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Turning Lights On or Off at Night?


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There are switches. Just have no idea how you would automate their activation. The inclusion of switches really does feel like an afterthought. You can rig a pressure plate to turn on the remaining parts of a circuit when triggered, but cannot rig a pressure plate to turn off things. Nor can you cause one switch to trigger another switch or change the state of another object, such as generators.

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Yeah, if talking about town construction, erh. .....there does not appear to be any sort of solar panel to do like I did in minecraft. Yuck!

There is windpower and it more space saving. You will need a lot of space for solar panels.


Not as power generation, but as a way to detect time of day.


You can technically create a switch situation using a pressure plate under the food stall (where the vendor stands) that would only keep the lights and anything else wired after the plate running during daytime. But probably wouldn't be able to do the opposite.

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  • 5 years later...

This has a timer switch: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19192

You wire it like this: [Generator/Power Source]---->[Timer Switch]----->[Lamps or other consumers]

You can use a terminal to program the timer switch, if memory serves right.

But be careful with the other stuff in there, some of it causes the scrap crash - The timer switch, however, doesn't.

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