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What mods would you like for the beast races?


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we need a cover argonians, and yes beast kids need their own mesh because I’ve had that before and you can tell that they are scaled if you look close enough and sometimes have huge clipping issues.

And they look scary when just scaled. At lest not as scary as orc and dark elves.

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Hmm. They look fine to me but I've never played with them. I just might. Though I know some people see -any- clipping and they claim huge clipping issues. Not saying you are one of these folks, simply that it is all relative.


This all said though, since children seems to be the big want for the beast races I am now curious as to how they'd differ from the adult ones. I mean beyond size. Bigger ears for the khajiit, smaller horns and feathers for the argonians? Etc.

How do you guys see a child of the beast races?

Edited by harvengure
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Are these not HD? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5941/?


Also, some kids.



This second mod has me wondering, couldn't a child of the beast races just be a scaled version? Or do you guys think that really a proper kid would need its own mesh?


They have to have a body mesh with built in underwear so nobody can see their genitals. Some of the existing child overhaul mods use modified adult bodies, & there are already beast race children follower mods, but they haven't released them as mod resources, so anyone who wants to make more has to either get permission, or start from scratch. There is someone working on a child overhaul mod that will include it, & if that doesn't work out I might try it eventually, but that's not an area of modding I know much about.

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Hmm. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I might even try my hand at it. Though I'll have to try to track down a specific mod to give my some guidance as I seem to recall reading somewhere that adding warpaints and such is a pain in the ass unless you do it with something that SKSE offers like this particular mod does. So I'll have to take a look at that.


The feathers? I'll leave that to someone else.


As for the kids, I dont know, the kids mod I added above seems just fine to me. I've yet to find that other mod that adds more.

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