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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?


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Old Fallout player here.

The kind of guy who was (and still is) generally dismissed as "looking at everything with nostalgia goggles" when explaining why FO3 is a heresy with a TERRIBLE plot.



Unfortunately it's hard to find RPG games with real depth anymore. I do love the way Bethesda manage to meld an RPG and a FPS extremely well. That's rarely done correctly (look at DAII and DAI as perfect examples of how to really screw up an RPG franchise.)


I tried over and over again since the games came out to play Fallout and Fallout 2, and I can't get more than a few hour into them. I just can't stand the purely turn-based combat and slow slow slow slow slow slow gameplay. And this is coming from someone who LOVES the old Baldur's Gate and IWD games and still plays them to this day. But Fallout and Fallout 2. No way, just no way.


Since you know those games, please tell me there is a MOD or some kind of secret re-write somewhere that allows them to play something like Baldur's gate. I very much want to play them, but after trying them at least a dozen times over the years, I know I'll never do it unless I can change the pace of combat and movement and the sheer amount of clicking on tiny buttons.

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Fallout 4 core mechanics are great. It's a wonderfull game for modders and deserve the "Sandbox" label. BUT ...


It has been probably ruined by the Team in charge of the port on PC. You can't just Copy/Paste Controls/ Memory management from a Console to a PC. You can't tell your KB/mouse to act as a Gamepad and much more, you can't expect a 970/980 or R9 rendering compared to a 7870's console GPU rendering ...


Well Bethesda PC team in charge clearly despise PC users.


If you want a good PC port. You have to wait at least 2 years extra. It may also cost more. How peachy does that sounds to you?

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Fallout 4 core mechanics are great. It's a wonderfull game for modders and deserve the "Sandbox" label. BUT ...


It has been probably ruined by the Team in charge of the port on PC. You can't just Copy/Paste Controls/ Memory management from a Console to a PC. You can't tell your KB/mouse to act as a Gamepad and much more, you can't expect a 970/980 or R9 rendering compared to a 7870's console GPU rendering ...


Well Bethesda PC team in charge clearly despise PC users.


If you want a good PC port. You have to wait at least 2 years extra. It may also cost more. How peachy does that sounds to you?



It really doesn't take that long to make a good port. You are probably thinking about GTA V - and if it took that long, that means that's how long it takes! But no, it doesn't really.

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Not at all. It all up to the game.


But most ports are made after bulk of the patches roll out. With every new Beth game, the longer we have to wait for the patches. Let not forget how big beth games are in scale to others. So that will take quite the time. Beta patch still going on.


Not saying that I would not like that move. But I hardly trust Beth to make a better UI and HUD than a modded one. Right after oblivion, which only fault was big text, they started making bad UI and HUDs and never stopped. Not worth a year wait, because I know will be using a PC, and that modders will make a better UI and HUD no matter what Beth makes.


There is also controls, optimization, ultra setting etc. Then the dlc next.


Let them focus on making a better game.

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Hate is a strong word, but if i would have to describe my disappointment with FO4 with as few words as possible it would sound like this :


"Fallout 4! The political correct post apocalyptic FPS , a game for the whole family!"


Bethesda took no risks and played everything save and nothing about this is compatible with the Fallout universe.


Not to mention how bad it looks without any mods and the usual Bethesda bugs like they are in every game from them...

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"Fallout 4! The political correct post apocalyptic FPS , a game for the whole family!"
Bethesda took no risks and played everything save and nothing about this is compatible with the Fallout universe.

Can anyone makes games of that nature anymore? Everyone says it should have stuff you can do in two first fallout games, but this not the 80s-2000. Hardly anyone can get away with all that stuff.


GTA games are always in court, think of older two fo games. Those two were really hardcore with the stuff you can do. If Beth made a fallout game like the first two games, their asses will not be spared. The people will rage so hard, s*** will go down.


I mean look at dead and alive, it may never be translated because the devs are SCARED. Same for dark souls games, the name was dark rings, but it mean a**hole so they changed to souls. And you want child murder, beating up wife/husband, became a porn star and sex themes and hell more? Yeah right.


Fallout 4 is very big and has a lot of coverage, they will have no chance to hide anything. Some people are so pissed because you can't be in a gay couple in a 50s version of america, to the point it almost reached the newspapers. Seems bright!


They are also not the exports in such stuff and never made mature themed games anyways. So it just trouble down the line. I hardly blame them.




A lot of the criticism levelled at DAI is fair and I sincerely hope Bioware take it on board for ME:Andromeda and the next DA game.
However, I will say one thing. If you ever feel like giving it another go there are a lot of good mods out there now that remove much of the grindy horrible busy work - like making all the war table missions complete immediately, and another one that makes the camera zoom in more when you're talking to people so you're not stuck in the rafters somewhere.

The problem is that DA:I is hardly replay-able. I don't wish to do all the quests, reading, and talking to all the asshat people I will save again.

I may play the next one however if it has some of the same npcs and better gameplay.

Edited by Boombro
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I do love the way Bethesda manage to meld an RPG and a FPS extremely well.



I don't. In fact, for me, this so-called "merge" of an RPG and FPS has basically ruined the game for me. If I wanted to play an FPS I'd go play an FPS. I wanted to play an RPG and this isn't an RPG any more. It's a real shame, too, because it has (IMHO) an excellent RPG story line and a lot of excellent RPG type quests in it so far.


If they had made a lot of the FPS elements things that you could enable and disable in a setup menu, I wouldn't have minded at all that the default setting for the game is an FPS. As long as I could enable a hardcore mode and set characters to killable, I'd be happy. The lack of a hardcore mode like FNV had is a real RPG killer for me. It really ruins a lot of the realism and role play. A hardcore mode can be added fairly easily by mods once the GECK comes out, but the un-killable NPCs that you need to advnace the story lines also ruin the role playing aspects of it. You should have to worry and fret and jump through hoops to keep your companions alive. It adds an extra challenge to the game and makes it much more realistic. Lobbing missiles at a super mutant with Piper standing right next to him, knowing that all that is going to happen is that Piper is going to sit down, is just moronic. Piper should get blown to bits, along with the mutant. If that screws up your quest line, well, you just did it to yourself. The problem here is that the game expects Piper, Valentine, etc. to be un-killable, and making them killable via a mod will completely break the game quests since they aren't designed to handle it.


I've read a lot of complaints about the game's graphics. For me, I think the graphics are great. I have no complaints there.

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I've been very skeptical of F4 since the beginning, but I had to admit to myself that I was wrong on most counts.

I especially liked the idea of Critical Hit being finally made into an active resource rather than being the usual lazy RNG.

On the story side Bethesda was quite brave.
They portrayed the 3 sides of politics very accurately instead of pandering, showing that they aren't bending over to lobbyists who want gaming to be uniformed to their ideology.
New Vegas - as much as I loved it gameplay-wise - built some pretty big strawman on the other side of the river, as well as closing you out of a large portion of the game should you pick the wrong side.
This doesn't happen in Fallout 4, the ending you pick has realistic outcomes, there is no sloppy "Mary Sues vs Devils" binary storyline, everyone has flaws and there is no attempt to manipulate you into one ideology.

My only real complaint is the lack of content. 130ish quests is nothing. New Vegas had I think 220ish.

NV also had more locations and way, way more weapons.

Why is this a big flaw? Because everything else we can mod in, but well-scripted quests and locations are hard to make.

Furthermore, Todd lied saying it was bigger than Skyrim and with more stuff, it's clearly not. I don't like being lied to.

Yeah I know, Todd lying is not newsworthy but still.

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