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Settlement attack notification


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Is there ANY way of making this more obvious? Usually the first I know about this is when I am told that I have failed so I must return to an older save and then go there. damn well annoying and I am hoping that there is an easy solution that I have missed.

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Why is there no option to send the Minutemen or a another faction to do that bidding for me? Especially on the minutemen side of things, because you're a goddamn general and you have to haul ass halfway across the wasteland to finish a small skirmish for people yourself.


At no point in this game have I felt like a true leader in any sense of the word. I'm told that these people "join" the minutemen, and I'm told this faction is growing, so why can't I see it? Why can't I have any semblance of power as a general to do this work for me?


Show. Don't tell, Bethesda.

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