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-Mod Wishlist- (what would "you" like to see in f4 ?)


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My wishlist is ease of use and immersion oriented (kinda long, but some ideas I haven't seen anywhere else):

SkyUI-like UI revamp with the search text field, because I love searching a single item in 300 junk items in my inventory... NOT!

Ability to remove quest items without going console. For example the Cambridge Polymer Labs quest leaves items like "Hydrochloric Acid" in the inventory. Yes, we all carry whole tanks of disturbingly corrosive acids with us at all times... Why does this stay in the inventory after the quest? This is kind of thing that triggers my OCD in the game.

We need a settlement revamp, I need to be able to edit the supply routes without waiting for the settler to come back to assign it to another job, that's a big problem right now. Also unlimited size building and up the citizen cap on pc...
Maybe include interior cells in settlements, like basements? Assing beds and rooms to settlers... Why are they sleeping in MY Sanctuary House? Elevators? Why can't we clear and use Vault 111 to store valuables instead of cheap metal boxes outdoor for raiders to see? Hell, why not make our own vault? XD

Companions are more intelligent this time around, but it would be nice to tell them to search for items like junk (all kinds), or even specific (the tagged for search system?), and ammo. All that so we don't have to fill our inventory, then dump on companion, continue filling our inventory, fast travel to camp, store all junk, get junk from companion inventory, store junk again... This is way too tedious at the moment to click on every single junk item to transfer it between companion and the Sole Survivor's inventory because the "transfer all" seems to transfer all their equipped items, armor and all. -_-

Right now, only "Junk" is accessible in supply routed settlements, why not everything, gear, weapons, produce? That's how a settlement that is farm oriented could nourish another down the line in exchange for water or caps for example.

We definitely need to be able to really clear settlements, right now Sanctuary has all that people, but sooooo much weeds all over the place, couldn't Codsworth do that easily, keep the grass trimmed. Maybe make it a quest with a need for fertilizer to get the original grass back? The houses that can be completely scrapped leave behind foundations that do not fit with the dimensions of building pieces, also they don't offer to snap so we can have walls even with the foundation...

We should be able to invest work in a real carpenter NPC to make new building pieces... (We have magazines to unlock building broken picket fences, yet we find so much wood and paint cans...) Humanity in 2277 should be able to make new wood planks from trees, yet the best we do is raider level junk houses... So this NPC could restore the houses in Sanctuary to a near mint condition, requiring rare ressources, time, and caps. Right now it rains inside every building we make, we can make sci-fi OP guns but not a roof?... This would in turn make the happiness rating go up. Eventually, the settlers could wear better, newer clothing. In turn, these "richer" folks would also make investment profitable by increasing the settlement income. This also means we would need way more items of furniture to match, real toilets and showers that work, could give a positive buff "clean". Why not make a new "smelting" crafting station to make NEW furniture out of the materials instead of stuff that has witnessed the war? Heck, many models already exist in the game thanks to the intro and vaults...

This could also make a new dynamic, the poor and richer folks. Some settlements would stay rather poor and become the farms for bigger, richer settlements, in exchange of protection. The rich folks bring better gear, more caps and attract better vendors... Just ideas. Abernathy Farms is a farm, not a military complex. Sanctuary should stay a bigger settlement, being a neighborhood after all. Just logic. Speaking of farming, only 5 crops? We should have unmutated equivalents. You know in northern Europe they built a bunker to store Humanity's grains in a cryo facility in case of a major conflict and need to rebuild in the aftermath. I wish I made it up. Why not make a legendary vault that contains these precious unmutated crops? ;P So real Tomatoes, Wheat, etc... and more! Maybe real cows from cryo sperm in vault in a brahmin to repopulate real beef. Because Cryo is already lore friendly.

I'd like to see a needs mod, with hunger, thirst, sleep, and maybe cleanliness to steer infections away (We have an "Antiseptic" junk object, so yeah...) The new showers from the settlement overhaul would then be a good thing! The player would have a chance to catch a cold if standing in the rain, lowering stamina etc...

Why does the character have such disgustingly dirty underwear? We have new Vault 111 suits at the start of the game, can't the player use the soap bars, or Abraxo detergent he finds to wash his briefs? Here again, the washing machines in the settlement overhaul would be an optional power up buff, maybe get Codsworth to wash all gear deposited in a container so when it's clean it gives a powerup for a couple ingame days. Gives a reason to try out different armors and clothes sometimes!


Maybe assign compagnions to auto-make recipes. Curie could auto make select recipes at a chemistry station...

Could we have a functional railway system to exchange stuff with settlements securely and faster? Also could be an immersive fast travel option, like the vertibirds. Not a fan of abusing the magic fast travel button.


Sending armored settlers to "cleared" locations to scavenge the remaining junk inside. I realize that this much more junk coming in could be balanced by changing recipes for more required items...

Companions waypoints!!! Ability to call them anywhere, we could find them a pip-boy equivalent to communicate from a distance...

Since nude models are coming, we do have "cloth" physics for hair and clothes. No more wooden-statue fixed male junk. Just don't make it hyper bouncy, realism is in the details. Female breasts also don't need to bounce all over the place.


Also, wouldn't it be possible with so much technology to revive our wife/husband? They're put back on ice so fast that the brain didn't have time to break down. With so much unused dialogue in a playthrough, can't we make something cool with that? Maybe involve making them a Gen 3 synth with the original brain in it so a super android badass companion!

Thanks for reading all the way through, had to type all ideas that came! :D

Edited by TwilightOne
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My Stealth/Sniper character wish list.


1 - A mod that allows you to go prone and a perk that gives scoped rifles a range and damage bonus while prone. Or a perk that allows you to go prone with said bonus.


2 - Ghillie Suits with added bonus (or perk) that makes undectetable while prone in grass.


3 - Ghillie camo for rifles.


4 - Bows and arrows, blow guns and various other "stealth" ranged weapons.


5 - Different kind of poisions that can be applied darts and arrows. Such as KO or sleeping, making an npc stop looking for you/confussion ect ect.

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I would like to see one major improvement...the ability to make buildings in your settlement go past the 4 story (or however much it is) height limit. Imagine 8 to 10 stories! But I would also like to keep it realistic...the higher you build, the more area there has to be in the base level to keep it stable. You know those high winds...

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DayZ like survival conversion mod. You start a new game and spawn on a random location on the map. No quest,no NPC except some raiders,and a LOT of ghoul. we have to go around and find food,water,meds,weapons,etc... to stay alive.

The ghouls in FO4 are just perfect,a mod like this could be so fun.

edit:also very rare power armors with low power fusion core.

Edited by Martinus3000
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Mod to allow all settlement objects to colide, or at least all the "junk" wall peices.


If someone could make junk walls colide with the ground and with other objects, that would be great.


Quick Idea to implement somthing close; make a clone of the concrete floors, give it the same model of a junk wall- then shrink the edges of the colision box so they can visually intersect while still providing a block to pathing raiders.

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Something like Skyrim's racemenu mod. Being able to tweak all vertexes and to morph the faces to make the character more personal. Follower Mods would be great. Think of Skyrim's Amazing Follower Tweaks. And I'd like a rideable horse mod. You could do something with the Skyrim horse files, although I gotta admit I think the horse models and animations from Skyrim are awful. Other than that animation replacers. I nearly puked when I saw the jumping animation in F4. Thanks.
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  On 11/12/2015 at 11:36 AM, C0NN0R said:

Show equipped weapons on the player model. I seriously don't get why they would remove this. I would rather see it clip in terrain and float an inch from the player model than just be gone altogether.




all the other sugestions seems irelevant in comparison to this one

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