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are Nazis really welcomed here on Nexus?


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I must say I am quite disgusted to see various mods for Fallout 4 promoting Nazi symbols, armors, tattoos, etc.

Is this really a place where those (imho) degenerates are tolerated and maybe even welcomed. At least one of them gets 10+ votes (I know compared to other modes that's next to nothing but to me that's at least 11 votes to many) and I really think this is quite depressing. It's not like those mods are made for enemy factions but factions the player character can join and be (feel) part of.

It's a pity there is no tag like 'nazi lover' or something along those lines. At least I would have a chance to block such content in my configuration...


While in general I am quite tolerant for other peoples views of the world/sexual and even religious preferences, this is something that I really can't understand (both seeing those mods here and the apparent fact nobody else seems to be bothered by it). But I suppose this stuff is covered by the general rules of acceptance here....



still I needed to get this off my chest as it really makes me angry every time I one of those mods.

make what you will of it

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http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2889 for example.


I don't know if I'm the one to be pitied or the three of you, thinking supporting this kind of fashism fascism* is something to be ignored, especially considering the current tendency of the people to vote for right-wing extremist views in far too many countries.

guess this ignorant attitude explains a lot of history...


[Edit]* corrected for a) Linspuppy having a point that this word should definitely not be misspelled and b) all those who think that orthography is more important that what the discussion is all about. whatever... I give up and stick with Einstein's quote of universe and infinity and some other stuff I'm too stupid and senstive to remember.

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http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2889 for example.


I don't know if I'm the one to be pitied or the three of you, thinking supporting this kind of fashism is something to be ignored, especially considering the current tendency of the people to vote for right-wing extremist views in far too many countries.

guess this ignorant attitude explains a lot of history...


Politics have nothing to do with this. Don't try to muddy an already controversial issue.


First if you want to be against something...it is FASCISM. Since I spell things wrong all the time I usually don't get upset but really, that one I couldn't let go.


Now, just because someone makes a mod with historical symbolism doesn't make them supporters of Nazism or Fascism or any other -ism.


Many times these types of mods are looked at in several ways. Is there obvious intent by the mod author to make trouble, troll, spread hate, etc. Does the mod author put the symbols (clothes, etc) in for shock value alone or does it make sense? How does the mod author respond if at all to criticism? Is this causing the Nexus un-do issues?


Many more things are considered. The Nexus is a private site and will follow the laws of the UK. They review reported files but they do not censor mods as a matter or course. They also do not leave mods up that are causing issues as a matter or course at times. I am anti-censorship and I argued both as a member and moderator against removal of files that some found completely unacceptable. Ultimately it is Dark0ne's final decision on these things. If you find a file unacceptable, report it and move on. Commenting in the file thread or calling things out in the open forum is not the way to go here. It just stirs up more drama than is needed and people jump in without really knowing all that is going on.


So report these files and let the moderation team look into it per the Terms of Service and the site owner can weigh in if he think he needs to do so. If they are not removed you have a choice to block these authors and never see these again or move from the Nexus.

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Dude, you are playing game with options of mass murder, drugs, gore and child slavery and more. With mods to kill children, using babies and animals as ammo, and soon way more. And you are pissed about harmless tattoos and gear?


Report it and ignore it.

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sorry for the typo, first of all. English is not my native language, shouldn't have happened nonetheless.

Also sorry for voicing my opinion in the apparently wrong form and location. Since it was not about an individual mod/modder I thought it would be better to say something in the open than hidden behind a reporting button. But fair enough, if that's the way it should be done I will adhere to the rules. It was not meant to stirr any kind of unrest. Just opinion.


And believe me when I say that I am anti-censorship as well.... well, apparently only 99.5% of the time...


@Boombro: I want only tosay that I see a big difference between an obviously overly violent game an depicting a political party that, in the real world, stood for all of this as an applied philosophy (including all its consequences).


close this thread, I'll keep my opinion to myself in the future.

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http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2889 for example.


I don't know if I'm the one to be pitied or the three of you, thinking supporting this kind of fashism is something to be ignored, especially considering the current tendency of the people to vote for right-wing extremist views in far too many countries.

guess this ignorant attitude explains a lot of history...

I hear ya brother... In today's political climate (i'm in the US) the last thing I want to see in my game are symbols of bigotry and racial hate.

Having said that, of course these mods should exist!

There are many mods to choose and clearly this one is not getting loaded nor endorsed by me, however censorship is the tool of fascism, not free thinkers like us.

It occurred to me, perhaps they already are, but I would be in favor of tagging mods like this as adult.

Edited by NatasKrad
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