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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28952714.

aesthe wrote: I appreciate this post as a person that does read patch notes, but I wonder if NMM staff understands their userbase. We want it now, we want it slick, and we want it to work smoothly. It's not a reasonable ask, but it's what NMM aims to achieve, so the BS mentioned should come as no surprise. I don't want to read about it; it's the field you have chosen to play on.

That being all well and good, my girlfriend's Witcher3 mods stopped working- bug report provided 'X stopped working'- but I don't know enough about the architecture to be more acute than that.

"We want it now, we want it slick, and we want it to work smoothly"

Then you can wait about another year before an update. What you're asking for is unreasonable and it sounds like you're an impatient child. You KNOW this software is in beta, READ THE LOGS, READ THE WARNINGS, this article is 100% correct and the NMM staff is usually always right. A lot of the users here are immature children (literally) and are spoiled brats who demand stuff NOW. Fix your computer or learn how to use the software probably. I have rarely EVER had issues with NMM is you FOLLOW THE MOD INSTRUCTIONS and READ. Trust me, reading goes a long way. You are EXACTLY one of the problems this article is talking about.
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In response to post #28955749. #28957674, #28958254, #28958704 are all replies on the same post.

brandiemay1234 wrote: i know NMM doesnt work for me because i have windows 10. i did some troubleshooting and it worked for, about a day. but yea. try and fix that if you already havent in this update.
Elgar82 wrote: I doubt it is related to Windows 10. I have Windows 10 and everything seems fine. Your issue is probably elsewhere.
solsikke737 wrote: I also doubt it's Win 10 related in itself. I run Win 10 and things seems just fine for me as well.
rimshot47 wrote: Have to disagree, at least in my case, I've only had minor problems having more to do with my mods then NMM. Currently using 60.8 beta.

It's not Windows 10, you probably have corrupted system files and your computer is a mess. Try reformatting your computer and do a fresh start or follow the mod instructions. the number one reason why people can't get NMM or mods running properly is because they don't read instructions. Not saying you don't, but it's extremely common.
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In response to post #28955319.

r3wcifer wrote: I had NO issues because I DID read the huge warning saying it was going to uninstall mods and I backed out and rolled back to the old version, it very clearly warns you what its doing, if you're too stupid to see that, then you don't belong here, the people writing these programs and running this awesome community don't owe you SQUAT. And anyone who sent a death threat over something so minor needs to leave the basement and go find something to do because clearly you have issues and are a self-entitled, unappreciative piece of garbage.

Agreed! I'm glad to see users like this on here who are mature and responsible and READ READ READ READ READ. I can't tell people enough, but the main reason why NMM staff gets hate mail and death threats is because the user didn't read the instructions and warnings. NMM DOESN'T owe anyone anything like you said, I have given a lot of money to NMM because it's the greatest modding community ever created and they are RESPONSIBLE, a very responsible modding team who always cover their own ass.
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In response to post #28964114.

kyle902 wrote:

This update completely f*#@ed everyone over who had mods installed separate of NMM. This whole "you should've read the changelog" is a rather shoddy excuse as well. I don't read the changelog for every piece of software I use because generally I don't expect the software to completely break the programs it interacts with after an update. "Its a beta" isn't really an excuse either considering that

A. The vast majority of the NMM userbase don't understand the implications of a beta

B. This update wasn't really a "Beta" update considering it both added features and vastly changed how certain things work. To my understanding programs in the Beta state of development are usually considered to be undergoing the streamlining of features as well as bugfixes.


I understand that there was a pop up saying that I'd need to reinstall my mods, but I was under the impression that it would simply put the files back into place after the update rather the making my reload every single plugin out of order. The automatic reinstallation system was functionally useless because it paid no head to install order and simply created a mess of overlapping and conflicting mods which as I've previously stated completely broke my game.


Honestly you should expect quite a bit of hate mail from the average end user when you release an update thats basically "update the program and uninstall everything for all the games that use NMM to handle mods and then have to manually fix everything" or "Download and update the program but have to use the last iteration of the software anyways"

Good to see another user who actually reads. My conversion went flawlessly with 175 mods installed. There were a couple that needed reinstalling, but it was no big deal.
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its hard to believe that this update could be so broken what with being unable to uninstall mods normally, meaning i have to delete the mod 7z/rar in nnm's mod folder close nmm and reopen it only to have it tell me the stupidest thing that the file i just deleted isnt there anymore and ask me if id like to uninstall the mod id already tried to uninstall. when trying to reinstall mods with installers having them not even pop up unless i delete the mod and re download it and then reading the patch notes saying that a mod manager that has been working fine before this stupid update is now not even able to do its job of installing mods properly cause it and ill quot the part that caught my eye

Fixed issue preventing some mods from installing txt files.

Fixed issue causing some plugins to randomly show as corrupt.

Fixed issue causing .jar and .exe files from properly working (FNIS, BodySlide2, DualSheat’s .jar, etc.).

even tho its fixed now this is after id already started installing my mods again

Edited by silvershade56
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In response to post #28966499. #28966734 is also a reply to the same post.

Fliegenaffe wrote: i'm on 0.60.4 and finally have a fairly stable game/installation. is it safe to update to 0.60.8? i don't fancy reinstalling 260 mods again.
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: I just did and it was fine....I waited while using 0.06.4 for awhile too, but had no issues when updating to .8

ok, thanks
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