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Future mod.. Adjust the pitch of voice...


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Well, i really doesnt know how it would work, doesnt know much about mods but..

A mod in witch you could on the character creation, Adjust the Pitch of the voice, just a little, to make it more high or low...
Kuz, i loved the voice acting in the game, but Brians voice just dont match with an big muscular bald militery guy.. It's just too clean, maybe an more low voice could do the trick?

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I highly doubt this would be possible to implement via an in game menu or anything like that. I don't really see any practical way of doing this.


Every audio file of PC dialogue would need to be edited in an audio program such as Audacity.

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It depends on what the creation kit will allow you to do. Audio playback rate does drop with time in VATS so the engine has the capability. Whether that can be applied to individual channels and not just the master output would be an issue. Lip sync data is combined with audio files so that could be another possible issue for such a mod.


Another matter to address is that dropping pitch simply by slowing audio doesn't sound realistic if applied to real world sounds. One is best employing a formant and pitch shifter in combination. Then we need to decide whether alias frequencies are a problem or not. If so, we will want to apply anti-alias filtering on the fly and that will produce latency - possibly destroying sync with the animation.


There is much to consider for a mod like this.

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It is possible, just means editing every voice file belonging to the main character dozens of times and using the geck to link the new pitch to the assigned voice files. Certainly a long drawn out process, but it is not impossible. Quite easy actually. Just very very very much a time consumer.

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