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Database Breach - An Update


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Glad to hear it. Not out of concern for my passwords (they're not likely to be cracked) but for this site and its community. Furthermore, your honesty has been greatly appreciated. Still, I'd like to know how I can follow updates on the results of the dsound.dll issue, as I did obtain that through one of the F4 mods. While I immediately removed the files and ran scans, as stated in the recent posts, that doesn't count for much at the moment.
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Think ppl using more secured and complex passwords should be a no-brainer these days especially for modders who upload their work onto the site for others to download and install. Because if you place yourself into the shoes of a hacker or whoever wants to do these bad things, u would want to seek and target modders' accounts, slip in malicious files into the mod and let hundreds if not thousands of ppl to download and install it. True Nexus has security in place to scan these files before they go live but never say never. If federal government systems can be hacked, guess what they can do with other sites.


But it's good to know Nexus has and is taking steps to make their site more secure and safer.

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