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Image magnification bug


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I've been having this bug for quite some time now and it can be very annoying at times. Basically, when I click on image to enlarge it, it works only the first time, if I try to enlarge it again it shrinks instead of getting bigger. I visited the website of the script and it works without flaws there, so I guess either you are using older version or something else is off. This bug only happens in Chrome (currently using 12.0.712.0 dev, but it happened in regular and older version as well), tried Firefox 4.0 and it didn't cause any problems there.


This is how it looks after the bug. When I click the miniature image again it is restored to the thumbnail size but after clicking it shrinks again. This can only be fixed by reloading the page, but it will happen again as soon as you enlarge it more than once.



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The funny thing is, the error will occur even if you have disabled AdBlock and NotScript in Chrome so maybe Dark0ne could bump this annoying bug up on his priority list (he said bugs that are caused by adblockers usually sink to the bottom of his to-do list). Anyway, it would be a simple script upgrade from Highslide 4.1.8 to 4.1.9.
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After clearing the cache, images now zoom in and out as expected in Chrome.

Thank you! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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