods, then disable adult content. The option is clearly labeled, and no one's forcing you to see them.
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In response to post #27851849. #27852459, #27854549, #27856149, #27856199, #28097734, #28100784 are all replies on the same post.

Maigrets wrote:

I completed the survey and I'm a female gamer, 60 years old and started out with the Commodore 64 way, way back in the dark ages of gaming.

It doesn't surprise me that a section of male gamers would like to think that females only play casual games, and couldn't possibly like anything with challenge or a sense of danger. It seems to me that some male players become defensive when the subject of female gamers comes up, especially in the domain of FPS, adventure, RPG or horror games.

My favourite games of all time are the Gothic series which don't hold your hand like many recent games, most other RPG's, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and more recently Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2:Scholar of the First Sin.

I've played the original Dark Souls 2 and Scholar for over 1000 hours combined according to my Steam profile and will continue to do so even though I'm taking a break and revisiting Fallout 3 and New Vegas while waiting for Fallout 4. Tell me those are casual games.

I modded for Oblivion, played the game to death and still have it installed. I also recently replayed Morrowind and thoroughly enjoyed it. To be perfectly honest though Skyrim was a big disappointment to me for many reasons. I have a lot of hours played in Skyrim, but many of those were starting over for one reason or another.

On the subject of skimpy armour and nudity - I don't mind either considering the history of art, ie painting, and sculpture etc and human history in general. I don't see a reason for me to block them. I use body replacers in my games after all. As someone else mentioned blocking these mods can also lock me out of more good ones by the same authors. I don't even really care about the prostitution mods even though I don't use them.

I am however offended as a female by the obvious porn mods, here and elsewhere, that make a mockery of the female form and in some cases reveal the creator's hatred and fear of women as equal humans. After all, how many of these mods do you see ridiculing males to the same extent, and I wouldn't want that either. Mods like a certain "Nympho" mod on the Skyrim Nexus is a "fine" example of this, not to mention others like Estrus.

We've been told these mods are not going away from the Nexus at least, so my opinion as one of those "rare" female gamers who visits here doesn't matter. :sad:

westsidekidd wrote: Great comment! Kudos! :)
toadlet wrote: well said.
Jeir wrote: I think I've been pretty lucky so far.
I've never made it a secret that I'm female; it's on my profile, and I even correct people who call me 'sir' or similar. But, I've never had anyone act aggressive towards me over it (nor been crudely 'flirted' with) in the past decade+ I've been using and occasionally making mods. Not even my 'status' as co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus (CBBE, for those who ignore body mods) has ever 'caused' any issues.

I definitely agree with you about the rape mods and such, though.
Demonikone wrote: to be honest I totally understand what your saying, in truth however my wife plays skyrim WITH estrus etc, that is HER prefrence... so your saying that YOUR prefrence is more valid and entitled than hers?

I mean really if you DONT want adult conent there is this great little tick box in the prefrences page, bless nexus for having brains huh?

"shame on the self placed thrones and crowns that think they own the world"

P.S its a post about the survey NOT a diplomatic debate about what content people can or should be allowd in their games....
joshuabestol wrote: The way I see it if you don't like a mod don't use it but don't try to ban or block mods that other people may enjoy just because you don't. I think there is a ridiculous amount of skimpy mods and I personally don't like 90% of them because you might as well not be wearing any armor at all but just because I think a hell of a lot of them are completely ridiculous doesn't mean others should be blocked from them. Stuff like rape mods and other highly immoral mods are offensive to me and make me cringe but I believe in personal freedom for everyone no matter how twisted the mind in question with only one exception I can think of off the top of my head which is if some sick individual actually made a mod that allows child rape. That is about the only thing that I can think of that should never exist no matter what. I just firmly believe in freedom no matter what unless it infringes on anothers freedom and simply being offended or having hurt feelings doesn't count IMHO.
Valthorix wrote: If you don't like the porn mods, then disable adult content. The option is clearly labeled, and no one's forcing you to see them.

"I am however offended as a female by the obvious porn mods, here and elsewhere, that make a mockery of the female form and in some cases reveal the creator's hatred and fear of women as equal humans. "
Seems like a gross overinterpretation.
Looking at mentioned "Nympho" I see badly done models and excessive focus on "desirable" elements of female form which ended up looking terrible instead of sexy. Based on this I could make wild guesses about its creator preferences or his experience (or lack of thereof) with women. But how you got hatred from this, I don't understand.
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In response to post #27851849. #27852459, #27854549, #27856149, #27856199, #28097734, #28100784, #28101514 are all replies on the same post.

Maigrets wrote:

I completed the survey and I'm a female gamer, 60 years old and started out with the Commodore 64 way, way back in the dark ages of gaming.

It doesn't surprise me that a section of male gamers would like to think that females only play casual games, and couldn't possibly like anything with challenge or a sense of danger. It seems to me that some male players become defensive when the subject of female gamers comes up, especially in the domain of FPS, adventure, RPG or horror games.

My favourite games of all time are the Gothic series which don't hold your hand like many recent games, most other RPG's, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and more recently Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2:Scholar of the First Sin.

I've played the original Dark Souls 2 and Scholar for over 1000 hours combined according to my Steam profile and will continue to do so even though I'm taking a break and revisiting Fallout 3 and New Vegas while waiting for Fallout 4. Tell me those are casual games.

I modded for Oblivion, played the game to death and still have it installed. I also recently replayed Morrowind and thoroughly enjoyed it. To be perfectly honest though Skyrim was a big disappointment to me for many reasons. I have a lot of hours played in Skyrim, but many of those were starting over for one reason or another.

On the subject of skimpy armour and nudity - I don't mind either considering the history of art, ie painting, and sculpture etc and human history in general. I don't see a reason for me to block them. I use body replacers in my games after all. As someone else mentioned blocking these mods can also lock me out of more good ones by the same authors. I don't even really care about the prostitution mods even though I don't use them.

I am however offended as a female by the obvious porn mods, here and elsewhere, that make a mockery of the female form and in some cases reveal the creator's hatred and fear of women as equal humans. After all, how many of these mods do you see ridiculing males to the same extent, and I wouldn't want that either. Mods like a certain "Nympho" mod on the Skyrim Nexus is a "fine" example of this, not to mention others like Estrus.

We've been told these mods are not going away from the Nexus at least, so my opinion as one of those "rare" female gamers who visits here doesn't matter. :sad:

westsidekidd wrote: Great comment! Kudos! :)
toadlet wrote: well said.
Jeir wrote: I think I've been pretty lucky so far.
I've never made it a secret that I'm female; it's on my profile, and I even correct people who call me 'sir' or similar. But, I've never had anyone act aggressive towards me over it (nor been crudely 'flirted' with) in the past decade+ I've been using and occasionally making mods. Not even my 'status' as co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus (CBBE, for those who ignore body mods) has ever 'caused' any issues.

I definitely agree with you about the rape mods and such, though.
Demonikone wrote: to be honest I totally understand what your saying, in truth however my wife plays skyrim WITH estrus etc, that is HER prefrence... so your saying that YOUR prefrence is more valid and entitled than hers?

I mean really if you DONT want adult conent there is this great little tick box in the prefrences page, bless nexus for having brains huh?

"shame on the self placed thrones and crowns that think they own the world"

P.S its a post about the survey NOT a diplomatic debate about what content people can or should be allowd in their games....
joshuabestol wrote: The way I see it if you don't like a mod don't use it but don't try to ban or block mods that other people may enjoy just because you don't. I think there is a ridiculous amount of skimpy mods and I personally don't like 90% of them because you might as well not be wearing any armor at all but just because I think a hell of a lot of them are completely ridiculous doesn't mean others should be blocked from them. Stuff like rape mods and other highly immoral mods are offensive to me and make me cringe but I believe in personal freedom for everyone no matter how twisted the mind in question with only one exception I can think of off the top of my head which is if some sick individual actually made a mod that allows child rape. That is about the only thing that I can think of that should never exist no matter what. I just firmly believe in freedom no matter what unless it infringes on anothers freedom and simply being offended or having hurt feelings doesn't count IMHO.
Valthorix wrote: If you don't like the porn mods, then disable adult content. The option is clearly labeled, and no one's forcing you to see them.
sataniel wrote: "I am however offended as a female by the obvious porn mods, here and elsewhere, that make a mockery of the female form and in some cases reveal the creator's hatred and fear of women as equal humans. "
Seems like a gross overinterpretation.
Looking at mentioned "Nympho" I see badly done models and excessive focus on "desirable" elements of female form which ended up looking terrible instead of sexy. Based on this I could make wild guesses about its creator preferences or his experience (or lack of thereof) with women. But how you got hatred from this, I don't understand.

But Valthorix, that disables the violent mods too, and I like my violent mods.
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In response to post #27851849. #27852459, #27854549, #27856149, #27856199, #28097734, #28100784, #28101514, #28150074 are all replies on the same post.

Maigrets wrote:

I completed the survey and I'm a female gamer, 60 years old and started out with the Commodore 64 way, way back in the dark ages of gaming.

It doesn't surprise me that a section of male gamers would like to think that females only play casual games, and couldn't possibly like anything with challenge or a sense of danger. It seems to me that some male players become defensive when the subject of female gamers comes up, especially in the domain of FPS, adventure, RPG or horror games.

My favourite games of all time are the Gothic series which don't hold your hand like many recent games, most other RPG's, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and more recently Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2:Scholar of the First Sin.

I've played the original Dark Souls 2 and Scholar for over 1000 hours combined according to my Steam profile and will continue to do so even though I'm taking a break and revisiting Fallout 3 and New Vegas while waiting for Fallout 4. Tell me those are casual games.

I modded for Oblivion, played the game to death and still have it installed. I also recently replayed Morrowind and thoroughly enjoyed it. To be perfectly honest though Skyrim was a big disappointment to me for many reasons. I have a lot of hours played in Skyrim, but many of those were starting over for one reason or another.

On the subject of skimpy armour and nudity - I don't mind either considering the history of art, ie painting, and sculpture etc and human history in general. I don't see a reason for me to block them. I use body replacers in my games after all. As someone else mentioned blocking these mods can also lock me out of more good ones by the same authors. I don't even really care about the prostitution mods even though I don't use them.

I am however offended as a female by the obvious porn mods, here and elsewhere, that make a mockery of the female form and in some cases reveal the creator's hatred and fear of women as equal humans. After all, how many of these mods do you see ridiculing males to the same extent, and I wouldn't want that either. Mods like a certain "Nympho" mod on the Skyrim Nexus is a "fine" example of this, not to mention others like Estrus.

We've been told these mods are not going away from the Nexus at least, so my opinion as one of those "rare" female gamers who visits here doesn't matter. :sad:

westsidekidd wrote: Great comment! Kudos! :)
toadlet wrote: well said.
Jeir wrote: I think I've been pretty lucky so far.
I've never made it a secret that I'm female; it's on my profile, and I even correct people who call me 'sir' or similar. But, I've never had anyone act aggressive towards me over it (nor been crudely 'flirted' with) in the past decade+ I've been using and occasionally making mods. Not even my 'status' as co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus (CBBE, for those who ignore body mods) has ever 'caused' any issues.

I definitely agree with you about the rape mods and such, though.
Demonikone wrote: to be honest I totally understand what your saying, in truth however my wife plays skyrim WITH estrus etc, that is HER prefrence... so your saying that YOUR prefrence is more valid and entitled than hers?

I mean really if you DONT want adult conent there is this great little tick box in the prefrences page, bless nexus for having brains huh?

"shame on the self placed thrones and crowns that think they own the world"

P.S its a post about the survey NOT a diplomatic debate about what content people can or should be allowd in their games....
joshuabestol wrote: The way I see it if you don't like a mod don't use it but don't try to ban or block mods that other people may enjoy just because you don't. I think there is a ridiculous amount of skimpy mods and I personally don't like 90% of them because you might as well not be wearing any armor at all but just because I think a hell of a lot of them are completely ridiculous doesn't mean others should be blocked from them. Stuff like rape mods and other highly immoral mods are offensive to me and make me cringe but I believe in personal freedom for everyone no matter how twisted the mind in question with only one exception I can think of off the top of my head which is if some sick individual actually made a mod that allows child rape. That is about the only thing that I can think of that should never exist no matter what. I just firmly believe in freedom no matter what unless it infringes on anothers freedom and simply being offended or having hurt feelings doesn't count IMHO.
Valthorix wrote: If you don't like the porn mods, then disable adult content. The option is clearly labeled, and no one's forcing you to see them.
sataniel wrote: "I am however offended as a female by the obvious porn mods, here and elsewhere, that make a mockery of the female form and in some cases reveal the creator's hatred and fear of women as equal humans. "
Seems like a gross overinterpretation.
Looking at mentioned "Nympho" I see badly done models and excessive focus on "desirable" elements of female form which ended up looking terrible instead of sexy. Based on this I could make wild guesses about its creator preferences or his experience (or lack of thereof) with women. But how you got hatred from this, I don't understand.
TehPikachuHat wrote: But Valthorix, that disables the violent mods too, and I like my violent mods.

Thank you Maigrets , you have successfully turned this thread from a discussion on the exciting new features we hope to see here on the Nexus into just another "Boo Hoo woman aren't treated right or fairly but shut up and hold that door and pay the check" thread.

Maybe you could take your self important arrogant opinions over to a more appropriate discussion and let this thread go back to what it started out as.
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In response to post #27623835. #27624585, #27624860, #27625270, #27628155, #27628620, #27628655, #27629705, #27634100, #27635775, #27638110, #27733485, #27742210, #27746015, #27758520, #27764540, #28009569, #28029484 are all replies on the same post.

Nas00 wrote: QUOTE
"[...]Better access to mods that are high quality, but haven't got too many downloads and/or endorsements. Many great mods are bogged down way back in the pages, with skimpy clothes and nudes clogging up the front pages."

QFT. By all means I don't disrespect nor discard the hard work of every modder out here, but the Nexus is literally flooded with skimpy armor/clothing/whatever mods that are always getting to the hot files just because players want to see their female waifu wandering around butt-naked. In the meanwhile other mods meant to improve the gameplay experience, immersion simply stay in the dark, which I find kinda sad.

Is it possible to create a "sexy hot files section" of some sort?
westsidekidd wrote: Agreed 100%.
I wish Nexus would get rid of all that skimpy nonsense.
tiwa44 wrote: you can easily tag skimpy or adult or even lore unfriendly content you want blocked in the content filtering page. It will remove them even in the hot files, recent files, search results, etc.

edit: last button in the account options popup, easy peasy...
Nas00 wrote: Well that's something I didn't know (shame on me). Done. Thank you for the advice!
westsidekidd wrote: @tiwa44
Thanks for that info. Don't know, why I didn't knew that. :) But still, I think skimpy mods have nothing to do on here. They should move to the LL site with that kind of stuff. And even if I block those kind of stuff, really good mods will be still unseen and way back in the list of mods, because of all that stupid skimpy stuff and I find this very unfair. There are a lot of amazing mod makers, who are working their butts off to make their mods, but they will not seen as much as these dumb skimpy mods. I hope this will change one day!

Keep the Nexus clean!
Roachbait wrote: I assume you think "Fruit of the Loom" is still around 200+ years after the bombs fell, guess what...? If you have some sort of problem with nudity, discuss it with your therapist. Diversity extends to personal expression by what we wear as HUMANS, or what we choose NOT to wear, in-game, or otherwise...I personally love to have a choice in the matter, and extend that to my in-game persona...I'm sorry if you think everyone should think the same, dress the same, eat the same, drive the same, work the same...NOTHING is the same, anywhere in the real world...and we like to choose how to express ourselves...there are filters, if you want to close your mind, enable them, please, HURRY...just don't try to shove your limited perceptions down everyone's throat...many of those mods take hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of work, and you sneer at them, because they are too "skimpy"? Really? You do realize this is 2015? Right? I mean, grow up...If I choose to run around starkers, who are you to say it's wrong? Perhaps it makes the game more of a challenge NOT to plow over every enemy wearing power armor (or it's skyrim equivalent) fully encased in a futuristic sardine-can...Really...the human body is a beautiful thing, that is, unless if you have some sort of self-esteem problem...Whatever you do, stay out of museums, and art galleries...it may totally offend you beyond your own belief...Some of the best art on Earth are paintings and sculptures of nudes...if you hate that, you hate yourself...
SeedReaper wrote: Yo, westside. Thanks for the input. But I LIKE not having to deal with LL. I don't use their sexlab stuff, and probably never will. I DO like using NMM. I DO like how this site has very high standards (at least in principle) as to how mods are built.

So yes, the skimpy stuff has a place here. Despite your moaning. Filter adult and NSFW content in your content filtering page if you don't want to see it. Didn't tiwa44 just say that?
westsidekidd wrote: And haven't I reply to that? Maybe you misunderstood something because of my poor English, but sorry, it's not my native language. :/

It has nothing to do if I have an issue with nudity or not. It has to do with REAL mod makers and their REAL mods which are overseen because of all that skimpy stuff flooding the Nexus.
I have nothing against nudity, I only find these mods ridiculous, because, let's face it, at the end of the day, these are only nude pixels and I don't know why people are so crazy about them and I will NEVER understand that. I play computer games since I was 14 years old, thats 28 years ago and I NEVER used those kind of mods, because to me they are senseless. It's okay with me, if people are using these kind of mods, but when I see that simple made mods were voted for file of the month or are in the hot files and other mods which were made with love and a huge amount of time, but never made it to the hot files, then this makes me mad, sorry, but that's how I am and I think in my age, I can't change that.
tiwa44 wrote: Westside, I think this is a UI issue, not a content one. If Nexusmods banned skimpy content, they'd probably halve their traffic overnight!

It seems skimpy mods receive too much attention because many users don't find the content filtering options nexusmods provides, despite these options being one of the cool things of this site and working perfectly well. So this is a UI issue, not a cultural one.
Lisnpuppy wrote: The filtering is also, only as good as the tags. You are supposed to mark something adult or not adult right from the get go. Adult typically means nudity (not just skimpy-but showing ya know, stuffs) extreme violence and other adult theses that might get a R rating or above. If the mod author or someone else puts adult images on the mod then (if reported) they should be taken off or the mod remarked as adult if it was not. Then there is an option for tags which are like, female, lore-friendly, NSFW, armor,etc.

Now there are many things that are NSFW that qualify as skimpy but not really needing an adult tag. For example you probably wouldn't look at a provacative bathing suit issue of a magazine, even if all the appropriate things were covered up. There is a cultural difference when talking about nude/skimpy things this is why if reported things are reviewed by the moderation team. If you think something isn't marked adult then report it. If people did not like the "skimpy" mods then they would not be so popular. You can set your preferences to weed out nudity and and other tag.

Again I would like to see more mod authors tagging their files so that the filter will work not just to exclude mods but to find ones also. You can still find great obscure mods by using the advanced search function witch allows searching by dates uploaded, category and keywords in the description. I almost wish there was a tutorial on this as soooo many folks don't know about it or how to use it.
BlindJudge wrote: Quite a lot of replies were to do with seeing Adult content, nudity and the like.

But there is a section on your user profile where you can block seeing these mods. A lot of people didn't even know this part of the site existed, so as part of the redesign it's obvious we need to make the user profile section a bit more intuitive.

As far as removing it altogether, that won't happen. We are a mod site at the end of the day and people have worked hard on their mods no matter what the content. Yes, it is also quite a popular category.

Each person has their own likes and dislikes, our job is to ensure that you only see the files that you would like to download.
miketheratguy wrote: I, too, hate the overwhelming abundance of skimpy mods. I've got no problem with nudity, nor an author's right to post such content on the Nexus. It doesn't bother me that this stuff exists, so I feel no need to filter it out of my browsing. I just wish that certain trends weren't so predominant. I've seen countless quality mods that didn't get nearly the attention that they deserved ("Modded Loot" is a good recent example), meanwhile every mod created by a popular author gets tidal waves of adulation and each of the latest panty and nipple pasty outfits receive one endorsement after another.

Everyone's entitled to create what they create, and to like what they like. To each their own. I just wish that quality, legitimately game-enriching content took priority over uploader favoritism and stripper armor.
westsidekidd wrote: @miketheratguy
Thank you very much for your statement! Exactly THIS is was I meant, but because of my poor English, I wasn't able to express myself, like you did.
So, thank you very much again!
whismerhill wrote: @westsidekidd
perhaps it's a language issue, but the simple fact that you refer to other mods as : "REAL" mods, means the skimpy ones are not "REAL mods" which is in fact sort of discriminating, in my humble opinion.

The thing is : not everyone is looking for gameplay improvements

While I can understand where you're coming from, again diversity of opinion is what it is ...
For example I don't particularly like that "modded loot". In theory it's a good one,
In practice it adds another layer of scripts running constantly all through skyrim (noooooooo)
When you can have dynamic patchers doing the leveled lists for you (Lootification for example might be a good replacement for modded loot) which is more work to setup the initial mods & load order, but less hassle afterward.
That said, that doesn't mean modded loot is bad. It's a good one, for "not script heavy mod setups" I'd recommend it for ease of use/install probably.

I think a few things that should be retained for the design of the website:
-ease of filtering out skimpy/adult stuff in a pinch but also ease of watching it again (tabs ???) (I know it's currently possible in the search attributes just slightly not exposed enough for some people ?)
-maybe some sort of "rising popular mods" ( most endorsements in the last week/last month)
-"latest unrated mods" (mods that went below the community radar, have very few endorsements and are rather new, last month or so)
westsidekidd wrote: @whismerhill
Okay, sorry. I really don't wanted to discrimate any mod makers or mods. I only meant with "REAL" mods, mods that needed a huge amount of time and effort to make them, which is not the case with these skimpy mods, at least not many of them.
gnhtd wrote: I think that's a very good idea (though I'm not sure if things like 'Better Males' should be kept on the normal page as a realism mod or end up on the skimpy because they're frankly both and mods like this one here are needed for a completely realistic gameplay)
whismerhill wrote: ha yeah a lot of skimpy mods are low quality or didn't require much work.
that said at least some nude & skimpy mods required a ton of work (example : mature skin), so it's mostly about Low Quality Work & mods rather than just nude/skimpy mods as a whole.
blackcro55 wrote: Westsidekidd: And "skimpy" or "nude" mods are not made with huge amounts of effort and talent and are not "high quality"?

You are so showing your prejudices. It is enough for you to say you do not prefer those types of mods, and you would prefer not to see them.

So please use the filters, and do not browse under the clothing, armour or other related catagories as they add nothing to gameplay experience or immersion. Gameplay and immersion being defined by the creators of the game.

Enjoy your gaming

Just my two cents: I don't hear anything in the OP about removing, blocking, or censoring the "skimpy/sexy" mods. The only complaint I'm hearing in the OP is how the skimpy mods end up blocking other awesome mods. I have no problem with the skimpy mods, until I'm looking for a mod to fix clipping issues and keep seeing "sexy follower what's her name" for three pages. ;)
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