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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #29007719.

bmafaga wrote: Well... I've always trusted NMM as I always about upgrading to the next version. That is also my downfall for this one. I clicked 'Yes' to uninstall and re-installed automatically. Uninstalling the Mods was fine until the automatic re-install. NMM crashed but re-opening NMM doesn't continue the re-install process. Now my Skyrim is f*#@ed (you know, the typical splashed screen and exit to desktop). I am sure the Dev team worked hard to make things better but I think this one messed things up pretty bad for the users unfortunately.

Honestly your best bet is to rollback to .56.1 and stay there until they get w/e they need to sorted out.

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I understand there was warnings and such, but from what i gathered it would not let me download new mods through the manager without updating, so in my mind i had no choice, I'm sure there was a way to do so, but i was unaware all i was told is i cant do it unless the software is completely up to date. little but upset about losing all the work I've put into Skyrim. I guess lessons learnt and such. One thing to note was during reinstallation of the mods the manager decided to crash, and upon reopening i was unable to uninstall any mods manually or install, thus being forced to uninstall the whole lot and start from scratch. Backups guys :P its important, and i for sure have learnt my lesson with this. RIP my beautiful skyrim. <3
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I know you all mean well with this update but I'm sorry to report it has caused me no end of grief. I usually just let NMM update and go with it (was playing New Vegas) but when the option came up to reinstall I was nervous about it but did it anyways.


It bugged New Vegas so much (certain mods across the board were tailored in a way specific to my playthroughs) that the save file became corrupt to say nothing of the mods I was initially using. I had to uninstall New Vegas and start all over again. Now when I try and play Skyrim it gives me the same option. Again I have tailored certain mods (new races, different racials and different abilities) that doing so will completely destroy my current save. I could in theory save the whole Skyrim file, let it do its reinstall and hope the copy/paste fixes everything but its still a hassle. I've tailored my Skyrim specifically that reinstalling the mods will undo all my meticulous work.


I'll be switching to Mod Organizer in the meantime until you guys can fix this issue. At the very least please make the reinstall/uninstall optional not mandatory for the update. I know it was an update but to be perfectly honest it did nothing other than aggravate my migraine. I know what you're going to say and just switch to an older version of NMM but i'm sorry to report the latest version is to ingrained (New Vegas and Fallout 3 are using 60.8 while Skyrim is still in pre-60.x) and I fear reinstalling an older version of NMM might corrupt my files all over again and I really don't feel like spending 6 or 7 hours hunting for very specific mods that in some cases DO NOT exist on the Nexus anymore.


I hope this gets resolved soon. I prefer NMM to Mod Organizer personally but this has left kind of a sour taste in my mouth.


EDIT: Good news is that even having the 0.6 series installed it was a simple matter of uninstalling and then installing 0.56.1. Now that that headache is out of the way I still think you all need to fix the 0.6 series to make reinstalling/uninstalling mods OPTIONAL instead of MANDATORY. You'll make a lot of people much happier in the long run.

Edited by aeonthraen
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Warning: GOOGLE translator. It means something hahaha

Over 2000 hours of play, 1,000 of them installing and setting up because of bugs mods or total lack of informción installation of developers, very bad in this respect many modders, if you know English, like me, to explain, better to do nothing. In updating the MOD MANAGER ... you will think my fill after uninstalling the game and start again for problems that do not report these modders, I'm going to risk to upgrade to new versions ??? TIME, my time and a fool installer ruin everything, well, excuse me those fed up with their improvements ??? If now I install the new version and my blessed game that finally works stop doing it for that reason, clearly he feels a deep aversion to you, When I ensure that it is free of errors, gladly set it up, or when I oblige.

NOT apologize for my English nonexistent love my language, Castilian, despised by English speakers, but I do not care. Good for Google translator although only half understand XDXDXD

PS: please mods developers, are not unfit, inform, nobody is born knowing. Thank you.


SPANISH, Español, Castellano:

Advertencia: GOOGLE traductor. algo se entiende jaja

Más de 2000 horas de juego, 1000 de ellas instalando e instalando a causa de bugs de los mods o falta total de informción de instalación de los desarroladores, muy mal en este aspecto muchos modders, si no saben ingles, como yo, para explicarlo, mejor no hagan nada. Respecto de la actualización del MOD MANAGER...ustedes se piensan que luego de hartarme de desinstalar el juego y comenzar de nuevo por problemas de esos modders que no informan, yo me voy a arriesgar a actualizar a las nuevas versiones??? ES TIEMPO, MI tiempo y que un tonto instalador arruine todo, bueno, disculpen los que me tienen harto con sus mejoras??? Si ahora instalo la nueva versión y mi bendito juego que al fin funciona dejara de hacerlo por esa causa, es claro que sentiría una profunda aversión hacia ustedes, Cuando me aseguren que esta libre de errores, con gusto lo instalaré, o cuando me obliguen.

NO pido disculpas por mi inexistente ingles, amo a mi idioma, castellano, despreciado por los angloparlantes, pero ni me importa. GOOD for Google traductor aunque se entienda solamente la mitad XDXDXD

PD: por favor desarrolladores de mods, no sean ineptos, informen, nadie nace sabiendo. Gracias.

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This is the worst version of NMM i've ever seen in my life, f*#@ed my game up....I usually don't update the NMM, until today, I was using version 0.55.5, each time I was opening Nexus, it was always bugging me with the new update..finnaly after 2 week of not playing Skyrim, I decided..ok let's update it, I feel like playing some Skyrim.


Well, keeping it short: f*#@ed the game.


I'm not sure how this new activation/deactivation method works, BUT there is NO FOMOD's showing up when activating mod, which is a HUGE f*#@-up, not only mods using fomods, can't be installed, the game is unplayable, my Skyrim folder is FULL of 1000000 folders, it is un-f*#@ing-recognizable, this NMM, just pours everything into the Skyrim data folder, it looks like a cluster f*#@.


I am reverting to the 0.55.5 version, and I will NEVER, EVER, going to update the nexus mod manager, ever again, it was fine the way it was, I don't even know why I decided to update it, I'm a stupid f*#@.


P.S. Good luck fixing the new NMM

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In response to post #29012569.

razyel09 wrote: This is the worst version of NMM i've ever seen in my life, f*#@ed my game up....I usually don't update the NMM, until today, I was using version 0.55.5, each time I was opening Nexus, it was always bugging me with the new update..finnaly after 2 week of not playing Skyrim, I decided..ok let's update it, I feel like playing some Skyrim.

Well, keeping it short: f*#@ed the game.

I'm not sure how this new activation/deactivation method works, BUT there is NO FOMOD's showing up when activating mod, which is a HUGE f*#@-up, not only mods using fomods, can't be installed, the game is unplayable, my Skyrim folder is FULL of 1000000 folders, it is un-f*#@ing-recognizable, this NMM, just pours everything into the Skyrim data folder, it looks like a cluster f*#@.

I am reverting to the 0.55.5 version, and I will NEVER, EVER, going to update the nexus mod manager, ever again, it was fine the way it was, I don't even know why I decided to update it, I'm a stupid f*#@.

P.S. Good luck fixing the new NMM

From the FAQ :
Q. I can no longer interact with mods that have scripted installers after I've installed them. How do I redo the options?

NMM now has three mod states; active, inactive and uninstalled.

If a mod is active, it's installed and turned on in your profile so should show in your game.

If it's inactive the mod is installed, but it's not turned on in your current profile so should not show in your game. It may, however, be active in other profiles you have.

If it's uninstalled then the mod is not installed and it's not active in any of your profiles.

When you interact with a scripted installer for a mod it will install the mod with the options you set. If you want to reinstall that mod and go through the scripted installer again you need to uninstall it, not deactivate it. To do so, simply right-click it and select "uninstall". When you go to install the mod again you'll then be prompted with the scripted installer, as per normal.
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Seems to be working well so far, in a new, complete rebuild of FNV (One more playthrough to warm me up for FO4, and trying some of the major mods I never played before).


One suggestion: Would be nice to be able to add 'user notes' to a mod, just a simple text file where we can add comments regarding load order peculiarities, odd incompatibilities, etc. Could be helpful to see why I deactivated certain mods, etc.


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In response to post #29012569. #29012934 is also a reply to the same post.

razyel09 wrote: This is the worst version of NMM i've ever seen in my life, f*#@ed my game up....I usually don't update the NMM, until today, I was using version 0.55.5, each time I was opening Nexus, it was always bugging me with the new update..finnaly after 2 week of not playing Skyrim, I decided..ok let's update it, I feel like playing some Skyrim.

Well, keeping it short: f*#@ed the game.

I'm not sure how this new activation/deactivation method works, BUT there is NO FOMOD's showing up when activating mod, which is a HUGE f*#@-up, not only mods using fomods, can't be installed, the game is unplayable, my Skyrim folder is FULL of 1000000 folders, it is un-f*#@ing-recognizable, this NMM, just pours everything into the Skyrim data folder, it looks like a cluster f*#@.

I am reverting to the 0.55.5 version, and I will NEVER, EVER, going to update the nexus mod manager, ever again, it was fine the way it was, I don't even know why I decided to update it, I'm a stupid f*#@.

P.S. Good luck fixing the new NMM
Elgar82 wrote: From the FAQ :
Q. I can no longer interact with mods that have scripted installers after I've installed them. How do I redo the options?

NMM now has three mod states; active, inactive and uninstalled.

If a mod is active, it's installed and turned on in your profile so should show in your game.

If it's inactive the mod is installed, but it's not turned on in your current profile so should not show in your game. It may, however, be active in other profiles you have.

If it's uninstalled then the mod is not installed and it's not active in any of your profiles.

When you interact with a scripted installer for a mod it will install the mod with the options you set. If you want to reinstall that mod and go through the scripted installer again you need to uninstall it, not deactivate it. To do so, simply right-click it and select "uninstall". When you go to install the mod again you'll then be prompted with the scripted installer, as per normal.

Yes I've read the whole FAQ, and yes, It didn't help my game, Inactive or not, the mods wouldn't work.

Fomod's would indeed appear for mods that were previously, not installed, which is good.

The mods that were installed and were not active (because the NMM crashed shortly after I clicked yes, to uninstall and re-install mods), would not show up the FOMOD, because..they were in that inactive state, that I understand, but guess what, after activation, mod don't work s#*&#33;.

Well, at least for me, It doesn't matter anymore, I reverted back to the older, working NMM, I say what the devs are doing, is a nice feature...for some people that have..different settings for different playthroughs, it just isn't for me.

Im that type who took HOURS of setting up the mods before actually playing, and once I did that, I have everything I need In-game, and customizable, I don't need more head-aches from the actual software that helps me install mods easier.
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In response to post #29012569. #29012934, #29013984 are all replies on the same post.

razyel09 wrote: This is the worst version of NMM i've ever seen in my life, f*#@ed my game up....I usually don't update the NMM, until today, I was using version 0.55.5, each time I was opening Nexus, it was always bugging me with the new update..finnaly after 2 week of not playing Skyrim, I decided..ok let's update it, I feel like playing some Skyrim.

Well, keeping it short: f*#@ed the game.

I'm not sure how this new activation/deactivation method works, BUT there is NO FOMOD's showing up when activating mod, which is a HUGE f*#@-up, not only mods using fomods, can't be installed, the game is unplayable, my Skyrim folder is FULL of 1000000 folders, it is un-f*#@ing-recognizable, this NMM, just pours everything into the Skyrim data folder, it looks like a cluster f*#@.

I am reverting to the 0.55.5 version, and I will NEVER, EVER, going to update the nexus mod manager, ever again, it was fine the way it was, I don't even know why I decided to update it, I'm a stupid f*#@.

P.S. Good luck fixing the new NMM
Elgar82 wrote: From the FAQ :
Q. I can no longer interact with mods that have scripted installers after I've installed them. How do I redo the options?

NMM now has three mod states; active, inactive and uninstalled.

If a mod is active, it's installed and turned on in your profile so should show in your game.

If it's inactive the mod is installed, but it's not turned on in your current profile so should not show in your game. It may, however, be active in other profiles you have.

If it's uninstalled then the mod is not installed and it's not active in any of your profiles.

When you interact with a scripted installer for a mod it will install the mod with the options you set. If you want to reinstall that mod and go through the scripted installer again you need to uninstall it, not deactivate it. To do so, simply right-click it and select "uninstall". When you go to install the mod again you'll then be prompted with the scripted installer, as per normal.
razyel09 wrote: Yes I've read the whole FAQ, and yes, It didn't help my game, Inactive or not, the mods wouldn't work.

Fomod's would indeed appear for mods that were previously, not installed, which is good.

The mods that were installed and were not active (because the NMM crashed shortly after I clicked yes, to uninstall and re-install mods), would not show up the FOMOD, because..they were in that inactive state, that I understand, but guess what, after activation, mod don't work s#*&#33;.

Well, at least for me, It doesn't matter anymore, I reverted back to the older, working NMM, I say what the devs are doing, is a nice feature...for some people that have..different settings for different playthroughs, it just isn't for me.

Im that type who took HOURS of setting up the mods before actually playing, and once I did that, I have everything I need In-game, and customizable, I don't need more head-aches from the actual software that helps me install mods easier.

well you are no help on how to fix it by just bitching about it.....
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