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TESSource can no longer be linked to on the TESF


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I just love it, lets all watch the slow but inevitable decline of Bethesda. They must want the modding community gone, and I can't imagine any reason for such a self-destructive attitude. Instead of putting the disclaimer on their own site, or making regisration over-18 only, they're holding the community's promotional ability hostage against their demands. "Run your site our way or nobody will ever hear of you", in other words.


And it's suicide, the modding community isn't going to spend lots of effort making sure their mature content policies follow Bethesda's forum rules. They're just not going to bother advertising on the official forums. Information stops, new visitors stop coming, people gradually start to leave, and the modding community declines. It's just like their refusal to release the model tools, allow skill editing, etc. Just one more frustrating annoyance to deal with, and one more step towards the death of the modding community. Add it all up, and it won't matter if TES V has a construction set, nobody will care enough to use it.


In short: F uck you Bethesda. I'd make a mod full of hardcore pornography, bloody violence, and link it all over your forums just out of spite, but I really don't care. Oblivion sucks, and I want you to drive people away from your mediocre xbox shader masturbation, and the faster the better. The sooner you kill your pathetic excuse for an "rpg", the sooner the modding community can move on to a better game.

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In short: F uck you Bethesda. I'd make a mod full of hardcore pornography, bloody violence, and link it all over your forums just out of spite, but I really don't care. Oblivion sucks, and I want you to drive people away from your mediocre xbox shader masturbation, and the faster the better. The sooner you kill your pathetic excuse for an "rpg", the sooner the modding community can move on to a better game.


If the modding community moved to SupCom I'd be happy but ... uh ... GPG seem to be even worse than Bethesda -- atleast Bethesda released what little they were going to on the day of launch .. SupCom has been out since the 16th in Europe and there's still no official word on when an SDK is coming.

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So... There can't be mature content for a game rated mature? Sure, the game is 16+ and some content is 18+, but what 16/17 year old will be shocked by pixelated nudity and sue Bethesda?


Why do they have to protect the kids? I think the 16+ rating on the box is enough of a disclaimer. If someone who is younger buys the game, searching for mods for that game is 'at their own risk'.


Dark0ne, the things you are willing to do sound okay and I hope they will agree.

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I agree that the line must be drawn somewhere. But the ESRB already did after Rockstar's hot coffee scandle. Game developers cant be held responsable for player added content! But now TESF wont even link to sites with "mature content"? That is the most idiotic and ignorent policy Ive ever heard ,and Ive heard alot. Kids can find "mature content" on the enternet in a matter of seconds. I say instead of them cutting us off, we cut them off!


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I agree that the line must be drawn somewhere. But the ESRB already did after Rockstar's hot coffee scandle. Game developers cant be held responsable for player added content!

Well actually, the hot coffee feature was made by Rockstar themselves, but it was hidden. You couldn't use it unless you 'hacked' the files. It was their content. Other people simply unlocked it. That's why they were held responsible.


Bethesda also included a hidden naked breast texture, which was the real reason the ESRB rating went up to 18+, not because of the violence and blood.

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Well I don't think Bethsoft gives a flying f**k about modders...too bad everyone has to use mods because Bethsoft where too lazy to make a full debug of their own game...I mean else the official mods would be readable directly with the CS...

I think they don't like mods because it shows every single detail they made wrong in the first place...

Maybe one day they will understand that modding IS what makes Elder Scrolls games so superior to other non-MMO RPGs,maybe they will also understand that modders do the work they should have done themselves, but they don't need to pay them, and there are mods that are NEEDED to make Oblivion playable (like the BTmod for instance).

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Well I don't think Bethsoft gives a flying f**k about modders...too bad everyone has to use mods because Bethsoft where too lazy to make a full debug of their own game...I mean else the official mods would be readable directly with the CS...

I think they don't like mods because it shows every single detail they made wrong in the first place...

Maybe one day they will understand that modding IS what makes Elder Scrolls games so superior to other non-MMO RPGs,maybe they will also understand that modders do the work they should have done themselves, but they don't need to pay them, and there are mods that are NEEDED to make Oblivion playable (like the BTmod for instance).

Be glad that we received something. Not every game can be modded through a construction set, and we should be happy that Bethesda released it, buggy/limited or not.

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Malkav, regarding the "recipe" that you (or a moderator) deleted from your post, if you want to commit a terrorist act, that's your prerogative. However, please double-check that you're using the right chemicals to perform the right felonies.


Hazmat crews are hard-working people trying to make an honest living --- and unlike you, they have both the knowledge and materials to do what you were considering. If you ever make their job harder by posting up another amateur chemistry lesson telling people to buy and use large quantities of carbolic acid, they will not hesitate to apply those resources with the purpose of making you pay for what you've done.

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(First I have to say I was pretty fired up when I wrote that thing, and it was not the full recipe, as I am not able to describe the whole thing in English:it's too complicated,plus I don't think you can buy chemicals that easily...however,the night always bringing good counsel, I'd have removed it today if the moderators hadn't done it.I HUMBLY APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE TO ANYONE)


Anyway,back on topic:their own game is for Mature gamers only, but they can't have links on forums to sites that have mature contents??? o_O

Is it the same game we are talking about, where some person in power has a special torture chamber for a certain species, where you can assassinate people and steal things for a living, where a NPC is a necrophilian, where there are racist issues down every corner?They HAVE to be kidding!

And are we living in the same world where you can buy a CD in which someone bosts about getting rich by pimping and selling drugs?In which you can watch MTV and see some young female 'artist' act like a lap dancer?A world in which you can find mature magazines in about every kiosk?Not speaking of course of just about any Hollywood action movie which has the mandatory love scene...


And if there's a link on a site to, say, an art site with a photo of Raphaelo's David (which is one of History's Great Piece of Art), or to 'Le bain turc' by French artist Ingres, would that site be off limits, because David is naked, and every woman in Ingres picture also is?

(well maybe someone could link to a site like that to say "I'd like a character that looks like Napoleon, whose face can be seen on this painting...")

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