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Static AA shimmer? z-fighting/idk


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I get alot of constant shimmering/flickering in the game. Mostly on straight edges and large distant objects. It's like AA shimmer but I have never seen that happen while standing still.
here is a video of a bridge doing it in the distance. Reminds me of z-fighting but no one else seems to really be complaining about it. My friend stood in the same spot and said he didn't get the effect. Please ignore the Starcraft stream in the backround I did not realize my mic was on.




I have tweaked about every graphics option I can.
780 ti
16 gb ram
windows 8.1

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You are not the only one talking about it! I too find it unbelievably annoying. At least, I expect we are possibly looking at two symptoms of the same issue.




But we may just be (unfortunately) more perceptive than most. I mean, I'm guessing that you notice things like TV pictures in the wrong aspect-ratio and stereo speakers that are out, etc. I'm always surprised that not only do most people not *care* about these things, most people seem to be legitimately unable to even *notice* such things (which maybe explains all the 16x9 HD TVs in bars showing stretched 4x3 ratio images: something I can't stand to watch for even a few minutes).


Maybe this is like Skyrim's Eye Adaptation fiasco that drove some people nuts and had to be fixed later on with SKSE mods. But I sure hope, one way or another, that we figure this out and fix it!

Edited by Mr_SpongeWorthy
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