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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28995994.

Ardens418 wrote: after updating NMM, now skyrim isnt working at all, gets to the splash screen, then straight to desktop...ughhh...it crashed during the update process, most of my mods werent even migrated, and some were even lost...gonna have to do a complete clean reinstall now, this version of NMM has ruined my interest in this site. this should have never been released, even as a beta, until these bugs were found, or at least without giving the community some idea of how crappy it could be. sorry, but im done with Nexus until this is fixed.

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cmon guys, you know that NMM devs people arent an irresponsible assholes who leave the bugs on their program?


could you be more patient and wait until the bug fixed? without whining over? yes you may dissapointed but it wasnt necessary to give a threat or said "i will never play skyrim anymore"

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Clearly the amount of f*#@ery damage this did to everyones Skyrim mod list should be a clear indication that this was a conspiracy to encourage us to FINALLY put down Skyrim and move onto Fallout 4.


Thats the ONLY way I could possibly explain how long it takes to uninstall mods on 60.8, or even delete mods completely from profiles for some reason.

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In response to post #28995994. #28996639 is also a reply to the same post.

Ardens418 wrote: after updating NMM, now skyrim isnt working at all, gets to the splash screen, then straight to desktop...ughhh...it crashed during the update process, most of my mods werent even migrated, and some were even lost...gonna have to do a complete clean reinstall now, this version of NMM has ruined my interest in this site. this should have never been released, even as a beta, until these bugs were found, or at least without giving the community some idea of how crappy it could be. sorry, but im done with Nexus until this is fixed.
Lozzlescotch wrote: lol

Crashing to desktop after the splash screen means a master file did not get installed. I recommend you install and run LOOT or Wrye Bash. Look through your mod list in either program and if a mod is missing any prerequisites, it will be listed in RED. Both programs will also tell you the file name of the master the mod is looking for, so you can figure out what you are missing. :)
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In response to post #29005664.

CaedesAposis wrote: Clearly the amount of f*#@ery damage this did to everyones Skyrim mod list should be a clear indication that this was a conspiracy to encourage us to FINALLY put down Skyrim and move onto Fallout 4.

Thats the ONLY way I could possibly explain how long it takes to uninstall mods on 60.8, or even delete mods completely from profiles for some reason.

f*#@ it I give up. Mods aren't uninstalling correctly, mods are "installing" but not really installing. Its just one big ol' mess.

My complaint isn't about .60 as a whole. I knew EXACTLY what I was downloading, what it would entail and what it might entail. I transitioned fine. However, when I got under the hood of my mod list and began uninstalling and "reinstalling" my mods that is when the issues began cropping up. I don't think the manager is ACTUALLY uninstalling anything, because when I go to reinstall the mod I just installed (billboards, I need SFO Billboard to overwrite the Vanilla Tree Billboard) it doesn't work. So...like I said, f*#@ it. I'll just take a break from Skyrim until they fix it, if they ever fix it...rofl.
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In response to post #29005664. #29006474 is also a reply to the same post.

CaedesAposis wrote: Clearly the amount of f*#@ery damage this did to everyones Skyrim mod list should be a clear indication that this was a conspiracy to encourage us to FINALLY put down Skyrim and move onto Fallout 4.

Thats the ONLY way I could possibly explain how long it takes to uninstall mods on 60.8, or even delete mods completely from profiles for some reason.
CaedesAposis wrote: f*#@ it I give up. Mods aren't uninstalling correctly, mods are "installing" but not really installing. Its just one big ol' mess.

My complaint isn't about .60 as a whole. I knew EXACTLY what I was downloading, what it would entail and what it might entail. I transitioned fine. However, when I got under the hood of my mod list and began uninstalling and "reinstalling" my mods that is when the issues began cropping up. I don't think the manager is ACTUALLY uninstalling anything, because when I go to reinstall the mod I just installed (billboards, I need SFO Billboard to overwrite the Vanilla Tree Billboard) it doesn't work. So...like I said, f*#@ it. I'll just take a break from Skyrim until they fix it, if they ever fix it...rofl.

Meh, most people were gonna do that anyway. It has been stated that you can run two instances of NMM, as long as one of them has been re-named....which means you can run the stable version for Skyrim (0.56.1) and the newest version for FO4 (0.60.8 and beyond) with the caveat that 0.56.1 will be no longer supported.
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I just wanted to say "thank you" for the new NMM version. I wanted to refresh my mod list for a long time anyway, as years of modding left some traces of junk here and there, despite being careful. So I figured now would be a good time to reinstall all my mods.


It didn't go completely flawless (the order of mod installation was wonky, probably caused by my wonky installation in the first place) and I realised partway in that I would rather start from scratch and install only what I like, but I worked it out in the end. I cancelled the reinstallation and started from scratch, carefully selecting what I wanted to keep and what to toss, and checking for the latest versions for the mods I wanted to keep. I did run into errors uninstalling what NMM had already installed before I cancelled, but I wrote a little bug report and found a way around the problem. The bug report was handled nicely, thanks for that, too! :)


It took me many hours installing my hundreds of mods, mostly because I manually checked for new versions and got distracted, but I am much happier with my Skyrim installation now. My Skyrim folders look cleaner than they have in years and I just like the feel of the way NMM installs / uninstalls mods now.


TL; DR: I had to jump a few hurdles after installing, but am very happy. Thanks for the hard work! :)

Edited by Mirrorimage
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In response to post #29005664. #29006474, #29006524 are all replies on the same post.

CaedesAposis wrote: Clearly the amount of f*#@ery damage this did to everyones Skyrim mod list should be a clear indication that this was a conspiracy to encourage us to FINALLY put down Skyrim and move onto Fallout 4.

Thats the ONLY way I could possibly explain how long it takes to uninstall mods on 60.8, or even delete mods completely from profiles for some reason.
CaedesAposis wrote: f*#@ it I give up. Mods aren't uninstalling correctly, mods are "installing" but not really installing. Its just one big ol' mess.

My complaint isn't about .60 as a whole. I knew EXACTLY what I was downloading, what it would entail and what it might entail. I transitioned fine. However, when I got under the hood of my mod list and began uninstalling and "reinstalling" my mods that is when the issues began cropping up. I don't think the manager is ACTUALLY uninstalling anything, because when I go to reinstall the mod I just installed (billboards, I need SFO Billboard to overwrite the Vanilla Tree Billboard) it doesn't work. So...like I said, f*#@ it. I'll just take a break from Skyrim until they fix it, if they ever fix it...rofl.
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Meh, most people were gonna do that anyway. It has been stated that you can run two instances of NMM, as long as one of them has been re-named....which means you can run the stable version for Skyrim (0.56.1) and the newest version for FO4 (0.60.8 and beyond) with the caveat that 0.56.1 will be no longer supported.

Anyone have a link to an older version of Nexus Mod manager floating around? Say around oh....56ish? .56.1? maybe? Any help finding that would be awesome, thank you.


Never mind, found it myself. :D Edited by CaedesAposis
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In response to post #28901419. #28901619 is also a reply to the same post.

NeoNord wrote: I understood there was risk in loading the new version and had to redo several mods completely and while that is a bit annoying it was not earth shattering. On the other hand I find your comments here exceedingly self serving and arrogant. You are apparently operating under the erroneous assumption that everyone possesses the same level of understanding about mods and loading mods that you do. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are dealing with an audience that varies widely in their knowledge and experience and your attitude appears to be , "oh well just throw them in the deep end ,they'll learn to swim quicker that way" You also are dealing with an audience that is here to better the game they are playing and would like that to be as simple as possible so they can get back to playing the game. You may or may not know your business but this particular episode was not something you'll want to put on your resume. You may have done alpha testing you may not have, aside from your assertion we cannot know for sure. Like it or not you are going to be seen in the same ;light as any organization providing goods and/or services. You will not be trusted to do it right and that will annoy the heck out of people and rightfully so. Attempting to hide behind the "this is a BETA" statement is unprofessional and referring to upset people as the haters just emphasizes your 'holier than thou" attitude. Grow up and admit you put out a flawed product, fix it and get on with life> This diatribe will get you no sympathy.
Elgar82 wrote:
You may have done alpha testing you may not have, aside from your assertion we cannot know for sure.

Dude, seriously, the alpha has been here since January and was tested by thousands of users : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61952

And you Dude, missed the point which doesn't really surprise me. Whether they did testing or not is immaterial, they put out a seriously flawed product. If they did testing they obviously didn't do enough or they made changes as a result of the testing and did not test the changes. It really doesn't matter, they need to own up to the fact that it is flawed and fix the flaws. Maybe VW should just say "hey it's a Beta test and Gee we're sorry we are poisoning the world but that happens" Wait VW at least is saying "we're sorry" Nexus doesn't even bother with that. Edited by NeoNord
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Well... I've always trusted NMM as I always about upgrading to the next version. That is also my downfall for this one. I clicked 'Yes' to uninstall and re-installed automatically. Uninstalling the Mods was fine until the automatic re-install. NMM crashed but re-opening NMM doesn't continue the re-install process. Now my Skyrim is f*#@ed (you know, the typical splashed screen and exit to desktop). I am sure the Dev team worked hard to make things better but I think this one messed things up pretty bad for the users unfortunately.
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