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Ooh.. a Christmas list? Great!..


- Dialogue Interface Overhaul:
1. that lets us access to the most used options like 'open your inventory' and 'do this' in one click instead of 3 or 4.
2. where I can immediately see if an actor can be interacted with or not.

- Buddy Management System:
1. that lets us know where the hell we unvoluntarily dismissed them or whether they're (again) stuck in some place where the navmesh is broken.
2. that gives us the option to teleport them back to us.

- Shooting System Overhaul:

1. that'll give us better chances to instantly kill someone/thing with headshots rather than limbs or torso when not using VATS.

2. lets me manually aim and throw grenades through doors so that they don't get stuck in the door opening and invariably blow in my face... sigh.

- Sleeping Mod:
1. which at least restores the fade-to-black so we don't have to watch our PC sleep standing like a horse.
2. that prevents characters to use a piece of furniture which is already used by another.
3. includes some animation ideally.

- Character's Weapon Equip mod:
1. which lets us SEE what weapon we're actually equipped with before we draw it.
2. which may restore some sort of 'holster' / 'draw' animation.

- Crafting System Overhaul:
1. so we can recycle armors and clothes too at the bench rather than have to drop them to be able to break them down.
2. let's us craft ammos.
3. displays the Weapon or Armor type before modifications (the Vanilla interface is awful in that way too: the item type always ends up lost in dot-dot-dot... sigh)

- Settlement Management Overhaul:
1. option to disable settlements events which constantly diverts us from quests and is terribly repetitive.
2. complete UI overhaul
3. separate the FOV key from the Workshop one (not sure it's not hard-coded though... argh).
4. easier and more obvious way to assign settlers to tasks
5. better FOV when placing or building stuff

- Pipboy Interface Overhaul
1. better maps
2. complete stats display: for instance, a way to actually see my radiation and health levels, with actual numbers (I can see Radaway will remove 300 rads, but what's the use of that when I have no idea how much rads I carry... sigh)


- Better Face Textures (have you looked at Marcy's face?!.. ouch!.. and she's not even killable, sigh)


I'm aware that many of these mods are already underway... Bless you, early modders, my game needs you badly!..

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How about; Timed Blocking for the Ricochet perk? Like a Jedi deflect...


Maybe a script that makes the ricochet chance 100% when blocking (since you can't hold block anymore) Would leave a little bit of skill in it since you'd have to try and block soon as they shoot you.

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Though the crafting system in Fallout 4 is awesome. I think there is a lot of room for improvement.
For instance. It would be awesome if you could break down legendary items and remove the mod that gives it it's legendary status. Then combine it with other legendary components.
For instance. A legendary Sniper scope for Critical Hits, a legendary Receiver for increased damage, a legendary Barrel for increased Range, and a legendary Stock for increased Stability ect ect.
These legendary components should themselves be modifyable to increase their statistics. For instance if different grades of base materials were added to the game. (Steel, Steel alloy, Titanium, Adamantium, ect ect)
I also think the Armor Penetration stat on weapons should be removed, and something like Caliber X, and Ammo Crafting should be added to the game. This would give us standard ammo, AP, FMJ, JHP ect ect.
Also, rechambering a gun for a different caliber should require the changing of the Barrel, not just the Receiver.
I also would enjoy it if higher level components were color coded like in MMO's. I.E. Grey for Common, Green for Uncommon, Blue for Rare, and Purple for Legendary. I think this would add a lot of enjoyment to hunting for components.
This just might dethrone Borderlands for it's bazillion gun claim.
The same could, and should be done for food, chem, armor, and base building items.


I realize this is something that would require the G.E.C.K, and a s*** ton of work, but IMHO it would be freaky awesome.

Edited by RangerHawk
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A brightness/ gamma slider would be nice.

Make it so you can rebind keys so I don’t keep throwing grenades when I am trying to weapon bash and I want the V key for VATS god dammit!

Setting to turn of the immersion breaking diagonal ‘hit’ lines that appear when you are shooting at someone (for those that do not use the cross hairs).

Configurable gore so that exploding limbs can be switched off for bullet hits if you want it.

Able to wear any cloths you like under armour and helmets with gas masks.

Weapons sway and recoil settings for when not using scopes.

Configurable setting for weapons damage.

Configurable Primary needs.

Configurable settings for loot by category.

Configurable item degradation/repair option.

Configurable pacing settings for experience.

Option for First aid kits for crippled limbs instead of hydraesh limb regeneration.

Ability to deselect auto health regeneration.

The ability to make camp.

POV option for head gear and glasses.

Sunglasses that are NOT mirrored.

Sensible item spawning so pipe weapons are not found in sealed off pre-war locations.

Configurable followers so you can have more than one.

Clothing to be able to be added and removed in your favourites.

Allow you to use vehicles so you do not need to fast travel… ‘By the Nine’ you had horses in Skyrim (and Oblivion even) why not a slow bike (worn out parts and off road) in F4!!!!???


Now they have made the models be more expressive in their movements remove the frightening distortions around the mouth and neck when female characters are talking.


Make it so Piper doesn’t look like she is on a cat walk when wearing full combat armour.

Please take any duplications with ealrier posts a +1 vote for that feature.



Edited by Laz3456
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