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Spouse Synth?


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A smart thought! Long blablabla incoming:


My understanding is that they shot your spouse, took your baby, and then turned the systems back on. At that point, your spouse might not even be technically dead, they'd be cryo-suspended in critical condition. Brain death won't have occurred yet if frozen fast enough after a gunshot to the torso. I seems to go quite quickly from your perspective.


If 'life support' is required for cryo-suspended people, that leads me to believe circulation and breathing are still occurring - just at a reduced rate. More like hibernation than being frozen solid. Sadly, spouse would bleed out slowly rather than quickly, and brain death due to lack of oxygen via blood would still result.


If somehow, spouse was suspended again before brain death, and cryo stasis was true-freezing (so as to prevent bleedout), you still have that life support failure problem. This killed off everyone else in the damn vault. Your spouse either then died directly due to lifesupport failure (and further failure to eject them from their pod), or they survived and woke up like you did, and promptly succumbed to their injury as their metabolism returned to normal, still failing to be ejected from their pod.


They're kind of up the creek either way - what I wanna know is how the heck your Sole Survivor isn't dead, or why none of the other pods auto-ejected their occupants. A synth spouse is just not gonna stack up to the real thing, that brain is g o n e.

Edited by Pthalo
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Everything is explained in the game, you know?



Why you're still alive is easy: they turned everything back on for your pod.


There was no life-support malfunction. The other vault inhabitants had their life support overridden and turned off, so they suffocated. As your computer will tell you. And later you get to learn that that team were under orders to murderize everyone except the baby and the backup, presumably to tie loose ends.


Which answers that question: yes, the fellows in the pods do need life support.


Also it's not clear why does anyone think they'd turn it on for the spouse, when he/she is among those to be killed.


There is no "auto-eject" feature. You were "ejected" manually by remote override, as the computer next to the pods will tell you. And later you'll even learn who turned you loose and why. Spoiler: you were no longer needed as a backup, and he wanted to see how long until you get killed. He didn't actually expect you to survive.


The spouse was already reviewed by the institute as dead, and you will get told it was collateral damage. And remember, those guys have the remote connection to the pods, so they would know if there still are life signs.




Plus, even if someone missed all the above, and cling to the notion that the wife/hubby was alive, consider this: you did open the pod. Even if they weren't dead yet, guess what happens when you open the pod? Yeah, they thaw and bleed out.


Plus, a coma isn't some magical time out. You can't just leave someone comatose in a basement, and just have them stay like that until the plot needs them. People in a coma still have a metabolism, and will still die if they're not put immediately on life support. There's a reason hospitals have an ICU, instead of just dumping unconscious people in a basement until they can be revived. If the spouse wasn't dead when you thawed them, they WILL be by the time you come back a month later.




Look, I understand that the story was going for anvillicious emotional impact, and I can get that some people are basically stuck at the "Denial" stage of Grief. But I hope more people realized how nonsensical the rationalizations are.

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just envisioning the cut scene where you pop the head off, drop in into a chem cooler and tote it off to the Institute

"I'm going to need a really sharp ice-cream scoop."


you could sell that with a liquid nitrogen dispenser to the super muties

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Major Spoilers ahead!

Let's go by what we know and we see.

60 years has passed. They were shot, presumably in the chest (as you can't see head damage), and sealed up again.


The spouse is unchanged. After 60 years.

If you go away and come back after building settlements into thriving towns - still no change has occurred.

Therefore, no decay has taken place. They are stable. They weren't thawed. Not sure what life support they need if they are kept frozen anyway - you aren't breathing!

So there's no reason you can't either transfer them to a synth body or even devise medical treatments for them. You can even look at re-using the other pods for patients with incurable diseases, and look at using your end-game resources - Curie, Virgil et al - to devise treatments. You not only have access to pre-war medical knowledge - but hundreds of years of development.

Heck, there's someone else you could do it for too.

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  • 6 years later...

Kellogg was able to speak to the Sole Survivor, using Detective Valentine's body, when all that was left of him was part of his brain. Granted, that was with the help of Dr. Amari and a cybernetic component in Kellogg's brain. Still, if the Institute and Dr. Amari were to work together: They might be able to download the memories and personality off of a dead brain.

For that matter, they might be able to download the memories and personality off of a feral ghoul's brain. There may be a cure for Oswald's friends after all!

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Kellogg was able to speak to the Sole Survivor, using Detective Valentine's body, when all that was left of him was part of his brain. Granted, that was with the help of Dr. Amari and a cybernetic component in Kellogg's brain. Still, if the Institute and Dr. Amari were to work together: They might be able to download the memories and personality off of a dead brain.


For that matter, they might be able to download the memories and personality off of a feral ghoul's brain. There may be a cure for Oswald's friends after all!

I think for the ferals, their brain is rotted away, and there just ain't no comin' back from that.....


Doc Amari apparently can access memories, whether they be synth, or human. We know she can reprogram synths, but, can she reprogram humans? I haven't seen any evidence of that.... No evidence of her erasing a humans memories either..... Sure, a synth uses an 'organic' brain, with some additions it would seem...... One would think, a simply x-ray would be able to determine synth or human....

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