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Have we been betrayed?


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I'm wondering how you feel about getting targeted, tracked and analysed, without your knowledge or permission, by advertising companies. Isn't there far too much advertising on the internet already? Who wants to come here for free mods when we get targeted even more!


The offending advertising companies are Casale Media, Quantcast, and Rubicon, and we are getting tracked by Google Analytics and Crazy Egg. Not to mention Google Platform, Gravatar, and Facebook Connect, among others. All without our knowledge or permission! And that's on every page we click on, when we're on Nexus! This is a surreptitous and deceptive betrayal of our rights as consumers.


At least we should get a choice!

Edited by oldgiza
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oh joy, another call for riots and panic. Look, you are on the internet and you are only a consumer here if you choose to be, You don't have to buy anything or click ads if you don't want to and you don't have to be here at all. Many, many sites track users; in fact the convention is so popular that most of the sites you visit do it in one form or another. I would much rather look at ads for things I might buy than ones that have no bearing on my life whatsoever. If you don't like it, leave. Calling it a betrayal is melodrama and your concerns are baseless and liable to cause a flame war over, you guessed it.... Nothing.

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You get tracked no mater what you do.
Also depends on the country your in.

But as for advertising, take preventative measures, even it doesn't stop their evil ways with your personal habits.

Basically any site you visit, MS or even a work domain, your tracked and your habits are analyzed .
It's just a case of different company is all.

Anytime you open a connection to the net and request data your tracked.
So what's all the hoo haa about.

Easy way of avoiding electronic advertising spam and electronic tracking, don't use electrical devices period.
As any thing more it's just apart of the awesome electronic age we live in and it aint gunna get any better.


Edit: I really think this should have been posted in the general section and not here in the modding section.

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You don't have to buy anything or click ads if you don't want to


Ah! So you're claiming that these trackers and analysers are visible? They're not, actually. They're invisible, and you don't know who is following you, or what their methods and purposes are.


you don't have to be here at all.


So you're saying we should just run away and let the the users suffer, without standing up for the victims. Why is that, exactly? And do you do that in other parts of your life?


Many, many sites track users; in fact the convention is so popular that most of the sites you visit do it in one form or another.


Ah! So because lots of companies do it, we should let it happen and not do anything about it? Really? Wouldn't it be better to fight against the oppression of our fellow-man?


I would much rather look at ads for things I might buy than ones that have no bearing on my life whatsoever.


Ah! Sucked in! It sounds like you trust the advertisers to have your best interests at heart, rather than being focused on just making money out of you! :) You'll learn!

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get adblock and pay the 2 dollars to remove ads on the Nexus if it means so much to you


So you're saying I should defend only myself, not fight for what's right, and let other users be betrayed. Is that right? More importantly, is it noble?


By the way, cleaning your saves is a great idea, but this link doesn't seem to lead anywhere:


Warzones save cleaning: http://skyrimwarzone...ning-your-save/

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You get tracked no matter what you do.


Basically any site you visit, MS or even a work domain, you're tracked and your habits are analyzed .

It's just a case of different company is all.


Anytime you open a connection to the net and request data your tracked.

So what's all the hoo haa about.


Easy way of avoiding electronic advertising spam and electronic tracking, don't use electrical devices period.


So you're saying we should just put up with it, ignore it, and *not* work towards a free, clean internet? Have you heard of the "boiling frog" principle? It's all about the gradual erosion of rights. Apparently it's more effective than suddenly taking away those rights!

Edited by oldgiza
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Do you have any constructive proposal which you could share with us on this forum of an ad-supported website for mods?

btw. There's also http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/47-debates/ if you are up to it :smile:


I think that if enough of us stand up for our rights, we will eventually get the right to choose whether we're tracked or not. Sooner or later, Nexus must become transparent, not deceptively hiding those trackers.

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