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Path of Sorcery - Magic Perk Overhaul (WIP)


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looking great steelfeathers. is there a possibility you would release it as modules for each school? i generally stay away from the larger overhauls simply because while i might like 80% of it, the other 20% just doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.


Possibly. I'd have to see how much untangling would need to be done to separate each school overhaul into distinct units.


thanks for considering it. i am nearly sure i am not the only person that shies away from overhauls for this reason (for example, love what you did with conjuration, it looks like ti was meant to be, but have absolutely no use for enchanting, as i am fairly happy with vanilla enchanting). even breaking it into smaller chunks would be nice, if you can't do each school individually (alteration/illusion, conjuration/restoration, and then destruction and enchanting would be a possible way, ofcourse knowing nothing about the underlying mechanics and the "untangling" you mention).


you mentioned that you are looking for people to test. is that offer still open?


also, might as well give some feedback while i'm here: on the illusion tree (and others, if applicable), would it be possible to quantify phrases like "higher level enemies" on the perk text? i thought it was sort of stupid in vanilla when you had to go look them up if you wanted to know the exact effect before you picked a perk.

Edited by cike25
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looking great steelfeathers. is there a possibility you would release it as modules for each school? i generally stay away from the larger overhauls simply because while i might like 80% of it, the other 20% just doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.


Possibly. I'd have to see how much untangling would need to be done to separate each school overhaul into distinct units.


thanks for considering it. i am nearly sure i am not the only person that shies away from overhauls for this reason (for example, love what you did with conjuration, it looks like ti was meant to be, but have absolutely no use for enchanting, as i am fairly happy with vanilla enchanting). even breaking it into smaller chunks would be nice, if you can't do each school individually (alteration/illusion, conjuration/restoration, and then destruction and enchanting would be a possible way, ofcourse knowing nothing about the underlying mechanics and the "untangling" you mention).


you mentioned that you are looking for people to test. is that offer still open?


also, might as well give some feedback while i'm here: on the illusion tree (and others, if applicable), would it be possible to quantify phrases like "higher level enemies" on the perk text? i thought it was sort of stupid in vanilla when you had to go look them up if you wanted to know the exact effect before you picked a perk.



Don't worry, I'm trying my best to make sure that all the perk descriptions are as clear as possible. The Illusion tree shown on the first post of this thread is pretty out of date at this point - don't take it as gospel. And yes, I'd be glad to have you as a tester. :)




Hm, hadn't thought of that. With dragonhide plus all three mage armor perks, you wouldn't take any damage period. I'll have to change that. Thanks for pointing it out.

You're kind of already at the maximum armor rating with Dragonhide, so would that matter?



Moot point, I've already changed it to something more interesting. Mage armor now grants you a continuous 5/10/15% chance to avoid all physical damage when not wearing armor, in addition to the boosts provided to flesh spells.

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looking great steelfeathers. is there a possibility you would release it as modules for each school? i generally stay away from the larger overhauls simply because while i might like 80% of it, the other 20% just doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.


Possibly. I'd have to see how much untangling would need to be done to separate each school overhaul into distinct units.


thanks for considering it. i am nearly sure i am not the only person that shies away from overhauls for this reason (for example, love what you did with conjuration, it looks like ti was meant to be, but have absolutely no use for enchanting, as i am fairly happy with vanilla enchanting). even breaking it into smaller chunks would be nice, if you can't do each school individually (alteration/illusion, conjuration/restoration, and then destruction and enchanting would be a possible way, ofcourse knowing nothing about the underlying mechanics and the "untangling" you mention).


you mentioned that you are looking for people to test. is that offer still open?


also, might as well give some feedback while i'm here: on the illusion tree (and others, if applicable), would it be possible to quantify phrases like "higher level enemies" on the perk text? i thought it was sort of stupid in vanilla when you had to go look them up if you wanted to know the exact effect before you picked a perk.



Don't worry, I'm trying my best to make sure that all the perk descriptions are as clear as possible. The Illusion tree shown on the first post of this thread is pretty out of date at this point - don't take it as gospel. And yes, I'd be glad to have you as a tester. :smile:

send me a pm with the info and i'll be happy to try it out. i use MO, so playing around with different configurations shouldn't be an issue. i also use both apoc and lost grimoire, so can sort of tell the effects it would have on both.

Edited by cike25
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Armor cap means pretty much nothing since it's easy to attain (was it 587, 25 less if wearing a shield?). With some revamped smithing (equal to vanilla) and vanilla armor trees, i hit 1000+ armor with a light one in end-game. How crazy is that. In the end i have a mod that raises the resistance caps to better scale with higher levels (1300 armor cap, 95% magic and elemental res, but ennemies are more powerful too).

Prevents my mage from hitting the cap too, so it's fine.


The new "avoid damage" alteration perk completes this well, i'd really like to try it out in-game.

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Good news! I'm just about done with Illusion and Destruction.


Once those are done, all that will be left to do is clean up my debug messages and do a test-run for all the perks. (I've been testing as I go along, and with the two characters that I'm currently doing play-throughs with, but to be safe I like to go through and touch on everything one last time to make sure I didn't miss any obvious problems).


I also spent the weekend busting out a massive Alchemy overhaul I'm calling Magnum Opus. Because I'm a masochist. :P

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Good news! I'm just about done with Illusion and Destruction.


Once those are done, all that will be left to do is clean up my debug messages and do a test-run for all the perks. (I've been testing as I go along, and with the two characters that I'm currently doing play-throughs with, but to be safe I like to go through and touch on everything one last time to make sure I didn't miss any obvious problems).


So, any ETA on the reveal of their perk trees?

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Soon. Soonish. Probably in a day or two, for an overview of the updated illusion and destruction trees.


As for the mod itself, ideally I'd like to release the mod this weekend, but more likely it will be next weekend before I'm done testing and setting up the mod page.

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Soon. Soonish. Probably in a day or two, for an overview of the updated illusion and destruction trees.


As for the mod itself, ideally I'd like to release the mod this weekend, but more likely it will be next weekend before I'm done testing and setting up the mod page.

So, two days max for the perk trees, next weekend max for the mod. Got it.

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