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Fallout 4 longevity - GECK expectations?


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I think that the unique downloads numbers are accurate. Most people simply don't give a sh*t. They download the mod and don't even bother to endorse, which I find incredibly sad. No one can tell me that click on the endorse button a hard task is or that a cult mod like "Immersive Armors" which got downloaded almost 2 mio times was only good enough to get a 1:10 endorsement ratio.

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I think that the unique downloads numbers are accurate. Most people simply don't give a sh*t. They download the mod and don't even bother to endorse, which I find incredibly sad. No one can tell me that click on the endorse button a hard task is or that a cult mod like "Immersive Armors" which got downloaded almost 2 mio times was only good enough to get a 1:10 endorsement ratio.

Maybe they simply forget?

I mean, you only allowed to do it after 15 minutes. It common some may start playing, testing, tweaking and then forget about it. It just a normal day for me myself. Or they comment instead.

Edited by Boombro
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I think that the unique downloads numbers are accurate. Most people simply don't give a sh*t. They download the mod and don't even bother to endorse, which I find incredibly sad. No one can tell me that click on the endorse button a hard task is or that a cult mod like "Immersive Armors" which got downloaded almost 2 mio times was only good enough to get a 1:10 endorsement ratio.

Maybe they simply forget?

I mean, you only allowed to do it after 15 minutes. It common some may start playing, testing, tweaking and then forget about it. It just a normal day for me myself. Or they comment instead.


I said "most". As for the comments, while some are really constructive and grateful, it's mostly "I can't get it to work, halp pls!" or "Pls fix it" or "Is it compatible with X or Y ?", "Why don't you change this or that because it would be so cool". Then comes the modder and try to give a solution without even in most of the cases even getting a thank you. Just have a look at the comment pages.


You also get an ""endorsement reminder" by the Nexus, every time you download a new mod (this function is relatively new I admit, but it was already implemented as the Fallout 4 forum was created for example).


Oh and sorry, but "forgetting to endorse" is quite the lame excuse to justify lazyness and a certain lack of courtesy.

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Oh and sorry, but "forgetting to endorse" is quite the lame excuse to justify lazyness and a certain lack of courtesy.

Freedom of speech brah. Say whatever you feel like.

But it does happen. Don't worry, I get to it later on. I just have major memory issues.

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The thing that is really grinding my gears with these games is that we the player have to come up with the creativity to continue enjoying the game when it is supposed to be THEM the company that we PAID to come up with the creativity so WE can just enjoy the game. Why are we doing all the work with mods when they should have done it already? Yeah sure budgets blah blah just sounds like an excuse. I would make some car analogy here but I don't even want to get that creative in relation to fallout 4 anymore.


I'm starting to feel like Bethesda has done this on purpose, however not necessarily in a negative sense (changing perspective is everything). Despite the lack of a big main questline (seems to me the main questline is actually only a small portion of the game, maybe only 15% of what's available), there is *tons* for us to work with as a modding community. As the gameplay bugs are fixed, and once the GECK and DLCs finally hit, the base of components to work with for developing our own custom gaming experience is *astronomical*. This seems to be where FO4 really shines, so for the playerbase heavy into modding this game can go on into infinite possibilities of extended play. Whereas the vanilla players will end up stuck with the limited vanilla/DLC content. The content of the DLCs themselves seems to further support this theory, as they're supplying us with more 'building blocks' of components (areas, items, functionality, etc), rather than focusing on the quests and being limited to that strict line of play or whatever. I'd rather pay for the former than the latter, as this gives us a far greater wealth of possibilities to continue on after the big 'ending' that doesn't really end the game but rather solidifies a playstyle based on our faction choices (again emphasizing the building blocks theory).


The best thing for fallout 4 right now would be more fun side quests with a real story as well as improvements to how settlements work.

I really like to make settlements but the way it works right now feels so limmiting that I have a hard time finding myself doing it.

We would really need a mod that replaces the settlement building system with something more in line with the sims,

introduce a propper settllement management system with tools that support the job and have your settlements affect the surrounding world.

If you build big settlements and/or build in all settlements the world should react to that.

Sanctuary and Spectacle island can basically be made to something that challanges Dimond City as the best place to live.


I think the settlement system is already a good measure towards achieving just that, and personally I don't much care for Diamond City. Setting up your own shops and doing everything based out of the larger settlements like Sanctuary gives a much broader palette to work with versus being limited to the scripting and such from Diamond City NPCs and that tiny Home Plate house. I think at this point the only thing that can improve the settlement structure is raising the build/settler caps (which mods already manage for the most part) and further increasing the items and functionality available (such as mods like Homemaker, Simple Intersection or Place Everywhere, Automated Doors, creating custom NPCs/quests/areas, and the upcoming DLCs).




Moving on, I'm personally in the process of writing and organizing an extensive quest arc mod utilizing this same building blocks theory. I'm calling it the Ashes to Ashes Detective Agency, where I'm hoping to expand on the private detective playstyle. I'm currently writing the storyline/background rough draft and an outline for the various aspects of new/modified items (settlement buildings, weapons, armor, bench mods, aid/chems, the works), gameplay functionality, quests, NPCs, etc. I already have one mod author you'll all be familiar with (no spoilers just yet :ninja: ) that wants to help and need a few more for the team. I'll be writing up a more official casting call topic in the next few days, however in the meantime if anyone skilled in textures & modeling, scripting (for setting up new quests and NPCs etc), building/environment/map creation, voice acting (I saw the ongoing voice actor thread and will hit that up as well), art & illustration, writing (think detective stories/quests and npc dialogue), or the like is interested please send me a PM. We won't be able to fully dig into it until the GECK is released, but plenty to do in the meantime for prep work. I hope to turn this into an ongoing project to release additional quests as addon packs over time, so any help is appreciated.


If you want to talk about this please don't do it here (not trying to hijack this thread), I just thought it an ideal topic to reference it in. Send me a PM or note down your input/ideas/whatever to save for the official thread. I'll be posting it in the Mod Talk section in the next few days.

Edited by PhoenixKnight13
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The best thing for fallout 4 right now would be more fun side quests with a real story as well as improvements to how settlements work.

I really like to make settlements but the way it works right now feels so limmiting that I have a hard time finding myself doing it.

We would really need a mod that replaces the settlement building system with something more in line with the sims,

introduce a propper settllement management system with tools that support the job and have your settlements affect the surrounding world.

If you build big settlements and/or build in all settlements the world should react to that.

Sanctuary and Spectacle island can basically be made to something that challanges Dimond City as the best place to live.


I think the settlement system is already a good measure towards achieving just that, and personally I don't much care for Diamond City. Setting up your own shops and doing everything based out of the larger settlements like Sanctuary gives a much broader palette to work with versus being limited to the scripting and such from Diamond City NPCs and that tiny Home Plate house. I think at this point the only thing that can improve the settlement structure is raising the build/settler caps (which mods already manage for the most part) and further increasing the items and functionality available (such as mods like Homemaker, Simple Intersection or Place Everywhere, Automated Doors, creating custom NPCs/quests/areas, and the upcoming DLCs).




Moving on, I'm personally in the process of writing and organizing an extensive quest arc mod utilizing this same building blocks theory. I'm calling it the Ashes to Ashes Detective Agency, where I'm hoping to expand on the private detective playstyle. I'm currently writing the storyline/background rough draft and an outline for the various aspects of new/modified items (settlement buildings, weapons, armor, bench mods, aid/chems, the works), gameplay functionality, quests, NPCs, etc. I already have one mod author you'll all be familiar with (no spoilers just yet :ninja: ) that wants to help and need a few more for the team. I'll be writing up a more official casting call topic in the next few days, however in the meantime if anyone skilled in textures & modeling, scripting (for setting up new quests and NPCs etc), building/environment/map creation, voice acting (I saw the ongoing voice actor thread and will hit that up as well), art & illustration, writing (think detective stories/quests and npc dialogue), or the like is interested please send me a PM. We won't be able to fully dig into it until the GECK is released, but plenty to do in the meantime for prep work. I hope to turn this into an ongoing project to release additional quests as addon packs over time, so any help is appreciated.


If you want to talk about this please don't do it here (not trying to hijack this thread), I just thought it an ideal topic to reference it in. Send me a PM or note down your input/ideas/whatever to save for the official thread. I'll be posting it in the Mod Talk section in the next few days.



What I was reffering to was that the game has no reaction to you setting up two very large settlements which offers grater protection, more food, clean water etc. You would think that if someone built one of the largest cities in the world a few miles from your own town you'd talk about it. It would change your town. Who and what it trades etc

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What I was reffering to was that the game has no reaction to you setting up two very large settlements which offers grater protection, more food, clean water etc. You would think that if someone built one of the largest cities in the world a few miles from your own town you'd talk about it. It would change your town. Who and what it trades etc



Yeah, more/better functionality, interactivity, and awareness would be nice. That and maybe a revamp/fix of the current defense system so that having a high defense count encourages tougher levelled enemies to attack rather than avoiding attacks altogether. Long as the warning system doesn't fail that is... showing up at a settlement with all its defenses broken due to a missed raid that was never seen via notification is just ridiculous. The warning popups via Shaikujin's Better Alerts mod certainly makes a huge difference to that effect.

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What I was reffering to was that the game has no reaction to you setting up two very large settlements which offers grater protection, more food, clean water etc. You would think that if someone built one of the largest cities in the world a few miles from your own town you'd talk about it. It would change your town. Who and what it trades etc



Yeah, more/better functionality, interactivity, and awareness would be nice. That and maybe a revamp/fix of the current defense system so that having a high defense count encourages tougher levelled enemies to attack rather than avoiding attacks altogether. Long as the warning system doesn't fail that is... showing up at a settlement with all its defenses broken due to a missed raid that was never seen via notification is just ridiculous. The warning popups via Shaikujin's Better Alerts mod certainly makes a huge difference to that effect.


There is no point in having a settlement if you choose to not have that mod.

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