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A model change for the 'Bound Sword'.


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Is it just me, or does a daedric sword seem kind of stale for a weapon you 'wizard up' from thin air?

Don't get me wrong, the effect and color are totally fine with me.


But the model... eh, A Daedric sword just seems kinda lazy and non-unique.


Don't suppose anyone would care to have a crack at the 'Bound Sword'?

Slap on a new model, keep the same purple, ethereal, fire thingy and upload to the nexus?


Thanks for reading, Ciao.


N- (I know I could probably do this myself by swapping it out with the steel sword model or something like that, but then I'd be complaining it looks to similar to the steel sword :P )

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Anything in specific you want it replaced with, or are you asking for a new unique model created from scratch for it? I've never been fond of the Daedric sword, so I may end up replacing it myself with the silver sword model, but since its your request, I'll wait, before I do anything.

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Right, I take back the 'lazy' statement, it's totally lore-friendly.


Thanks for the Interest Little Vampire, I'd be totally cool with a silver sword re-placer with the same effects, maybe an increase in the purple fire effect if you could? just to make it look a little more unique.


But like I said, Straight Silver sword re-placer is cool with me.


Thanks again :)

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Well I went ahead and worked a bit on it anyways yesterday. Realized the bound sword and the flames are part of the same nif, so I deleted the branch with the Daedric sword. The flames didn't look right with the silver sword, since they were shaped around the Daedric sword, so I removed their effect in the CK and then played around with some other effects. I also switched the model to another nif of the silver sword with the sheathe removed. Is this fine? If you think so, I'll upload it then. Here's what it looks like now:









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