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Have we been betrayed?


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I see a lot of assertions but very little actual arguments. Please explain:


What's so deceptive about this? It's common knowledge that this is how the internet runs. I highly doubt anybody else is shocked that advertisers track our behavior. They've only been doing it for a hundred years or so.


Why is this wrong? It's not like they have a file with your name on it. They're doing statistical analysis of the behavior of large groups of people. What's the harm? That's not a rhetorical question. Seriously, why are you so upset about this?


Exactly which rights does this behavior violate and how? You have many options to prevent yourself from being tracked, from paying a small fee to installing software to simply not visiting the site. Nobody forces you to use mods or this site.


IS there too much advertising on the web? Please provide an approximate value for "too much" advertising, a justification for that value, and some evidence that the quantity of advertising on the internet exceeds this value.


Your little screed is adorable in the manner of indignant children but it's also just as vacuous, irrational, and rude.

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So you're saying I should defend only myself, not fight for what's right, and let other users be betrayed. Is that right? More importantly, is it noble?

... is there something wrong with ads? hosting a website costs money dude... and some people make a living off of it. they're just trying to figure out what kinda stuff you would be interested in, that's not evil and it's not like they hide that they're tracking you. that's what cookies (the programs, not the food) are if im not mistaken, and you can block those on a lot of sites.



By the way, cleaning your saves is a great idea, but this link doesn't seem to lead anywhere:


Warzones save cleaning: http://skyrimwarzone...ning-your-save/

man i might just delete that link... every time anything changes with that site my link stops working.

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get adblock and pay the 2 dollars to remove ads on the Nexus if it means so much to you


So you're saying I should defend only myself, not fight for what's right, and let other users be betrayed. Is that right? More importantly, is it noble?


By the way, cleaning your saves is a great idea, but this link doesn't seem to lead anywhere:


Warzones save cleaning: http://skyrimwarzone...ning-your-save/


Reality check:

The internet id full of spam, it's what keeps websites afloat.

Crying like your entitled to something is not going to resolve it.


Pay the web site money so they can pay their bills without depending on spam to do it.

So you want a free site and no advertising.

What you feel your entitled to something?


i do agree spam pisses me off more then anything.

Wasting my limited bandwidth so some ashole company can spam images and crap I do not want to see and will never click no matter what.


But bottom line:

Mod discussion is not the place to grieve your concerns about how you are feeling betrayed because your see adverts you don't want and they are tracking your behavior while doing so.


Sure better internet without adds would be lovely, but it's not going to happen anytime soon and it is only going to get worse.

So i propose you defend your self from the crap you do not want.

Block it, visit sites that don't spam advert crap..


Anything apart from rallying a lost cause in the mod discussion thread.

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Yup you are being tracked by Google, Facebook, Twitter and most other web sites. It's not cheap to host a website, It actually costs quite a bit to pay for even a single server. And the big sites like Google, Facebook, and Bing have thousands each. FREE!!! not really. you re trading your data on what you do online for the service that you thought was free. Actually, Google has never made a secret of it. That is their business model. FB, not so much, they try to obscure that they are selling your data to anyone who wants it. Then doubling down by spamming you with advertising. Did you think that Zukerberg became a multi millionaire in under 10 years by giving away a free site to anyone who wanted to post on FB? Who did you think furnished the millions if you didn't pay for an account?


In fact, The Nexus is an exception in that we do not sell your data to anyone. And never have. Our sole sources of support are the advertising - that is easy to get around ( it costs a whopping one time US$2 for a supporter account that comes with no advertising ever.) and the premium accounts that people pay to help keep the Nexus in business.


Here's your hat. http://i707.photobucket.com/albums/ww77/Tuarisbucket/Smileys/tinfoil.gif

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I want a hat too!!!


Ad-block is a wonderful thing.


Setting your browser to NOT accept third-party cookies doesn't hurt either.


if you have an internet connection, you are being tracked. Just the way it is. Even Microsoft wants to track you, look at all the Data Win10 can potentially phone home with.......

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HeyYou. We can accommodate you with a FREE hat. I promise while wearing this hat I don't think the aliens will be able to track your brain waves either. I'm not so sure about the NSA though. I do know they have my fingerprints already. I think that when I die, they are going to use my fingerprints to create a zombie of me or some nefarious purpose. :ermm:


Here's your hat. http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o234/xdrcx/afdbsmiley.gif


If you don't like this one, I have several other models available.


I have actually known 2 real conspiracy theorists. One predicted his own death as part of his theories. As far as I know the other one is still on the loose. Both wrote books on their theories. I read one all the way through, and excerpts from the other one. They were interesting.

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Thanks for the hat. :) I feel much better now.


My neighbor is a full-blown conspiracy theorist...... When he started talking about black helicopters (I live less than 6 miles from an airport, and they have...... helicopters.......) and chem trails, I suspected he was going to be interesting to live near..... I was correct. Don't see him real often.... Living out in the sticks does have some advantages....... So, not too much of an issue. I don't really care to get into a debate with him about it.

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If you are using a product for free and not asked to give anything in return then I don't see why you should feel violated when the site pushes advertisements and collects information to stay in business. That's just the way of things and the internet would be a very empty place without it.


Edit: Personally I think we're being analysed by aliens. Wake up sheeple!

Edited by JoyTrooper
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