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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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I commented in a thread where the person was asking for help that a reason NMM update caused issues. I suggested him that a few other users experiencing the same problem but one mod sarcastically replied me that "we would know if few persons have reported that". By reading the comments, i just don't know what to say. And by the way, i was replying to the guy above me and not to the entire thread. I'm not mad but atleast don't try to humiliate others Edited by PirateZ86
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Is anyone else having a huge issue with Sky UI not installing? I received an error stating that something was wrong with my skse scripts so I reinstalled skse and now skyui won't install when I attempt to in the NMM window. I've attempted to start my game and I get a CTD before the intro screen is even done loading.

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Thank God, I read this before upgrade, all the comments sounds very bad! I had never seen so many negative comments about a new version of the NMM, it's so bad? well, sounds very bad! if this is not a forced upgrade, I am not going to update! uninstall and re-install all the mods it's a crazy thing, nothing good can out of it! specially when a game like Skyrim is so hard to mod.
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In response to post #29033209.

sneaksmile wrote: Thank God, I read this before upgrade, all the comments sounds very bad! I had never seen so many negative comments about a new version of the NMM, it's so bad? well, sounds very bad! if this is not a forced upgrade, I am not going to update! uninstall and re-install all the mods it's a crazy thing, nothing good can out of it! specially when a game like Skyrim is so hard to mod.

If you plan on playing just Skyrim and older games that it supports, then yea, stay with what you have....BUT if you are planning FO4 and newer games, then the new version is all you'll have, as the 0.50.xx versions and below will no longer be supported. You can DL the new version separately, rename it and use it for FO4 and any new games that will be supported by NMM in the future, whilst keeping your old set up as it is.
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As much as it f*#@ed up my game...and I mean REALLY f*#@ed it up to the point to it not loading, I would never issue a death threat. I would simply say, "That was a stupid f-in update".

I have a limited time to play a week and I have literally spent hours trying to correct what this latest update did to no avail. It seems as though this might be the time to pull the plug on the ES Skyrim as I do not have the time (or knowledge) to spend trying to fix this.

This was a horrible, horrible "update" that should have not been released. Poor job by NMM team.


And using the excuse:

Frankly, I've been quite surprised at the sheer amount of people that have been blindly downloading and updating their NMM without checking the site news or change logs first. Of course, we take some responsibility, as noted above, for not providing that changelog within NMM's update mechanism itself. Hence why we need to change it, and change it fast.


Thats BS. You really think that everyone installing mods is a programmer? This site and MMM has established a precedence in providing updates and mods installed through NMM with not problems. I have installed basic updates man many times without having to do anything. This update was a total bait and switch. So the NMM team and Skyrim Nexus Team need to own it.

Edited by Skizzy123
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It did'nt work for me. it was my fault, not reading the warnings.


The uninstalling of the mods went ok, but while reinstalling FNIS the program crashed.

I'm running Windows 7 Homr premium SP1 on a Packard Bell ixtreme M5860 with an Intel i7-2600 3.4GHz, 8GB RAM


Hope this Information helps.


Thanks for the otherwise exellent work.



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Thank you ! You've ruined my game.


Who is the genius that said "lololo we're gonna uninstalled all their mod"

My game was working perfectly and now NMM crash at the end of the installation and my game too. I don't remember all the setting i've made and i had my own order load .If i use NMM it's because i'm not a programmer.

I've spent 2 days the first time i've installed my mods. You think i have no other things to do ?


Last time i'm updating this sh*t and last time i'm going on nexus mod.

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In response to post #29034569.

Skizzy123 wrote: As much as it f*#@ed up my game...and I mean REALLY f*#@ed it up to the point to it not loading, I would never issue a death threat. I would simply say, "That was a stupid f-in update".
I have a limited time to play a week and I have literally spent hours trying to correct what this latest update did to no avail. It seems as though this might be the time to pull the plug on the ES Skyrim as I do not have the time (or knowledge) to spend trying to fix this.
This was a horrible, horrible "update" that should have not been released. Poor job by NMM team.

And using the excuse:
Frankly, I've been quite surprised at the sheer amount of people that have been blindly downloading and updating their NMM without checking the site news or change logs first. Of course, we take some responsibility, as noted above, for not providing that changelog within NMM's update mechanism itself. Hence why we need to change it, and change it fast.

Thats BS. You really think that everyone installing mods is a programmer? This site and MMM has established a precedence in providing updates and mods installed through NMM with not problems. I have installed basic updates man many times without having to do anything. This update was a total bait and switch. So the NMM team and Skyrim Nexus Team need to own it.

Did you catch this following paragraph as well?

It's also become obvious that we once again need to clarify the fact that NMM has always been in public Beta. That's not something we just say, it's written in big bold letters on the splash screen every single time you start the program up. When we release updates we release them on the pretense that first adopters, like any Beta software, are helping us to test the software. If you want to instantly install any new update to NMM as soon as it comes out then you do so in full knowledge that the changes made could inadvertently negatively affect your mod installation. If you didn't know that, despite the fact the word "Beta" is plastered all over the NMM download page and software, with clear warnings of what is involved with being in a Beta, then, guys...you need to read up about what you're actually installing on your PC before you do it! We're looking for help with our Betas. If you don't want to help and just want a stable piece of software to mod your game with then don't sit on the bleeding edge of the updates of NMM. Hold back and let the others who do want to help do their work. This is how we do things, it's how we've always done things these past four years since NMM's initial release. The system is going to change when we bring NMM out of Beta, but until then, that's how it'll remain.

Basically we've beta'd a beta that should never have been in beta. Awesomesauce.
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It failed, I threw my toys out of the pram, complained in an earlier post, then relented and spent my weekend reinstalling. Now SkyUI (crucially, but amongst others) won't work. All save games now obsolete and new games grossly lacking functionality. VERY SIMPLY DO NOT INSTALL THIS UPDATE UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO REINSTALL/MOD SKYRIM FROM SCRATCH.


History is littered with software companies, actually not only software companies, who have put through a major update that so fundamentally alters the experience of the existing user base that it is risked or, in the worst cases, decimated. Nexus this is a huge mistake on your part, I know you're a small group but you have made a huge mistake and you have handled it terrifyingly badly. I'm really sorry. I study this sort of stuff for a living.


1)Immediately change the NMM update prompt with full risk disclosure.

2)Include the fact that this is a small team that needs support and appreciates the user base and asks people to upgrade in spite of the risks to help user and developer long term. Patience, pain, reward, thank you. The merits of "should have read the small print first", as a post-event crisis response, are very low and typically exacerbatory.

3)That it is a big mistake does not make it dishonest or malicious, and anyone who threatens you is a moron. Consider passing on full details to police etc.

4)Dual version support. Tell people FO4 necessitates a new approach, multi-profiling is ultimately a great thing, and eventually they must be migrated as mods are created/updated. But that they can continue if they wish. For all their screw-ups MSFT didn't force Vista on XP users, which is a reasonable proxy for this situation. CLEAR COMMUNICATION UP FRONT, AT THE POINT OF THE USER'S DECISION.

5)Notice that people would pay money to go back one week, so you can afford to hire someone.

6)That Nexus is an exceptional achievement does not make it indestructible and this misstep must make that clear to you. Learn, evolve, improve, etc, etc.


I've got one more reinstall attempt in me. After that my goodwill will be gone and chances are I'll never visit this site again.

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