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What do you think is the OVERALL least liked playable Race?


Least liked playable race in TES.  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think is the GENERALLY least liked TES Race (playable)? Not YOUR least favourite race, but overall?

    • Nord
    • Imperial
    • Redguard
    • Breton
    • Dark Elf
    • High Elf
    • Wood Elf
    • Orc
    • Khajiit
    • Argonian

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I picked wood elf/bosmer. The mods make them much nicer but certainly that little weasel adoring fan could turn anyone off back in Oblivion days. I think Oub is right, the people that play the beast races are fiercely loyal.


I just don't really like the Bosmer as a general rule. Probably also the most "generic" of all the races-very traditionally wood elf ranger type.


I kinda think all (or at least most) of the TES races fall victim to the "generic" archetypes of Western RPG games/ Fantasy stories.

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Argonians, then Khajiit, then Orc.


Generally it's the non-human/elven and 'ugly' races that get played the least, in any game*. People prefer to play characters that look like them, or that they find the most visually appealing, thus humans are generally the most played, followed by elves.


(If I were to put the races in order, then probably: Argonian, Khajiit, Orc, Dunmer, Redguard, Imperial, Altmer, Bosmer, Breton, Nord. This is primarily from what I've seen in user images and the like, and how people might tend to play the race that most 'fits' with the game (MW = Dunmer, OB = Imperial, SK = Nord.))


* I once saw a chart that, for World of Warcraft, the Blood Elves and Humans were the most popular races, followed by Night Elves and Draenei, while Pandaren, Dwarfs, Goblins and Gnomes were the least popular. In GW2, I saw more humans and Sylvari ('elves') than Asura and Charr.



For what I prefer...my main character has always been an Imperial female, ever since Morrowind. If I play another race, then it's usually an elf (Stone Elf in MW, Epic Elf in Oblivion...and I use RaceMenu to give my Imperial elven ears in Skyrim). I have never made a character of any other race for anything more than screenshots. My favourite race for males (companions and the like), though? Definitely Dunmer. =D

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While that's true, you must admit there isn't much anyone can do to make their faces more appealing. Plus, I always thought they looked creepy when they talk, especially up close.


They are talking humanoid lizards, it normal to think that it creepy when one talks to you.


I think they look like derpy kids, the males anyways. The females look skinny and fragile, it doesn't help they have that odd smoker voice while the males have a deep, calm male voice.

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I agree with Jeir, you want your character to look appealing & have decent gameplay bonuses, which is likely to put Argonians & Imperials at the bottom. I feel that Bethesda have really let their games down in terms of character appeal, which is proven by the vast improvements you can get with player designed mods - in Morrowind everyone just looked yuck, in Oblivion the faces improved dramatically but the hair was terrible, Skyrim was the first game I was able to create a vanilla character I was happy with (before discovering mods). My pet peeve is the elves - why do they insist on making them so damn ugly??!!

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