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So basically Hillary has won NY by the same margins she beat Obama in 08 , 57% to 43% . If you look at the electoral map her wins are all centered around Wall St and the financial district of NYC . It will be business as usual in Washington for another 8 years it appears.


Bernie had to come closer (say 2 - 3 points for him to have reasonable chance). Now people are going to believe he cant win in closed Democratic primaries and momentum is going to lean in Hillary's favor. If it was an open primary story would likely have been different.


For the general election its likely Hillary will win , mostly because the Republican choices are just so bad . Its strange before the primary season began the Republican side did polls as to who was the least liked candidates and Trump and Cruz were near at the very bottom and now its those 2 who lead . In my whole life I have never seen anything like this from the Republican side . (Sure upsets , but not this total inversion from where things began)

Edited by Harbringe
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So basically Hillary has won NY by the same margins she beat Obama in 08 , 57% to 43% . If you look at the electoral map her wins are all centered around Wall St and the financial district of NYC . It will be business as usual in Washington for another 8 years it appears.


Bernie had to come closer (say 2 - 3 points for him to have reasonable chance). Now people are going to believe he cant win in closed Democratic primaries and momentum is going to lean in Hillary's favor. If it was an open primary story would likely have been different.


For the general election its likely Hillary will win , mostly because the Republican choices are just so bad . Its strange before the primary season began the Republican side did polls as to who was the least liked candidates and Trump and Cruz were near at the very bottom and now its those 2 who lead . In my whole life I have never seen anything like this from the Republican side . (Sure upsets , but not this total inversion from where things began)



At least you are sensible enough to concede at this point that Sanders has almost no path to victory now. You would be surprised how many people I know in real life who support Sanders go into total denial when trying to make any argument that it's virtually almost an impossibility for Sanders to come out beating Clinton from this point on.


Clinton didn't just defeat Sanders in the State of New York, She defeated him in a state which the Sanders campaign has been opening raving on for weeks as a must win state for them. Sanders spent over $5 million more in this state then the Clinton campaign even having the "strongest ground game" for victory. 94% of the vote has been accounted for since I last checked, at minimum Clinton has beaten Sanders by over 16 points in New York.

Edited by colourwheel
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I am sure there are a host of republicans out there thinking that folks will vote for anyone OTHER THAN Hilary....... Which really isn't too far from the truth. It seems that a fair few folks will vote along party lines, regardless of how bad their candidate is, or how good the 'other guys' is...... While I don't really want Trump as president.... I REALLY don't want Hilary either....... I have voted a straight democratic ticket the last eight years, but, that is due to change this year. Obama has simply left a bad taste.

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I'm not looking for a President that will make me feel like, "Mommies Home!".

I'm not looking for President who has been Christianized!

I am not looking for a President that has arisen from the suppressed, oppressed, and slaughtered Jewish People!

Nor do I really need a President, although I might need a Skyscraper one day, I don't want a President who can build an Ivory and Gold tower to rise up high with lots of apartments so the farmlands, far, far away doesn't get trampled by over population.

I am continuing to eye the U. S. of A. and look for a candidate who will give our people, of the U. S. of A., a hand with the work it takes to keep civility and decency in our, already crowded, country so we don't become even more like the countries who are overpopulated and have from MY OWN HETEROSEXUAL experiences what I call, The starvation for parenthood, sex, and a need to have babies to keep their sense of humanity".

Where are you???

I can feel you, because I am becoming more aware of your kindred spirit while l keep learning how people treat me. If I want anyone to be president of the U. S. of A. it would be someone with the qualifications and the ability to stop those who are encroaching upon my genealogical rite's and Citizenship Rights and keep them from causing me to suffer anymore from more of their Temporal Encroachments, Structural Encroachments, and Destruction of my Private Property.

I'm not playing a football game. I am an owner of a piece of dirt with two buildings on it and the neighbor's prefer couples that they can engage with and even have parties with over, me, a male struggling with all the injuries from life, boot camp, and the street until I was able to afford a cheap and simple broken down property.

When will you raise up and show everyone you exist?

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