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Famous Last Words


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WOW! You have very white teeth. I can see you grin at me in this dark dungeon.


where the hell do you come from :O


for last words "hey come look at the view from this cliff".......or rather "hhhei cumluk at da vu from dis cliffffff"


dont drink too much scrumpy it does dodgy things to you.

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Aaahhh, yes, I know that I forgot something. Parachutist suit, tick! Parachutist helmet, tick! Parachutist boots, tick! Parachute? Oh no! I know I should have did the check list before I jumped out of the aircraft.
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Hey Mage! I have looted this black sword from a lead coffin a week ago it bears a black and yellow rune. Since then i have lost all my hair and nearly all of my teeth can you decipher it?

(This is the rune ::nuke:)

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